Post:Hunting Undead? - 1/28/2009 - 2:16:06

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Re: Hunting Undead? · on 1/28/2009 2:16:06 AM 4309
You were pretty much spot on.

The animating force of Necromancer-created undead is an intentional misapplication of life energy. The corpse rises because it has a terrible, mutilated little core of life that has been warped such that it can animate what should, by nature and by the gods' design, be still. By the very definition of being undead, it's no longer really dead.

What this means to Empathic Shock is outside my purview, but, yes, the undead have enough actual life in them to distinctly separate them from corpses and credenzas.


This message was originally posted in The Empaths (23) \ Suggestions - Empaths (11), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.