Post:Alterer Lists - 05/28/2012 - 17:12

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re: Alterer Lists · on 05/28/2012 05:12 PM CDT 1504
>>A few nights ago, Keishalae worked for 11 hours straight and went through an entire list of nearly 72 people. 72 people.

And I bet the 72nd person still didn't have a design ready ;)

Just something to keep in mind if you're chasing alterations, the more people have designs ready the faster the merchant can work and frequently the more people they can work for.

Some of our players have taken to having a design file of alterations they'd like to get when the chance comes up -- that's a great idea. I know I've had people who I pull from a list and boom 60 seconds later we're done. Other times you get that guy who has had five hours to work on a design since the list opened, a crowd of people offering to help out and they still have no idea what-so-ever when they get their name called. This grinds the whole process to a halt.

Be considerate -- if you're waiting in line for an alterer who is clearly working for a lot of people, try and make sure you have a design ready by the time you're called. Be prepared if they say "no" to it or reject it for some reason. If you're totally at a loss for an idea once you're called (Either because you simply don't have one or your ideas have been rejected for whatever reason) be willing to give up your slot or let the alterer, if willing, design an item for you from scratch.

Of course, the above is why some of us have moved towards using helpers. It's a good system.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Festivals / Merchants, by DR-RAESH on the forums.