Post:Death and Taxes - 04/21/2013 - 13:52

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Re: Death and Taxes · on 04/21/2013 01:52 PM CDT 1129
>>be possible for the cleric to somehow perceive what the actual chances are of bringing them back with a scroll spell and their field experience?

Well, a few things to clarify. Exp saving will always happen, there isn't a chance of it not happening, just a percentage of how much (Unless you take more than 24 hours to get back alive, I'm not keeping the data around longer than that). The percentage for now isn't a lot (although the highest end potency of MF isn't too bad), but is enough to let skills keep moving while you're resting up and getting ready to get back out there. We also have some room to grow with new abilities/items that could provide a better percentage of exp recovery.

For things like this, I'd rather have the possibilities obfuscated. If you keep a lot of favors, you'll notice better exp saving and more often restored scrolls over multiple deaths, if not you'll still get some exp and have a chance. On a death by death basis, knowing what percentage chance you have for that one shot doesn't help that much since there will always be a chance that one or both memorized scrolls will not return.

AGM Ricinus Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate

This message was originally posted in Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia \ On Death, by DR-RICINUS on the forums.