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Post:Combos 3.0 - 02/28/2013 - 14:11

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Re: Combos 3.0 · on 02/28/2013 02:11 PM CST 1545
Landing the wrong blow will not reset or damage the combo.

Depending on how well the original analyze succeeds, you may begin at level 3 or more. Subsequent analyzes can advance it more than 1 level of potency IIRC.

I would prefer not to use a different verb for various reasons, but I will consider what options we have. Eventually we will have to support much more complicated scenarios such as ANALYZE FIFTH RABID OGRE FOR ACHILLES STRIKE... and it just becomes a mess.

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ Responses to GM and Official Announcements, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.