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Post:Companions 2.0 Info - 09/23/2011 - 15:27
Companions 2.0 Info · on 09/23/2011 03:27 PM CDT | 1084 |
You know me. Everything is better with a 2.0 after it.
What follows is a LITTLE bit of information, as much as I can say at the moment. This in no way encompasses the totality or anywhere near that of the revised companions system. - Companions WILL include a quest to acquire them; scope will be expanded. This is about all I can afford to tell now. Companions may or may not be released by Christmas. All I can say is the feature list is quite long, I won't be doing a partial release based on that list, and I am fully working on them at at least 90% as of now. It is nearly impossible for me to make feasible estimates at this time. - GM Sithix | |
This message was originally posted in The Rangers \ Companions, by DR-SITHIX on the forums. |