Post:Landslide - 07/05/2014 - 11:10

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Re: Landslide · on 07/05/2014 11:10 PM CDT 4528
Two different mechanics. Swan will block anything snap cast. It is an integrity barrier. But if someone preps over 25%, swan can not - ever - do anything to it by itself.

The bonus from these specific barriers [Landslide Berserk] is about half as much as capping a spell gives. So they must be beating you by a ton if it isn't helping - or your Warding skill is too low to push it to the higher values.

Please post attacker/defender values and mana used if you want me to do a more in-depth analysis.

This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ General Discussions - Barbarians, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.