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Post:Naphtha changes - 05/16/2013 - 22:11

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Re: Naphtha changes · on 05/16/2013 10:11 PM CDT 3932
>>and it took 5 rolls... to extinguish flames to the left leg. Athletics of 552.

That's probably on the long side of the randoms, I would expect less rolling most of the time at that level of skill.

>>I noticed that my left leg didn't visibly take any damage, despite being on fire for well over 25 seconds

Until your vitality drops below a certain percentage you won't take physical damage, so this is normal.

>>I assume each rolling action probably reduced the potency.

Nope, and potency doesn't influence damage directly anyways.

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ General Discussions, by DR-RICINUS on the forums.