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Post:Morawen and raekhlo - 07/08/2014 - 06:05
Re: morawen and raekhlo · on 07/08/2014 06:05 AM CDT | 704 |
Folks, this is one of the things that sounds easy on the player end, but absolutely is not so on the actual mechanics end.
As Raesh (the current keeper of all things RECALL related), stated, instruments work the way they do because of very specific changes made to the script that is on every single instrument. That script handles the RECALL along with the other instrument functions, even though different RECALLS show up for different instrument nouns and different instruments do different things. It's a system script. It is big and complex and intended to be that way precisely because it is a system script. It does lots of different things. Adding a new functionality to all instruments is a whole lot easier (in a sense, anyway, but it comes with its own sets of issues) because there only needs to be one script changed, the instrument system script, and then that change is automatically applied to all instruments, because they all have that script. So then why don't we make a 'racial items' system script, wouldn't that fix everything? Unfortunately no, not necessarily, and would require every racial item to be under the same sort of extremely strict rules as instruments are as far as adding new nouns, getting altered, constraints to their functionality, and a host of other stuff. This is before we get into the other actual coding nightmares that would crop up when trying to universalize things that are extremely diverse in function and never intended to be grouped on the code-side. I had several paragraphs here full of technical reasons and explanations as to why the above and other possible ways to address this request range from extremely impractical to nearly impossible, but it ran up on (and maybe over) the edge of my NDA, not to mention was probably a lot more than most anyone wants to read through anyway. So I'll end with this instead: TLDR, While the desire is very much understood, the practicality of it all is roughly on par with going through the process of getting elected as President because then the Secret Service will always be around to make sure you don't misplace your car keys anymore. | |
This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Humans - Human Nature, by DR-PERSIDA on the forums. |