Post:ESP 2.0 on 11/11/16 - 11/10/2016 - 17:55

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Re: ESP 2.0 on 11/11/16 · on 11/10/2016 05:55 PM CST 1497
>>My only question is regarding Necromancers and SO generation - approximately what are the odds and severity of SO generation?

Same as before:

Necromancers with no or little SO do not generate SO gwething. Necromancers at the Suspicious level or higher generate an amount of SO derived by their existing SO. Someone just on the edge gets relatively little SO, someone full on Perverse gets more.

In all cases, the following is true:
1) The SO hit is not large for any one message. Extended conversations when Perverse are ill advised, but one maniacal cackle and gone isn't going to hurt very much at all.
2) You have fewer options to get SO on the gweth now. The new messaging may seem scary at first, but tomorrow you're not getting more or new SO that you wouldn't get today.


This message was originally posted in Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia \ Gwethdesuans, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.