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News 5 7 - Policy regarding vulgarity and strong language

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NEWS article 5-7:


Please remember that within DragonRealms, we strive to deliver a product designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages, backgrounds and life experiences. *What* is said, and sometimes *how* it is said, can have a negative impact on the enjoyment of the game for some of our players. Just as OOC conversations are restricted to whispers and private areas, so to is strong language including, but not limited to, vulgarities, sexually explicit language, and slurs (racial, religious, or otherwise). We ask that if such language must be used, it be used privately.

Similarly, we do not condone the use of masked profanities or blatant sexual insinuations in public spaces - be it by speech, actions, CHATTER, or ESP (gweth) messages. If it must be used, keep it to whispers, the OOC verb or private areas.

What words are forbidden?
We deliberately do not define this, as it then degrades into people finding ways to circumvent the spirit of the policy. If you wouldn't say it to your grandmother, err on the side of caution and don't say it in game! For those of you with grandmothers fluent in sailor-speak, perhaps assume someone else's grandmother! If you just really need to insult someone, please remember the MOCK verb to avoid breaking policy.

Be aware that we take claims of sexual harassment *very* seriously. Never put yourself in a situation to be accused of it.

How do you know if I say something bad?
We have various monitoring systems in place that notify us when strong language is used, but we also rely on players to notify us via REPORT as well. You only need to REPORT once for it to be on our records to be looked into, even if someone isn't actively onduty.

What is or isn't a private area?
Private areas are considered closed and latched inn rooms, homes, and player owned boats that are unmoored (at sea or anchored on the water, NOT at a dock -- see NEWS 5 30). Similarly, the WHISPER and OOC verbs are considered private as is the use of albredine crystal rings or the colorless albredine ring networks. These are not monitored unless used inappropriately to harass the target. This type of behavior may fall under our harassment policies in addition to the language policies.

At this time, custom properties sold via the Simucoins store are NOT considered private spaces. Since the entrance mecahnics can allow non-approved guests inside, there's no guarantee that everyone within said areas agree to stronger language.

Even if you think you're alone in other areas, there's always a chance that someone could have logged out there and returns, or passes through via stealth or invisibility, or any number of situations where privacy isn't guaranteed. We've specifically set up private areas and means of communication, as noted above. Please make use of them.

Wrapping Up
DragonRealms is designed for the enjoyment of everyone, and as a general rule, any behavior which is specifically targeted to lessen that enjoyment for another player may be in violation of DragonRealms policy. Violations of this policy can result in nudges, cautions or warnings, depending on language used, past behavior and at Simutronic's discretion of the situation. If warnings are issued, please note the additional penalties included in NEWS 5 18.