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Post:Elemental Domains - 06/13/2014 - 14:42
Elemental Domains · on 06/13/2014 02:42 PM CDT | 279 |
A new Summoning power, the creation of elemental domains, is now live in Platinum and Prime.
Elemental domains are a room-based power that slightly tweaks the physics of the area to be more inline with one of the Elemental Planes. There are two practical effects of this power: 1) It affects spell-based Elemental Charge recovery and degeneration. If a spell is of the correct domain, (a fire spell in a fire domain, for example) it has double the charge power. To continue the example, this means if you're aligned to fire and cast a fire spell in a fire domain, you get 2x the charge for it. Conversely, if you are opposed to fire and cast a fire spell in a fire domain, you lose twice as much. Fire. 2) Environmental modifiers to spell difficulty are overwritten by the domain. For example, if you cast a fire spell in a fire domain, it will be treated as an excellent room for doing so even if it's currently a driving rainstorm. This will not allow you to cast spells where it is physically impossible (underwater Fire Shards or underground Lightning Bolts), but if you can get the spell off, it's going to be under ideal conditions. I'll leave it at there for now and let you play with it a bit. | |
This message was originally posted in The Warrior Mages \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums. |