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Post:Empath Shock-Related Updates - 05/25/2019 - 14:17

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Empath Shock-Related Updates · on 05/29/2019 14:17 315
The following are live in all instances.
  1. Debilitation spells no longer cause Shock by default. Damaging spells and spells whose messaging involves pain or trauma will be set to cause Shock on a case-by-case basis. At this time, the only non-signature and non-damaging spells that cause Shock are Deadfall and Ice Patch.
  2. The Icutu Zaharenela spell now awards Empathy experience when you attack with it. The experience amount is small to moderate, proportional to the TM experience gained and your Shock level. As with the difficulty and mana cost of this spell, completely insensitive Empaths will receive an additional bonus beyond the linear Shock-based bonus.

GM Grejuva

This message was originally posted in The Empaths / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-GREJUVA on the forums.