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Post:One guess what this thread is about! - 12/29/2014 - 13:44

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Re: One guess what this thread is about! · on 12/29/2014 01:44 PM CST 6939
>> This is why we continue to complain. Otherwise it falls to the back of development (which it seems to have done), and it never sees the light of day. I hate these conversation as much as you hate reading them, but I feel like nothing will ever be done about it if they don't happen.

Because something is in development does not mean that it will never see the light of day. It's just more complicated and not something everyone can work on - it also wasn't more of a priority then say fixing magic or 3.0 changes because for the most part, the system is working. Making blanket statements about the quality of game development because one portion of one area isn't working how you like it - That is insulting to staff.

Does it mean that it won't be changed in the future? not at all. That's why it's in development. Asking in the Policy folder for an update on something is perfectly fine, but that's not what this thread is about.

The thread started because Rifkinn didn't like being killed by Netherlich.

You are open, you exchange words with someone who's guarded - that's RP between the two of you. The understanding is that you are dealing with someone who doesn't like PvP unless it's part of the RP situation between your two characters.

The guarded player responses by giving the open player the interaction he's told everyone he likes, which is PVP any time any place.

Someone dies, situation over. Walk away or train more and deal with it between yourselves in an IC way. (Don't tell me you're a helpless empath, I'll get Zamara in here after you.)

Now, if player A doesn't want to deal with Player B on an OOC level, he doesn't want to deal with them. That's a WARN situation.

Someone guarded who decides to kill "all" the empaths, in front of the empath guild, is not operating in the spirit of being guarded.

Urtiel, did you just tell me I'm not a 'real GM'? I'm not going to fight with you because your feelings are hurt by being called a tattletale. Can't make me hate u.

This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character, by DR-ANNWYL on the forums.