Post:Oh the depression. - 12/17/2009 - 1:31:41

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Re: Oh the depression. · on 12/17/2009 1:31:41 AM 18971
Zeyurn just informed me that the Perception penalty at night has been removed. He also reminds me he told me about this in the past, but it somehow slipped past my brain and out the other ear.

So, uh, yeah.

Two options.

1) I can figure out something else for Tenebrous Sense do.

2) I'm willing to call Tenebrous Sense a failed experiment at this point. Remove the spell, give you a night-vision cantrip (no extra bells and whistles, just the ability to see in the dark) in its place.



This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages (24) \ General Discussions - Moon Mages (3), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.