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Post:One guess what this thread is about! - 12/29/2014 - 13:44
Re: One guess what this thread is about! · on 12/29/2014 01:44 PM CST | 6939 |
>> This is why we continue to complain. Otherwise it falls to the back of development (which it seems to have done), and it never sees the light of day. I hate these conversation as much as you hate reading them, but I feel like nothing will ever be done about it if they don't happen.
Urtiel, did you just tell me I'm not a 'real GM'? I'm not going to fight with you because your feelings are hurt by being called a tattletale. Can't make me hate u. | |
This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character, by DR-ANNWYL on the forums. |