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Post:Akigwe's Legacy: Loot List - 03/21/2012 - 04:01

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Re: Akigwe's Legacy: Loot List · on 03/21/2012 04:01 AM CDT 3151
>Do the bonder pouches use a charge when you bond an item to you, or when you invoke?

The potion/sigil/whatever inside will bond a single item to you, which you can INVOKE 30 times.

>It blesses the statue itself...


>...or any weapons you might be holding?


>some sterak axe instructions

This is a new craftable HE weapon. The pattern is currently only available through this quest. More info will have to come from Kodius.

>a cloudy glass vial with a cork-tipped sapphire stopper

Something new. You can OPEN it, and it will capture a random creature that's engaged to you -- the creature and it's weapons/armor will be stored in the bottle. You can release it at a later time by OPENing it again. It only works on creatures up to a certain level (this item is set for mid-level), and only on creatures in the normal P1-P5 areas. No capturing quest bosses or high level critters to unleash in a newbie area. Releasing a creature in a justice zone will earn you a fine and lock your PvP status to open for a period of time. It's probably more useful when something starts to eat you and you can't get away.

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Paid Events / Quests, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.