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Post:DODGE, PARRY, and Balance Updates - 3/5/2009 - 00:35:26

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RE: DODGE, PARRY, and Balance Updates · on 3/5/2009 12:35:26 AM 5942
> Something that's always bothered me is we have DODGE and PARRY, which (should now) make it easier to dodge, or parry, but no command similar for shields that would make it easier to block. Would that be something we could get? Like BRACE or something?

I thought about that, but I'm not sure we want to do that. Shields are very different than either evasion or parry. For one thing, they have protection ratings -- you'll see that on appraisals as fair to impressive protection, for example. Without going into details, what that basically means is that shields have some built-in bonuses that parry and evasion lack. On top of that, shields have a default chance to just accidently be in the right place at the right time. As a result, I'm not sure we want or even need a "shield" defense command.
That's not to say it's out of the question, mind you. Simply that shield has some inherent features that the others lack that compensate (honestly, probably overcompensate) for not being able to set shield the same way you can Parry or Dodge.
For now, let's just say it's being considered, but unless a lot of other things change to bring parry, evasion, and shield more in line with each other first, it's not likely. Shields are already a step ahead of the others in many ways.
- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ Responses to GM and Official Announcements, by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.