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Post:Any Changes Last Night? - 01/11/2015 - 12:31

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Re: Any Changes Last Night? · on 01/11/2015 12:31 PM CST 10552
>>I did have a burden, but generally thats not an issue for me, unless something changed in the system for this?

>>I do mix armors, chain, brig and light all the time, maybe a change there?
>>I've gone back in now, still in mixed armors, dropped by burden slightly by depositing coins, and I seem fine....
>>Was this a case of 4 lucky shots? Or have giants been given a boost in their ability? or something tweaked in armor mixing or burdens?

A few more thoughts before I head out...

Burden is a range and the penalty increases within that range.

Armor damage is also a range and while destroyed it wouldn't be doing much of anything useful. Getting hit without armor will do 2-4x more damage than normal.

Monsters CAN get lucky shots. They roll a 10000 and it is a guaranteed hit just like all attacks. Combined with a reduced DEF and no armor... bad things might happen.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ General Discussions, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.