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Northern Watch/History

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< Northern Watch
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The Northern Watch is a military unit and is officially sanctioned by the province of Therengia.

Our Mission is to fight what needs fighting. Sometimes that means citizens, sometimes that means creatures.

The Watch is comprised of three units, First Combat, Second Combat and the Support Unit.

First Combat's mission is to fight citizens if needed and to support Second Combat as needed.

Please review the Rules of Engagement concerning citizens which you will receive in your PvP class. Although you are not required to be OPEN, we have a strict no crying, no drama, and no reporting policy.

Second Combat's mission is to defend against invasions and other non-citizen threats to Therengia. 

This may mean that we take the fight to the enemy if necessary and the situation dictates (e.g. Basalt Isle).

Support Unit is dedicated to several things (i) provide a stationary triage if necessary and appropriate, (ii) provide a place for organization for the various ancillary functions of the Watch (e.g. Combat Academy), and (iii) provide a home for special assignments (e.g. details to protect VIPs).

The Watch has a chain of command comprising of (in order) Commander Officer, Executive Officer, First Combat LT, Support Unit LT and Second Combat LT.

Our expectation is that every member act as an officer and be deeply involved in decision making and improving the Watch. In short, if you see something that can be improved make sure and raise your hand and make that known. A group/organization is driven by its members and improved by its members.

The Watch, because of its nature, will be in contact with various GMPC's and other officials. Below you will find some background information on Therengia and various GMPC's that you may encounter.

As you know, the cities of Therenborough, Rossmans, Muspari and Langenfirth to name a few, are all within Therengia.

The Order of the Dragon Shield is also officially sanctioned by the province of Therengia, and they are most active in the Riverhaven area.

The Theren Guard's Order Headquarters is here in Theren proper, and we are most active in Therenborough and surrounding areas.

The boundaries of the province of Therengia are as follows.

At the northernmost point, one finds the rugged Gemfire mountains that surround the Veleka desert. These arid northern mountains continue along a southwestern pattern before ending.

At the southernmost point of Therengia is a range of high mountains called the Journalai Shel and these, for the most part, mark the boundaries between Therengia and Zoluren. 

The formerly dormant volcano known as the Greater Fist is found within the edge of these southern mountains.

To the far west, the Gemfire mountain's westerly path ultimately meets with the Arncharn Shel mountains who together serve as the province's western border.

To the far east of Riverhaven is the Zaulfung Waste whose coastline is skimmed by the Reshal Sea. The Waste serves as Therengia's eastern boundary.

And there you have it, the boundaries of the province of Therengia.

On the matter of geography and other important information.

Therengia is the second realm.  Its capital city is Therenborough and the currency in Therengia is the Lirum.  

The currency is named after Lirum, who was the wife of Akroeg, Lord of the Ram Clan.

In the northernmost area of the province are The Badlands. Therein is a region known as the Veleka Desert where one finds the Desert Trade City of Muspar'i that is home to some S'Kra Clans.

At one time there were many Halflings dwelling in the Badlands, but they have since either left, or died.

Hvaral is a city located in the Gemfire Mountains, and northwest of Therenborough, that one crosses when heading to Muspari. 

Danduwen is a forest that is found along the North Road between Langenfirth and Therenborough.  

Langenfirth is found far down the North Road from the capital, and is the military outpost that was built near Lake Gwenalion to fend off any attacks into Therengia. 

The forests are thick around Langenfirth and many rangers prefer this area.  

The city didn't grow until a Monk named Langen built a brewery and some shops there. 

Soon after more shops, houses and inns opened around it.  Langenfirth is home to a Ranger Guild.

Rossman's Landing is the home of the Watch and is a very small village just south of Therenborough. The village is accessible by a rope bridge or navigation across the Jantspyre River from Riverhaven. 

It was rebuilt by Nicoly Rossman after an Orc attack led by the Empath Jomay just before the Outcast war.

Across Lake Gwenalion from Langenfirth, one finds the trade city of Riverhaven that lies in part along the Faldesu River and in part along Lake Gwenalion.  

It was built during the days of the Empire, when House Theren desired to strengthen contact with the remainder of the Empire.

Teil Minavsel is a village on the island of Taisidon in Therengia. 

Its name means Silver Eye Sea Village, and several mysterious quests have taken place on this island in the past.

To tell of Therengia, one must tell of House Theren. The two are one and the same. Neither can exist without the other.
House Theren has ruled Therengia since its formation about a thousand years ago.  

The crest of House Theren is a black tower upon a royal blue field, with a golden, seven-pointed star suspended in the sky. 

The current ruler of Therengia is Baron Gyfford Theren. He will periodically hold audiences for any that cares to attend. If you attend an audience, we ask that Watch members form up (join) their immediate officer and if that officer is not there, join any officer present. If no officer is present, please join together on someone.

The appropriate way to address the Baron is "Your Grace", however Baron Gyfford was raised around soldiers so he appreciates a good "m'lord" or "sir" or "Lord". As long as you are respectful, we have found that he is jovial and likes being around soldiers. There are no limitations on your engagement with Baron Gyfford (or any other GMPC). In fact, we encourage it! One of the main reasons to join the Watch is to have amazing GMPC interactions (of which we get a ton). We do ask that you conduct yourself in an appropriate manner as you represent the Watch.

Other important GMPC's that you will engage with while in the Watch:

Marshal Amlach Uruloki - Marshal Amlach is over all military in Therengia. The Watch Commander reports to the Marshal. "The Marshal" as we call him is a gruffy soldier that has served Therengia for a very long time. He is gruff, to the point and likes a nice looking lady. He is likely to send you to the moat on a whim if you give a bit too much lip. An appropriate way to address the Marshal is "Marshal", "m'lord" or "sir". He typically meets with everyone in the barracks in the Keep located in the dungeon.

Baronial Guardsman Dragaus Alderaen - Is a Guard to Baron Gyfford. This GMPC is most likely to attend a spar or walk around and talk to you individually. He is a guardsman, so the most appropriate way to address him is "Guardsman Dragaus" or "Dragaus". He likes ale and likes to drink, although not a drunkard.

Lord Paragon Larohald Trigomas, the Gar Rae Raenaden is the Lord of House Trigomas (there is a residence in the NE corner of Therenborough). Gar Rae Raenaden means the Baron's Right Hand. He rules Arnshal Keep and is not a person with whom you make jokes. You address him as "My Lord" or "Lord Trigomas". 

Lady Shantelle Trigomas - Daughter to Lord Trigomas and Therengia's socialite. She is a patron of the arts and typically will make appearances at social gatherings. She is very pleasant, happy go lucky and very fun. She enjoys company and enjoys a good story. Please address her as "Lady Shantelle".

Coenrad Cavus is the bodyguard to Lord Gyfford and a VERY big thief. If there is a large gathering in Therengia, Coenrad typically is in the shadows listening. This GMPC is played as a very sneaky, intimidating character that will threaten you if he catches you saying negative things about the Baron or Therengia.

In conclusion, the main purpose of the Watch is to engage in some shenanigans and have a great time. Please, please engage with GMPC's and push roleplay. If you have a particular roleplay you desire, LET US KNOW... the entire purpose of Support Unit is to support various roleplays that are not fighting. If you want to be a spy, bodyguard...or just RP out something off the wall...we are here to support you and enhance your DR experience. In turn, we ask that you promote the Watch, be a good member, help us improve so that we can all enjoy one another's company...and make sure SOMEONE ELSE wears the pink frock!