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Post:Elf clan interrelations - 08/14/2012 - 11:49

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Re: Elf clan interrelations · on 08/14/2012 11:49 AM CDT 1060
<<2. Is it conceivable for a forest elf to marry or otherwise have relations with a mountain elf? What level of day-to-day interaction do typical, non-adventuring class elves have with members of another clan? Aside from geographical barriers, how would a union of forest-elf/mountain-elf be looked upon socially be either clan? How would a child born of such a union be looked upon?>>

A) Conceivable, sure. Just not likely with the mostly recent history between the clans, notably the Queen's disdain for Ralel.
B) Little to no day-to-day interactions between Mountain and Forest (Or Mountain and anyone else, for that matter)
C) Generally speaking, only the Mountain would look down upon marriage outside the clan. And all the clans have a predisposition to keeping it Elf on Elf love. But even then, it'd only be the nobility that'd really throw a stink. But the nobility is snobbish anyway. :D

GM Jaedren
P1-P5 Events Guy
Also an Elf Guy

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Elves - Elven Observations, by DR-JAEDREN on the forums.