Post:Necromancers and sorcery (little s) - 11/16/2013 - 11:17

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Re: Necromancers and sorcery (little s) · on 11/16/2013 11:17 AM CST 4724
See, now you're all making me look this stuff up... and I don't remember where it is in the code right now, so let's see how long it takes me to find it. (answer: About 30 seconds because I remembered where I'd written it down).

So, without using numbers, here's what's currently in the code. None of this should be shocking new information.

Clerics/Paladins casting Necromancer spells = Bad (For your devotion/soul)
Forsaken Necromancer casting Holy spell = Extremely Bad
Holy + Life = Bad
Lunar + Elemental = Bad
Life + Lunar = Moderate
Holy + Elemental = Moderate
Non-Necromancer + Arcane = Moderate
Elemental + Life = Good
Lunar + Holy = Good
Necromancer + Non-Arcane = Good


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers \ General Discussions, by DR-RAESH on the forums.