Post:Paladin Archtypes - 02/23/2015 - 22:40

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Re: Paladin Archtypes · on 02/23/2015 10:40 PM CST 3137
>>I don't think the point is shying away from the gods. We'll still have magic and stuff themed around the gods, and we'll still wield holy magic, which is inherently divine. Abilities are just not gods-centric which is probably the only way we can go if clerics are to remain the gods guild.

For my stake in the matter, it's not really a case where we need Paladins to inch away from the gods so much as that there's something of a thematic need for Paladins to approach the gods in some novel way. "Exemplar of the gods" is done, and done better, already in this game. So where can we take Paladins or even the notion of holiness that will be both thematically rich and fertile ground for a mechanical system?

This message was originally posted in The Paladins \ General Discussions, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.