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Post:Necro Walks? - 8/5/2009 - 17:10:34

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Re: Necro Walks? · on 8/5/2009 5:10:34 PM 2303
>>I also wonder about whether liches are restored via demon favor or if their magics reconstruct them

Generally speaking, a lich reconstructs itself under its own power. The lich form is such a powerful type of undead that it literally just stands right the hell back up after you "kill" it.

However, keep in mind that liches are Very Special people. While PCs will eventually get access to a standard template lichdom, the NPC liches have almost all Descended in different ways and displayed radically different abilities and physiology. Lyras and Xerasyth are (were?) both liches, but clearly weren't using the same cook book.


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers (26) - General Discussions (3), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.