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Post:Ambush body parts - 09/28/2011 - 12:27

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Ambush body parts · on 09/28/2011 12:27 PM CDT 1501
We were talking about ambushing body parts over chatter in TF.

I told them I'd re-post an old post from Ssra. It's worth a read for everyone else, too. Here it is for reference:


Ambush 2.0 is now live in DR2 Test version of the game.

Ambush now utilizes the core stealth mechanics and the changes to ambush are as follows:

1) Ambush is now a hiding vs. perception contest and teaches hiding.
2) Ambush now supports specific area target.
3) Ambush will now default to the 'attack' verb for positive balance attack sequence.
4) Ambush now applies a "hit" bonus based on success of stealth contest.
5) Ambush is now brawling compatible. See 'AMBUSH HELP' for available options.
6) Ambush now functions from pole range if using a pole ranged weapon.

The new syntax for ambush is:



You default to attack verb ambushing your current target.

>ambush back
You default to the attack verb targeting the back.

>ambush goblin back
You default to the attack verb targeting a goblin's back.

>ambush thrust
You thrust at your current target.

>ambush thrust goblin back
You thrust at a goblin's back.

More information is provided in-game by typing 'AMBUSH HELP'.

Message to thieves .....

[The following applies to only the Thief guild.]

Ambush in the past taught non-thieves nothing. As thieves you have always learned backstab via ambush. By moving ambush into the core as a hiding contest this removed backstab from the normal function of ambush. So we put our brains together and wrote an ambush mod for you to utilize your backstab ranks so that you can continue to learn backstab via ambush. If you target a specific area on your target, backstab will be contested against perception and reduce the specific area target penalty based on your success.

>ambush head
You masterfully position yourself to strike at the snow goblin's head. [Backstab contest indicator.]
You leap out of hiding and ambush a snow goblin, completely surprising it. [Hiding contest indicator.]

Not all target areas are created equal. The following list is by easiest to most difficult:


Hamstring remains largely unchanged. It's now a backstab contest and requires an edged weapon in hand.

Coldcock can now be performed in or out of brawling mode, can be used with blunt type weapons, and is a backstab contest. To encourage use of the thief shop items, those items will do increased damage and have a better hit modifier.

Any questions should be directed to the Abilities, Skills, and Magic --> Survival Skills -- Stealth folder.



  • NOTE - now you just attack from hiding rather than AMBUSH, but the rest is true.
This message was originally posted in The Thieves \ General Discussions - Thieves, by MARGASH on the forums.