Post:Fun-Day Fridays - 21 - ShowRoomID - 01/03/2025 - 17:40

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Fun-Day Fridays - 21 - ShowRoomID · on 01/03/2025 17:40 2121
Happy Friday!

Behind the scenes, every "room" you enter has an ID. When you submit BUGs, this ID is included in the report to help us review things. However, as Genie and Lich have shown, having a room ID to share with others can be helpful so you end up in the right place! GS did a similar project a bit back, and now we're doing our version of revealing the IDs for those who want to see them.

You can now use the FLAGS verb to turn on ShowRoomID. This initial release is fairly restricted. There's concern with revealing secrets like mazes, The Ways or other special areas where the room ID could trivialize a significant portion of the design. As such, any room that has a script is blocked from showing an ID. This will include common things like gem shops, furriers, swimming areas, mazes, dark rooms, catalog shops, dock rooms, and more. Those that display are limited to the normal P1-P5 zones -- places like old quests or more modern MT areas will be concealed, and because of some very old design choices Fang Cove's IDs will be concealed, too.

Sometimes it may seem arbitrary why one room shows and another doesn't, but it's because there's some sort of "mechanic" attached to the room. Which brings me to: please DO NOT bug rooms that you feel should show a room number but aren't. We don't need to clutter the bug system with those requests. If necessary, when the time comes, we'll consider a tool for folks to use to request particular areas or scripts to be reviewed. Right now, what's available is what it is.

In future TT/FF style updates, we will review and update things to be less restrictive. This is just the initial version. It's live everywhere, and you can use the FLAGS verb to toggle it on if you like!

Big thanks to Ynami for the QC and the many GMs who gave proposal input to get us a path towards starting this process.


This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.