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Post:Beyond the Barrier -- The Rewards! - 06/07/2014 - 18:36

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Beyond the Barrier -- The Rewards! · on 06/07/2014 06:36 PM CDT 450
End treasure for the new quest:

a twisted kertig quarterstaff with a blackened wiirwood head
The quarterstaff is a powerful weapon crafted from rare metal. It is also able to grant its user the ability to cast the Hand of Tenemlor spell, regardless of their attunement or lack thereof. It is a blessing from the White Lady.

(Hand of Tenemlor-casting item, tier 5 quarterstaff weapon, HoT can be used by NMU and MU characters, useable once per rl day, rare metal)

a box crafted from deeply-oiled diamondwood
The box is made from rare wood, and inside of it you will find jewelry for your body and hair. The jewelry contains rare gems both from the western lands and the eastern ones -- Enelne's eyes and black diamonds --, as well as rare metal and rare stone from the western lands -- blighted gold and senci.

(Rare material belt worn box containing earrings, bangles, and a highly verby hair-changing 'strands' item all with quest exclusive rares)

a wide mallet displaying a blackened moonsilver inlay of a crow
The mallet is a powerful weapon adorned with rare metal. It also is magically able to grant its wielder with food.

(tier 5 MB weapon, rare metal, fluff verbs, creates food randomly when used normally as a weapon)

a slender spatha with a blue gold shariza set into the hilt
The spatha is a powerful weapon adorned with rare metal. It also is magically able to grant its wielder with food.

(tier 5 HE weapon, rare metal, fluff verbs, creates food randomly when used normally as a weapon)

a cracked leather storage book emblazoned with a blue gold shariza
These books allow someone who has a caravan to check the things they have stored within it, and magically allow them to search for a particular item.

(rare metal, Trader caravan storage book that lists items a Trader has in their storage box and allows them to use WHISPER to search for a particular item)

an oiled leather storage book emblazoned with a great blackened moonsilver crow
These books allow someone who has a caravan to check the things they have stored within it, and magically allow them to search for a particular item.

(rare metal, Trader caravan storage book that lists items a Trader has in their storage box and allows them to use WHISPER to search for a particular item)

a cracked jade urn with tarnished silver filigree
The urn is enchanted with the ability to capture a creature within it. The owner can release the creature at another time, but it grants no other powers of control.

(50 charge item that can capture an up-to 70th circle creature inside of it for its owner to release at a later time, OPEN to catch/release, STUDY to see if something is in it, FOCUS to see remaining charges, also has a fluff verb)

a large gaethzen sphere suspended from a thick platinum chain
The gaethzen sphere will convert charged and stored mana into light, and will continue to shine until it is turned off by its user, or it runs out of mana on which to run. They are temperamental, though, so be careful in your use.

(wearable light up item that converts mana into a light source, will attune to first type of mana with which it is charged, charging it with the wrong mana type will cause it to explode, trying to charge it when it's already giving off light will stun you, has fluff verbs)

a sturdy hickory distaff carved with an intricate knotwork design
This distaff is masterfully-crafted and is very useful if you spin your own thread.

(masterfully-crafted quality distaff for use in thread spinning, sort of effective at increasing crafting speed)

a doeskin and hickory bellows with bright brass fittings
These bellows are masterfully-crafted and are very useful if you forge your own tools, weapons, or armor.

(masterfully-crafted quality bellows for use in forging, highly protected against damage, sort of effective at increasing crafting speed)

some jagged-edged hand claws decorated with blighted gold veins
These claws are strong weapons that enhance your ability to fight with your hands. Especially useful for someone without claws of their own, but even naturally-clawed fighters find them effective. They are decorated with a rare metal as well.

(brawling weapons with quest exclusive rare metal, these aren't on the tier system yet, but they do: a lot of puncture damage, a lot of slice damage, a little impact damage)

an icesteel pin wrought in the shape of a seven-pointed star
The pin is made from a rare metal brought from the eastern lands and is enchanted to hide containers, gwethdesuans, weapons and cambrinth.

(30 charge gweth/camb/containers/weapons hider with rare metal.)

a kadepa ingot
The ingot is of a metal called kadepa that is native to the western lands, though very rare. It is somewhat similar in properties to damite, but easier to work with.

(40 volume ingot of quest exclusive rare metal that has 80 durability, 85 hardness)

a lithe icesteel cutlass with an elaborate basket hilt
The cutlass is made from a rare metal and is a powerful weapon that you can also call upon to bring bright light to the darkness.

(tier 5 ME, rare metal, fluff verbs, TAP to make it into a light source)

a silversteel triskele brooch
The brooch is made from a rare metal brought from the eastern lands and is enchanted to hide gwethdesuans, cambrinth, containers and armor.

(30 charge gweth/camb/containers/armor hider with rare metal)

a grey pygmy owl charm displaying swirling charoite eyes
A strange, enchanted creation, the pygmy owl charm has eyes made from rare gems and will carry messages for you, should you whisper to it to do so.

(whisper bird charm with rare gems)

a weathered leather coin purse with beaded ties
Left behind by explorers from the eastern lands who were concerned about the safety of their money during travel, the coin purse will offer protection from theft for that which you place within.

(35 coin moneybelt type item, but worn on the upper arm)

an elaborate weapon harness strung with Enelne's eye amulets
The harness has amulets made from rare stones that the Rakash in these lands hold as a symbol of hope and renewal. Inside of it you will find a traditional Rakash spear tipped in senci, a very rare stone that is revered by those who live in the western lands.

(large harness with quest exclusive rare gems, inside is a tier 5 pike type weapon with quest exclusive rare stone)

an aurora opal
The aurora opal is a very rare gem that has been enchanted with magic that creates pictures within it when worn on one's forehead.

(rare gem atmo bindi that can show pictures relating to the western lands and the cultures of the Rakash and the Prydaen)

a leaf-shaped sky blue svelae
The sevlae is a rare gem that has been enchanted with magic that creates pictures within it when worn on one's forehead.

(rare gem atmo bindi that can show pictures of very many different types of flowers)

a crystalline dragon tear
The crystalline dragon tear is a very rare gem that has been enchanted with magic that creates pictures within it when worn on one's forehead. It was left here by Imperial explorers long ago.

(rare gem atmo bindi that can show pictures related to the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star)

a tattered cornhusk doll wrapped in a scrap of marblesilk
A cherished toy left over from long ago, and yet so much more. This doll has magical properties that when turned will make you regenerate any depletion of your spirit at a rapid rate for a short while, but it will only work when the magic is ready and not before.

(spirit regen item with cooldown, no charges, rare fabric)

a blighted gold ankle cuff
Crafted from rare blighted gold, this ankle cuff has magical properties that when rubbed will make you regenerate your mana pool at a faster rate for a bit, but it will only work when the magic is ready and not before.

(mana regen item with cooldown, no charges, quest exclusive rare metal)

an electrum badge featuring a raised seven-pointed star
Left behind by Imperial explorers, this badge has magical properties that when rubbed will make you more disciplined for a short time, but it will only work when the magic is ready and not before.

(10 point Disc boost item with cooldown, no charges)

a blighted gold bracelet studded with large flame opals
Crafted from rare blighted gold, this bracelet is magically able to help regenerate the wearer's mana pool at a low, but constant, rate.

(persistent effect low amount of mana regen, works only when worn, quest exclusive rare metal)

a deed for a senci boulder
Able to be reclaimed in any Society Hall for a boulder of senci, a stone that is very rare and revered by those who live in the western lands.

(110 hardness, 60 durability quest exclusive rare stone for crafting)

a rectangular black leather case embossed with a seven-pointed star
Left behind by Imperial explorers, this very old case is filled with four maps that are thought to direct you to buried treasure in the eastern lands.

(case filled with 4 treasure hunting maps)


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-PERSIDA on the forums.