Post:Caravan Testing - 05/22/2012 - 16:52

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Re: Caravan Testing · on 05/22/2012 04:52 PM CDT 1332
>It's just shy of 35 minutes for a dead owner.

Allow me to clarify -- this timer is only valid if you're in the room with your caravan while dead. If you leave it sitting and go off hunting and die away from the caravan, it will continue doing whatever it was doing without a care in the world that you're dead. It's just more jarring for the driver to see you lying there dead, so he calls a halt and waits for you to (hopefully) get help. If you stay dead too long, he'll give up on waiting and take things to storage.

Interesting possibilities for future updates with this mechanic.

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead

This message was originally posted in The Traders \ Response to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.