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Post:Events and you! - 02/19/2020 - 12:12

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Events and you! · on 02/19/2020 12:12 3524
>Why can't Perune and his band of planar researchers be the ones that discover the next warmage spell?

I’m not sure if that was actually a goal of Perune’s experiment, but let me outline how a War Mage PC creating a spell/ability would go IC:

  1. Eureka! I made a new spell/ability!
  2. Grovekeepers catch wind of this.
  3. Grovekeepers do extremely bad things to the PC, and anyone who they taught their spell/ability to.

Grovekeepers are the absolute arbiters of WM magic. They will not tolerate attempts to release unauthorized magic, or methods of planar manipulation, to the guild at large.

OOC, there are multiple reasons Perune, or any other PC, can’t create a spell/ability. First, the technical demand to make a spell varies wildly, and we simply can’t write every spell that interests us. Second, this would lead to accusations of favoritism if we let one PC create something, and didn’t let another. Outside of contests where we specifically solicit spell ideas, we can’t commit to making spells that players suggest.

When Gebuys was coming by to present the new spell Electrostatic Eddy, and the new ability SUMMON WEAPON, I wrote a bunch of lore for Grovekeepers and the process through which research into Elemental spells and abilities are created for the Warrior Mage guild. In this case, nobody asked so that lore is still hidden in the background. At least until someone asks an NPC who both knows and is willing to share that knowledge.

That said, I will share my head cannon on Gebuys. Multiple letters addressing him as a Grovekeeper caused the actual Grovekeepers to do extremely bad things to him, because they decided he had presented himself as such when they allowed him to leave his research cloister. They felt he violated the trust they showed in him, and now he’s unlikely to be capable of using Elemental magic, accessing the Elemental planes in any way, or sane. That said, if I ever find time, it would be fun to bring out the broken shell that looks like Gebuys. He might try to claw your eyes out in hello, or lick your cheek in vegence... But could still be fun.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia/General Discussions - Events in General (OOC), by DR-JAVAC on the forums.