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A smoking pipe that is specifically made to smoke tobacco typically consists of a chamber (the bowl) for the combustion of material and a thin stem (shank) ending in a mouthpiece (the bit). Pipes can range from the very simple machine-made briar pipe to highly-prized handmade and artful implements created by renowned pipemakers which are often very expensive collector's items.

The bowls of tobacco pipes are commonly made of briar, meerschaum, corncob or clay. Less common are cherrywood, olivewood, maple, mesquite, oak, and bog-wood. Generally a dense-grained wood is ideal. Minerals such as catlinite and soapstone have also been used. Pipe bowls of all these materials are sometimes carved with a great deal of artistry.[1]


ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Apple pipeRandom creature dropFine Leaf's End
Ash pipe carved to resemble a ram's hornYulugri Wala
Blackwood pipe painted with a ring of fire around the bowlSmoky Bandit'strue
Bleached skeletal meerschaum pipetrue
Carved white oak pipe with a tight knotwork designSmoky Bandit'strue
Chiseled stone pipe with a maple tipSmoky Bandit'strue
Corncob pipe with multicolored gem kernelsSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 421/Incidental loottrue
Dragon pipeRandom creature dropFine Leaf's Endtrue
Glossy hematite pipe carved in the shape of a wild boarCloudwalker's Smoke Shoptrue
Long cherrywood pipe polished to a high shineSmoky Bandit'strue
... further results


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