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Post:New LTB Update? - 02/20/2012 - 23:52

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Re: New LTB Update? · on 02/20/2012 11:52 PM CST 1212
>What I would like to find out is with Fang Cove's release, are there plans in the not too distant future to release new LTB rewards on any scale?

I can only speak for the stuff I'm personally involved with. As to revamp of existing bungalow items and other projects, I have no comment. That said...

Since the older LTBs have been migrated to Fang Cove, one of the upcoming steps will be to re-release the custom LTB options (PREMIUM 11). They're largely waiting on me to have time to fix any issues that may come up with the re-release.

We've also got a number of new LTB projects sitting on a back burner right now while we work on some other priority projects. In a nutshell:

1) The mount contest we ran a few months back is going to introduce LTB mounts. We'll be cleaning up, adding to and tweaking some of the submissions for the initial release with the potential for more down the line.

2) The LTB verb is getting a major overhaul. You're going to be able to spend small amounts of LTB points for temporary perks. The goal is to bring in some added convenience to being a Premium player. We realize that not all of these will appeal to everyone, but that's how everything is. Just because you may not have a use for it, doesn't mean someone else won't find one. Keeping in mind that prices and concepts can change before release (and some may never release), this is what we have lined up:

--Allows you to claim platinum coins for LTB points.
--You can claim 1, 10 or 100 platinum at a time.
--It costs 10 LTB points per platinum.

--Allows you to purchase RPAs for LTB points.
--Level 1: 25 LTB points
--Level 2: 75 LTB points
--Level 3: 150 LTB points
--Level 4: 300 LTB points
--See the RPA verb for more information on Role Playing Awards.

--Allows you to purchase a favor for 50 points per favor.
--You cannot use this if you already have 10+ favors.

--Allows you free access to select Empath NPCs around the game.
--This benefit lasts for 15 days and costs 150 points.

--Allows you free access to select ferries, lifts, etc.
--This benefit lasts for 15 days and costs 150 points.

--Allows you to purchase a healing herb of your choice for 25 points.
--Use LTB CLAIM HERB LIST to see what herbs are available.
--Each herb will be a 6-bite/dose portion.

--Allows you one-time access to a special portal hub for 200 points.
--The hub contains portals leading to most areas around the game.
--This perk can only be used once every 7 days and is a one way trip.

If you have more ideas that could be added to those, this would be the thread to add them to. There's no ETA on this -- the bulk of the work has been done already, but there's a rather significant bug at the moment that I need to track down and squish before we can send it for QC/release.

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead

This message was originally posted in Estate Holders of Elanthia \ Responses to GM and Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.