Post:Occupation? Stand-up Philosopher - 10/16/2009 - 20:39:48

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Re: Occupation? Stand-up Philosopher · on 10/16/2009 8:39:48 PM 11506
>>I think we've been given a good sense that magical research is not so much dangerous as it is impossibly dull...

It can be both! But yes, more dull than dangerous unless the individual is working on sorcery or some wild new principle.

Magic to Elanthians is a natural force that they've spent thousands of years harnessing -- some of the longer lived races have spent centuries personally working on it. Pure magic to a magician is more like constructing a circuit board than a hoary occult ritual.

The dangerous, strange and wondrous happens when magic becomes impure and we start tossing things like prophetic powers, affinity to the elemental planes, the attention of the gods, Thanatological rites, etc. into the mix. Every guild has something that complicates their magic and causes the rules to twist, and these confounding forces often aren't nearly as well understood (or even quantifiable by mortal minds) as mana lines and matrices.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ General Discussions - Events in General (OOC) (5), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.