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Post:One guess what this thread is about! - 12/29/2014 - 11:51

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Re: One guess what this thread is about! · on 12/29/2014 11:51 AM CST 6931
>>Im sure most people know by now that i wont report people. I will not wast GM's time in game for some little conflict that involves me and one other person. (thats what the boards are for, right Annie ;))

Actually, no. At some point ya'all decided it's a good idea to rat out players on the forums to avoid violating that stupid 'street cred' code you made up.

Bringing these tattletale discussions to the forums still wastes GM time. Hello, GM over here.

>> policy fail

Sometimes you don't win in a conflict. Being upset that you can't now retaliate against someone bigger than you, when you said "Hey I am OK with this" seems to be disingenuous on a few levels.

Are you claiming the Profile system is bad because you lost? Or is it just the parts that you don't like because you can't 'press the win button' and bring someone else in to fight your battle? Really? Think about how that sounds.

>> Other posts

Throwing out the 'what ifs' is just annoying. Getting a ruling on the forums about an IG situation is Not going to happen. Read News 5 24 and 5 25 and use your best judgment.

Bringing forum disagreements or RL disagreements into the game - let me just caution you, it won't go the way you like.

The threat to abuse IG tools to annoy staff because you don't like the policy is not going to go how you want.

The mechanics for first strike/open are apparently more complicated than stealing/thumping. (They don't let me near coding for reasons.) Will Profile mechanics remain exactly how they are forever? probably not. It's how it is.

Meanwhile we have empirical evidence that for the most part, the policy is working. If you want more 'fool proof' ways of making sure your targets aren't going to be upset on an OOC level over IG actions? Use WARN.

This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character, by DR-ANNWYL on the forums.