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Post:Bonding potions garbage? - 04/25/2013 - 18:55
Re: Bonding potions garbage? · on 04/25/2013 06:55 PM CDT | 1308 |
>so if it gets lost again and is not my fault but a janitor , game crash, anything not my doing..... do i not get it replaced?
Item bonding does not guarantee item replacement, much like registration does not guarantee item replacement. Items lost to normal game mechanics may not always be replaced. Please see: NEWS 5 4 and NEWS 5 5. The janitor is not a bug. He's hyperactive sometimes, I'll give you that.. but he is definitely a normal game mechanic. Janitor loss is case-by-case. A bug or a game crash eats your item? We will do everything in our power to replace it for you IF WE HAVE THE MEANS to do so. If your item is player-made, WE DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS unless you have registered your item. Recently, we have started adding info to allow bonded items to be replaced similarly to the way we handle registered items. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO SOMETHING YOU BONDED FIVE YEARS AGO. You must still register those items if you want us to be able to replace them. ~ SGM Lyneya | |
This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions - General Discussions on Policy, by DR-LYNEYA on the forums. |