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Post:Drathrok's Duskruin 435:General Info - 07/18/2020 - 18:09

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Drathrok's Duskruin 435:General Info · on 07/18/2020 18:09 679
Drathrok's Duskruin 435! Also called Duskruin 2020 by me because Elanthia time can get confusing when my brain isn't functioning at peak efficiency.

For this iteration of Duskruin, a few tweaks were made to Ratacombs. The finding of bloodscrip in Ratacombs is now more on par with Arena and Heist. Ratacombs will also have a guaranteed 1 incidental drop. If you're lucky, you might even find 2. However, if you're hunting down a rat and burn a bunch of SEARCHes on failed rat catches, that can hurt your bloodscrip and incidental chances.

We've also added a grizzled Dwarven veteran with a large pack that you can find in Duskruin on the Western Walk. He'll trade 3 incidentals for 1 new random incidental. He won't take container incidentals and not all incidentals will fit in the sack the veteran provides. This is intended. The veteran will also not be taking Heist artifacts as trades. This is intended, since Heist runners receive both an incidental and an artifact for successful missions.

For this Duskruin, you might have noticed some shield parts in the incidental loot! We've released pieces to put a shield together, either small, medium, or large. There's also three types of shield bosses that will upgrade the assembled shields and give them an enchanted flare. One boss is for an armor fire flare, the second boss if for an armor frost flare, and the third boss is for an armor electric flare.

I hope everyone has fun!

GM Winna

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players/Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-WINNA on the forums.