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Post:Albarian Foodie Contest Winners! - 2/18/2009 - 20:42:30
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Albarian Foodie Contest Winners! · on 2/18/2009 8:42:30 PM | 1631 |
Greetings one and all! Thank you to all of the participants, you each did a wonderful job!
If you're listed among the winners and haven't received your prize yet please drop me a line and we can arrange to meet up. Please DON'T assist or report for it since no one can get the prize to you but me. :) Hopefully you'll be seeing the winning entries (and possibly a few others) available in game in the coming months. First place in the non-alcoholic drinks competition! Name: Vyraka Giesa a creamy cup of Tolura Nut coffee Taste: A delicious blend of milk and cinnamon temper the Tolura Nut's bold flavor. Second place in the non-alcoholic drinks competition! Tiso a cup of Chanterelle Kauje (dream) tea topped with a sprig of mint. Taste: A rich blend of jasmine with essence of taffleberry blend together with a hint of chanterelle to make a sweet and nutty drink. Third place in the non-alcoholic drinks competition! Lilabell Carley an iron kettle of fragrant tea made from chopped Albarian pine needles Taste: You take a sip of the white tea. The sharp, fresh beverage is lightly sweetened with just a hint of honey. First place in the savory food competition! Jerecis Some heavily spiced Kaldaran hunter's stew. Taste: You take a bite of your stew. Through the heaivly spiced and thickened broth you can detect the slightly gamy taste of the hodgepodge of meat in the mix, but the stew makes for a warm and filling meal nonetheless. Second place in the savory food competition! Marvok a rock hard sea biscuit OR A square piece of hardtack TASTE: You mentally count your molars with your tongue after taking a bite of the hardtack/biscuit. Optional: DUNK biscuit/hardtack You dunk your biscuit/hardtack in your <drink>. It's softer now, but just as bland. Third place in the savory food competition! Rainea a trencher of glacial mammoth meatloaf with a giant boat of heavy mushroom gravy on the side. a slice of mammoth meatloaf smothered in heavy mushroom gravy. Taste: Exquisite. It melts on the tongue with a faint gamey taste. First place in the sweet food competition! Solantir Stonethrow Cookie a thick cookie covered with dried fruit Taste: Almonds and dried figs make a sweet match when combined with the hint of orange that suffuses the cookie. Additional tastes of apricot and pistachio blend with just a hint of chocolate. Second place in the sweet food competition! Lolali Lolelalu a cardamom-spiced bun filled with layers of almond paste and whipped creme. TASTE: The light bun is slightly sweet with a hint of cardamom that is plainly a vehicle for the sweet almond paste and gobs of fresh whipped creme found inside of it. Second place in the sweet food competition! Songbird a sweet oliva(egg) roll filled with a creamy whipped ronaja(orange) sauce. TASTE: Cream sauce oozes from the roll as you bite into it. Where's a napkin when you need one?! First place in the alcoholic drinks competition! Revildebul an oilflagon of Gnomish all-purpose fluid. Taste: Like an assault on the tongue, flavors mixed together and indistinguishable, you are forcibly reminded that this beverage is used to fix squeaky catapults first, and quench thirst second. Second place in the alcoholic drinks competition! Maulem a tankard of dark Albarian mead. Taste: Hints of coffee and honey blend excellently on the palate. Yum! Third place in the alcoholic drinks competition! Halfstaff Little-Warrior Siebens Mist an odd-looking padlocked tankard engulfed in a multihued mist. TASTE: The motley flavor of this mysterious liqueur washes over your tongue like crashing waves upon a rocky shore, bursting with a refreshing spray, yet somehow leaving you feeling strange and uncertain. GM Belladzia | |
This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms (12) \ Gnomes - The Gnook (9), by DR-BELLADZIA on the forums. |