Post:HoT and Meraud - 08/23/2013 - 17:56

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Re: HoT and Meraud · on 08/23/2013 05:56 PM CDT 2288
>>So if someone has 6 buffs up, HoT will dispel/damage/weaken them all.

Not entirely true, dispels of all sorts run through a standard set of code that pits the power of the dispel vs each spell it finds. Both the dispel and the target spell are reduced in the clash, until the dispel no longer has enough force to continue. If you cast a weak dispel vs 6 strong buffs, it will weaken just one of the buffs. If you cast a strong dispel against 6 minimum prep buffs, it will likely destroy all of them with power to spare. Depending on power levels of spells it's also entirely possible to destroy 3 spells, weaken 1, and leave the other 2 untouched.

AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate

This message was originally posted in The Clerics \ General Discussions ~ Clerics, by DR-RICINUS on the forums.


As per a later post, HoT will only affect one spell.