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Post:A question for the experts - 09/14/2009 - 07:32

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Re: A question for the experts · on 09/14/2009 07:32 AM CDT 169
My two coppers...

>>What is the relationship between the rp setting and the pvp setting in the profile?

There is none. You can be closed to pvp indicating a desire not to fight and still be RP heavy. Just make sure you don't RP someone that loves to pick fights if your desire is for consistancy in the settings. Also bear in mind that the settings are generally just there to help give folks an idea as to what to expect from you. The only setting that actually has a policy application is PVP open because it's use grants permission for anyone to attack you .

>>What is the relationship between participation in events and the pvp setting. Does one not have to be guarded or open if one takes public office or joins an order or militia or other group that has not specifically stated in their official or unofficial charter that they are a pvp group?

Except for a few groups such as the Idon Raiders as an example off of the top of my head, I can't think that there is a direct relationship between pvp setting and joining the militias or other groups. That isn't to say that pvp cannot occur, but there isn't really a relationship in the settings. Again, aside from PVP Open, the settings are not binding in regards to policy.

>>To what extent can other characters force you into a situation where you must either violate your rp or engage in pvp?

They cannot do so to be quite blunt. No other character can force you to violate your RP or engage in pvp. Other characters can take actions of which you don't approve or enjoy perhaps, but they cannot force you to respond violently. It is possible for someone to attack you, but if they do so without consent (as outlined in policy and news articles, news 5 24 and 5 25 in particular) then they have violated game policy and you can request Game Master assistance to deal with the issue.

Now, please do bear in mind it is possible for you to give implied consent through your actions or comments. But if you want to avoid pvp combat and you refuse to rise to anyone baiting you as that is your prefered RP route, then I cannot see how they could force you to violate that RP path. I will admit it is possible for your method of RP'ing to conflict with your desire for PVP. If you talk tough, mouth off and act rude it is quite possible that your method of role playing will lead to a fight with some people. This still isn't being forced on you by others, but instead appears to be invited by yourself in the type of situation as I just described. I don't know how you actually play your character and am not trying to imply this reflects my view of anyone in particular. It is just a generic "you".

>>Does one have the right to say 'I don't see this rp that way and I don't wish to engage in any interaction with you regarding this' and then just walk away from someone trying to force you into their mold based on how they think you should be roleplaying?

You do indeed have the right to say exactly that though many would prefer you be more discrete in how you say it. The catch however, is that it then becomes your responsibility to do as you said and walk away from the situation. If you walk away from them and they follow you this could potentially lead to an issue of harassment, but that takes more than one or two incidents to really track. If you think you have a situation leadings towards that feel free to assist and a Game Master can answer your questions specific to the situation instead of me trying to pontificate on what ifs here.

>>To what extent do other players have the right to dictate other's rp and pvp setting based on how they would play their character in the same situation?

No one really has the right to tell you how you have to respond so long as you remain within policy. However, it isn't going to be unusual for you to hear others offer opinions on how you should respond. We have players who enjoy a good fight, others that would rather not but will throw down if needed and yet others that will avoid a fight at all costs. All of them are right because they are playing how they prefer to play. Just as in real life there are pacifists and agressors. Just because you run into an agressive person looking to provoke a fight doesn't really mean they are forcing you to change how you play. They might try to but short of hijacking your keyboard, you retain control over how you respond.

I hope these thoughts have helped to clarify things for you somewhat.

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions \ General Discussions on Policy, by DR-OOLAN on the forums.