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Post:Opinions Needed on Dyes and Dye-making - 05/06/2013 - 19:11

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Re: Opinions Needed on Dyes and Dye-making · on 05/06/2013 07:11 PM CDT 3583
I think I'm heading towards Alchemy producing pigments and Artistry turning those into dye colors and shades. A color might be orange, and a shade might be deep or brilliant, and applicable to numerous colors. Right now I have 110 colors and 35 shades in the system. Many of the basic pigments will be sold in stores.

Dyes themselves are completely coded and you'll probably begin seeing them with Guildfest. The NPC dyers are fixed in Dev and will work on new and old items. To balance the new systems, the revamped dye vendors have had their colors significantly reduced.

I did away with bleaching. Just too many extra steps.

Dyeing will use a new Dye tub tool. This tool has a potency, quality and duraiblity like other tools.

Dyes have a potency and a number of uses. You can POUR one use in a dye tub, or PUT all of the remaining dye into the dye tub. Dyes will combine if of the same type, otherwise you automatically empty/clean the tub in between color changes.

Dyeing an item will involve a skill check against Outfitting skill. Players will PUT an item into the dye tub and one of several outcomes will occur.

  • Success, uses up 1 volume * item size. ie. A 6" square item will use 1 unit of dye.
  • Success, uses up 2 volume * item size. ie. A 6" square item uses 2 units of dye.
  • Success, uses up 3 volume * item size. ie. A 6" square item uses 3 units of dye.
  • Success, but not enough dye in the tub so the dye is used up and the process fails.
  • Failure, uses up 1 volume * item size of dye.
  • Failure, uses up 2 volume * item size of dye.

The quality of the dye tub, durability left, and potency of the dye will all factor into the challenge. Artistry techniques will bonus the check and prevent wasting dye.

Well, I think that is it for now. Turned out to be a larger and deeper system than I had originally imagined, but those changes made it much more like the other crafting systems made to date.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ General Discussions - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.