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Miskton/Logs/20220709 Visions

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Event Name: Vision Meeting
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2022-07-09
Game Date of Event: 442-04-38
Point of View: Miskton
You say, "Okay, I think we can get started. Thank you all for coming."

You smile.

You say, "I have several visions to discuss this evening, possibly leaning a bit more toward the confusing side. That is somewhat relative, of course."

You grin.

Siendra smiles at you.

Elurora grins at you.

Tirost grins at you.

Tirost says, "Well that's a relief. Most are so straight forward."

Cyrril chuckles at Tirost.

Siendra flashes a quick grin at Tirost.

You say, "I'll start with one that I think I may at least have a general grasp on..."

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

You say, "I found myself walking along the edge of a vast cliff, above an endless darkness, blanketed with swirling clouds that stretched as far as I could see. As I breathed in the cold air, I heard them, a slow drum beat and soft chant marking their approaching, but I did not turn to greet them. Stones skittered and crushed beneath plate-clad boots, cloaks billowed and snapped in the wind, and a horn sounded a single note, commanding an orchestrated halt. The silence was profound -- and uninterrupted."

You say, ""We answered the call," came a strong voice behind me."

You say, "I bent to pick up a small pebble, and throwing it out over the cliff, watched it disappear into the distance as the vision faded."

Yvela folds her arms across her chest.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at you.

You say, "Although from the viewpoint of the vision, I never actually turned to look at those behind me, it does seem to remind me of the figures in golden plate that have been seen in a number of visions."

Elurora gives you a slight nod.

Zynell nods to you.

Boam strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Yvela ponders.

You say, "The cliff standing before endless darkness could represent a planar boundary, as well."

Cyrril ponders.

Elurora quietly says, "Why can't a cliff just be a cliff."

Tirost glances at Yvela.

Elurora sighs thoughtfully.

Ezerak nods to you.

Siendra looks at Elurora, obviously trying not to grin.

Ezerak says to you, "Those fellows came to my mind as well."

You say, "But, then, I have to wonder why I seemed to be pointedly ignoring them in the vision."

Gwenddolyn says, "This seems more like a miltiary group halting."

Zynell says, "That is what it looked like in the electric plane ends."

Yvela ponders.

Tirost asks, "The actions of the plate clad warriors are a bit different here. Were those with golden plate in previous visions ever heard to say anything?"

Tirost nods to Gwenddolyn.

You say to Tirost, "I'd have to check some of my older notes. I think there may have been some shouting."

Siendra thoughtfully asks, "Would it be figures you've seen before, if they are just now saying they've answered the call?"

Tirost nods to you.

Yvela says, "Am I recalling previous visions of an army rallying around a child figure? I wonder if this vision isn't from that child's perspective."

You say, "Saying that they answered the call could mean that they arrived in answer to the call. Or, perhaps, that they had previously answered the call, and expect some bargain related to that to be upheld."

Elurora raises her hand.

You nod to Elurora.

Elurora asks, "Visions don't always come in order do they? This one could be timeline-wise earlier than the other ones, even if we're seeing it now?"

Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

You say, "That's true, yes."

Siendra sticks her tongue out at Elurora.

Elurora gives you a slight nod.

Elurora looks at Siendra and blushes.

Siendra grins.

Tirost whispers something to Yvela.

Ruecolle says, "Forgive the simplistic interpretation, but the fact that they were behind you could mean the vision concerns the past."

You say to Yvela, "That's a possibility, though I'm less sure what the darkness beyond the cliff would be, then."

Zynell ponders.

Yvela nods to you.

Elurora whispers something to Siendra.

Yvela says to you, "The Dark Hand, or a similarly blighted area, maybe? It's a stretch."

Elurora nods at Siendra, obviously agreeing with her views.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Cliffs?"

You say to Ruecolle, "I'd hope not, in this case, given what was in front of me."

Yvela whispers something to Tirost.

Gwenddolyn says, "Reminds me of Asketi's Mount."

Zalinyar nods to Gwenddolyn.

Ruecolle smiles faintly.

You say, "I do think the refusing to look at whoever was approaching is important. Was the call not put out intentionally? Or maybe there is a price to be paid for it."

Gwenddolyn asks, "Are there planar lines there?"

Gwenddolyn peers quizzically at you.

You say to Gwenddolyn, "On Asketi's mount? I'm not sure."

Tirost nods to Yvela.

Siendra says, "Are there any known residents of the Planar Void? Beyond, well, the Lord or the aspects of familiars...I'm not asking that well, am I."

Siendra wrinkles her nose.

Zynell says, "Or perhaps they were expected."

Tirost grins at Siendra.

Siendra whispers something to Tirost.

Siendra grins sheepishly at Tirost.

Gwenddolyn says, "That would be Hag's Crag by the Temple of the North Wind."

Gwenddolyn says, "Only cliff I would think worthy of an army being there."

You say to Siendra, "None that actually are from there, I think, though there are beings that have crossed over it."

Siendra gives a slight nod.

Siendra says, "None that we have found, anyway."

You say, "Let's see, for the next vision..."

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

Tirost says to Siendra, "I think some of the beings that invaded during the last rising of Andreshlew were denizens of the Void, but the term 'void' itself is ambiguous."

Tirost says, "Sometimes it means the Planar Void, sometimes Urrem'tier's realm."

You say, "I found myself sitting in a dark room on a simple metal chair before a mirror. After a moment, I realized the image before me was not a mirror casting a reflection, but a perfect copy, the same appearance and clothes, sitting on the same chair. I sat, knees almost touching, and scrutinized the being before me replicating my mannerisms."

You say, ""What is the meaning of this?" the duplicate asked suddenly."

You say, "For a moment, I considered magical lessons from long ago that might aid in understanding the creature, secrets and insights. The duplicate lunged forward and grasped my wrist."

You say, ""I thought you one of them. Come now, speak to me as an equal. For whatever we are. They know. They always knew. And we will show them what can be."

You say, "I pulled my wrist free and leapt backwards, knocking over the chair. The duplicate smiled and declared, "The vision will fade now."

Cyrril nods to you.

Yvela raises an eyebrow.

You say, "The vision faded."

Cyrril wearily says, "Fascinating..."

Boam says, "Ocular."

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Gwenddolyn nods to Boam.

You say, "Certainly seems like what encountering an Ocular might be like."

Tirost asks you, "An Ocular?"

Gwenddolyn says, "That is the only thing we currently know of that can do taht."

Gwenddolyn says, "That."

Ezerak nods in agreement.

Ayrell gives a slight nod.

Yvela says, "I'm reminded of an unpleasant encounter with one of the demonic entities on basalt island. It used reflections of you that were.. off."

Ezerak says, "Clearly, Miskton has been replaced with an Ocular."

Ezerak appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Tirost gazes at Yvela.

Elurora giggles at Ezerak.

Gwenddolyn chuckles at Ezerak.

Siendra gazes at Yvela.

You say, "The direct reference to the experience of having a vision does make me think the duplicate is in some way versed in the ways of seers."

Xelten says, "Then let us do what must be done."

Xelten glances at you.

Ayrell chuckles at Xelten.

Ruecolle studies the faces around her.

Cyrril frowns at Yvela.

Ezerak asks Xelten, "Offer him an Olvi?"

You chuckle.

Xelten says, "I believe the Ravens have one."

Elurora slowly says, "I'm not sure it'd be right to feed an Olvi to him."

Zalinyar chuckles.

Elurora shifts her weight.

Ezerak chuckles.

Ezerak says to Elurora, "A joke, I assure you."

Elurora looks at Ezerak and blushes.

Gwenddolyn says, "They would likely spit him out."

Tirost asks you, "Any idea who the 'they' might be, mentioned by the duplicate?"

You say, "Ocular or not, the duplicate seemed like it might have wanted to avoid interacting with me if I was "one of them", whoever "they" are."

Gwenddolyn asks, "A moon mage?"

Siendra says, "I would think this was a more...friendly sort of doppelganger, given it being concerned Miskton was one of someone else undesirable."

Tirost nods to Siendra.

Elurora nods to Siendra.

Ruecolle says, "It might have truly been your reflection. Consider the mirrors our sect uses."

Ruecolle says, "A glimpse into the Plane of Probability."

Xelten dryly says, "You saw Tezirah."

Gwenddolyn says, "Perhaps a certain sect of moon mages they are afraid of."

You say, "Someone saying "we will show them" is also often something to be concerned about."

Ruecolle says, "Sometimes the mirrors show good things."

Xelten says, "If it is not an overly humid day."

Ayrell nods at Xelten, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nyrhin chuckles.

Boam strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

You say, "It would seem that whatever the duplicate was, someone knows about it, though perhaps this vision itself might not be enough for them to recognize it."

You say, "And whoever 'they' are, I could be mistaken for one of them."

Siendra says, "What if *you* were the vision...somewhere else."

Zalinyar ponders.

Tirost nods to you.

Tirost says to you, "Ominous, but not without hope."

You say to Siendra, "It's possible some being on another plane might have a way to tap into the plane of probability, although most planes would be hard pressed to have something that would look like a mirror image of someone from this plane, I think."

Siendra quietly says, "My panther once took my form when I called him..."

Siendra gazes at a russet panther.

Elurora blinks at Siendra.

Tirost glances at Siendra.

You notice as a russet panther looks around cautiously.

You say, "Let's see, for the next vision..."

Siendra pets her russet panther.

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

You say, "In the hot noonday sun, a group of men and women knelt, tied and blindfolded. Robed figures walked among them, holding glowing cloths over the bound individuals' faces. As they inhaled deeply, the bound men and women began to struggle against their restraints, to bleed from their nostrils and scream maniacally. One by one they sprinted towards the setting sun, running at full tilt, smashing into trees and falling into crevices, tripping and stumbling and howling like animals. When the set set, seven remained, and they fell to the ground panting and heaving, bloodied and exhausted."

You say, "A robed figure approached, glowing with a cold blue radiance, and the vision faded."

Siendra frowns.

Zalinyar blanches.

Elurora quietly says, "Oh, that's a bit like that other one."

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

You say, "The glowing cloths made me think of a previous vision, in which a man was gathering fiber from some plants which began to glow when the sun set, and he had to protect himself and his pack animal when that happened."

Tirost lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Yvela ponders.

Ezerak nods.

You say, "Aside from that... The robed figures appear to be weeding out candidates for... something."

Zalinyar says, "So what you are seeing is the result of that toxin he gathered."

Tirost nods to you.

Siendra nibbles on her fingers contemplatively.

You say, "A few ideas have been proposed previously, including the creation of Y'shai. I can't say I know much about that selection process, however."

Tirost says to Zalinyar, "That could be it - especially if it's tied to the other vision."

Ruecolle asks, "There's a fungus in Zoluren that drives men mad by the scent of it, isn't there? Does it glow?"

Elurora slowly asks you, "What about the other one you had, where there were only seven left at the end too?"

Zalinyar nods to Tirost.

Xelten says, "So only seven of us can live."

Xelten casually observes the area.

Xelten cracks his knuckles.

Elurora glances at Xelten.

You ponder.

You say to Elurora, "I'm afraid I don't recall offhand which one you're referring to."

Zalinyar says, "What other visions have the number seven..."

Zalinyar grins, revealing her dimples.

Elurora slowly says to you, "I can't remember if it was the last meeting or not, but it mighta been."

You ponder.

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

Elurora quietly says to you, "Unless it's the same one and I'm just confusing them."

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

You say to Elurora, "I did bring this one up at another gathering a little while back."

Elurora says to you, "That might be it then."

Elurora nods to you.

Elurora grins sheepishly at Siendra.

You say, "The number seven does seem likely to be important, though, since the specific number of survivors stood out to me."

Siendra grins at Elurora.

Tirost nods to you.

You say, "The cold blue radiance around the figure at the end also does seem to indicate something related to Lunar mana."

You say, "Perhaps particularly if the cloths are made from plants that have some sort of reaction to the moon."

You ponder.

You say, "That kind of winnowing isn't any procedure I'm familiar with, though."

Tirost nods to you.

Tirost says, "The robbed figures suggest a cult or sect."

Ruecolle asks, "Perhaps seven for the old Empire?"

You ponder.

Ruecolle says, "If it's lunar mana and sevens and robed figures, you could do worse than to look to Throne City."

Gwenddolyn says, "I think this is the production of Imperial weave in the Empire, that is what 7 means."

Elurora furrows her brow.

You say, "Could be related to the Empire in some way, yes. Or rather, someone people who are still around and have some sort of tie to the Empire."

Gwenddolyn says, "There was a ware house found long ago, that a moon mage sect kept."

Gwenddolyn says, "Warehouse full of it."

Siendra leans on Tirost.

Gwenddolyn says, "Some say it was in Throne City."

Tirost asks Gwenddolyn, "Of Imperial Weave?"

Xelten says, "I believe the notion was more along the lines of... say, the goblins and orcs and other intelligent creatures which did not earn a point on the star."

Gwenddolyn nods to Tirost.

Tirost rubs Siendra's left hand.

Gwenddolyn says, "It was considered more valuable than gold."

Siendra gazes at Gwenddolyn.

Elurora says, "I don't think Imperial weave glows though."

Gwenddolyn says, "The plants."

Gwenddolyn says, "It is toxic."

Gwenddolyn says, "I have notes on it somewhere, I spoke about it in a lecture."

You turn a page in your astronomer's journal.

You say, "Let's see. Next..."

You say, "A curious shadow passed overhead, blocking the sun. I looked up, and spotted a perfect octahedron made of black crystal descending. Though it was difficult to gauge size and distance, as it approached, it began a complex involution, spinning around additional surfaces and casting maddeningly complex internal reflections. Suddenly, three perfectly identical upright rectangular blocks erupted from its surface and began to orbit it rapidly, bending into elongated sheets and splitting into six, then twelve orbiting bodies. A beam of dark light sliced outward, striking the orbiting blocks, which reflected the radiance into a spinning disc. As the whole structure continued to descend I heard the shattering of glass, and the vision faded."

Kretona nods to Zynell.

You say, "The first thing that comes to my mind after viewing that, would be some major entity from the Plane of Probability."

You say, "Strange geometric shapes are similar to the descriptions of those who witnessed the Emperor of the Line."

Gwenddolyn says, "Why 6's and 12's."

You say, "Splitting in half, so I suppose the question is why starting with three."

Gwenddolyn nods.

Kretona nods to Zynell.

Zynell says, "It is a good number."

Elurora quietly says, "Sounds math-y."

Elurora gazes upward.

Siendra says, "The geometric configurations certainly call to mind the Planes as seen from the Observatory, personally."

Zalinyar asks, "Representing the three aspects?"

Zynell says, "Three aspects."

Gwenddolyn asks, "Remember that other vision in a chapel, with glass breaking?"

Nyrhin says, "I do dislike math."

Nyrhin gazes upward.

You nod to Gwenddolyn.

Nyrhin grins at Elurora.

Ezerak teasingly says to Nyrhin, "Except for the counting of coins, I assume."

Tirost nods at Nyrhin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nyrhin asks Ezerak, "Well, who doesn't like that?"

Elurora quietly says to Nyrhin, "I know a little Gnome that rather loves it, too bad she isn't here."

Nyrhin chuckles.

You say, "As to what is trying to be accomplished, with all the spinning and rotating and reflecting of dark light... That I have less of a clue on."

Yvela says, "It certainly does sound like a planar incursion of some kind, anyway."

Ruecolle exclaims, "It eclipsed the sun. That's rarely a good sign!"

You say, "If it is something on the level of the Emperor of the Line, well, I think Jon Ilbani is the only one who ever really understood that, and it apparently drove him insane."

Xelten matter-of-factly says, "The sun was too bright, anyway."

Nyrhin nods at Xelten, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora slowly asks you, "Emperor of the Line?"

Elurora quietly says, "I'm guessing he didn't just really like standing in lines..."

Elurora shifts her weight.

Zynell says to Elurora, "That would make an excellent story though."

Elurora giggles at Zynell.

Elurora nods at Zynell, obviously agreeing with her views.

You say, "The... I suppose you might call it the incarnation of some extremely complicated math? Or at least that's what seems to have been the case."

Siendra laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Elurora slowly asks you, "Like if math was a...person?"

Elurora cocks her head at you.

You say, "Something along those lines."

Yvela ponders.

Xelten smirks at you.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Jares Braun had a copy of it though, is that true?"

You say, "A copy of the final formula that was used to apparently bind it, yes."

Gridaksma teasingly says, "If you find a truly great threat, just tell Xelten the threat is Therengian and he'll handle it for us."

Yvela says, "There were those zenzic entites that plagued us some years ago. They seemed to be made of glass and were associated with math, if I recall correctly."

Elurora glances at Xelten.

You say, "Bind it or banish it, though given the overall effects I would lean toward binding."

Tirost quietly says to Yvela, "I remember them."

You nod to Yvela.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Does the celestial compact still have that info?"

Xelten says, "Therengians destroy themselves, in the end. I am patient."

Gwenddolyn peers quizzically at you.

Elurora quietly says, "I'm going to need to read more books."

Ruecolle says to Elurora, "Some say the inhabitants of the plane of probability are the refractions of our thoughts, though others would tell you it's the other way around."

Elurora puts her journal in her encompassing shadows.

Gridaksma grins at Xelten.

Zynell grins at Xelten.

Elurora furrows her brow.

You say to Gwenddolyn, "It's entombed with Ilbani."

Elurora slowly asks Ruecolle, "You mean that we're their thoughts?"

Yvela quietly says to Tirost, "Awful things and experts at taking off limbs."

Ruecolle says, "Er...maybe? I'm only an apprentice still."

Tirost nods at Yvela, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora smiles at Ruecolle.

Ruecolle chuckles.

Gwenddolyn says, "Yvela may be onto something though, it seems similar."

Ruecolle says, "But if our concepts find life in another plane, geometry is as good as anything else you can dream of."

You say, "Well, the zenzics are also incarnations of math, though perhaps not quite so complicated."

Siendra smiles.

Anuril says, "The shapes and dark light remind me of the cultists while Andreshlew was surfaced."

Yvela nods to Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Yvela.

Xelten says to Ruecolle, "Imagine a plane based on the concept of cheese."

Zynell asks, "The Voidgazers?"

Anuril nods to Zynell.

Zynell angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Anuril.

Zynell nods.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Xelten.

Nyrhin begins chortling at Xelten.

Elurora glances at Siendra.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Zynell.

Anuril asks, "Fighting them, they had, much smaller than in the vision, umm, crystals? That were orbiting them?"

Zynell exclaims to Tirost, "His idea!"

Elurora quietly asks Siendra, "Could that be a thing?"

Ezerak says to Xelten, "That sounds way better than one based on math."

Ezerak chuckles.

Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Tirost nods to Zynell.

Nyrhin nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Siendra ponders.

Nyrhin says, "I much prefer cheese to math."

Ruecolle furrows her brow.

Tirost says to Anuril, "I remember the orbiting crystals too."

Elurora quietly says, "Depends on how hungry I am."

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Nyrhin.

Nyrhin nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nyrhin grins at Elurora.

Anuril says, "And one of their attacks was a not-light... ray..."

You say, "I suppose it's possible that some being in the Plane of Probability represents the concept of cheese."

You ponder.

Siendra says to Elurora, "I certainly can't say it isn't."

Xelten says, "Yes, it is all wonderful until a colossal cheese wheel descends in Miskton's next vision, blotting out the sun and smothering us."

Gwenddolyn chuckles at you!

Elurora softly says to Siendra, "We should do another class, Miss."

Nyrhin asks Xelten, "What kind of cheese?"

Yvela shakes her head.

Elurora laughs at Xelten.

Nyrhin says, "Because that may not be such a bad way to go."

Ruecolle says, "An isocahedron of cheese, folded infinitely unto itself..."

Xelten says, "Something offensive to the nose."

Nyrhin says, "Oh, well, then. I protest."

Ruecolle says, "It would be...unimaginably powerful."

Ruecolle smiles at Xelten.

Gwenddolyn says, "Don't give the gods any ideas, please."

You say, "I have one more vision to discuss this evening, which also seems like it might be related to Lunar magic in some fashion."

Nyrhin says, "Whale cheese."

Yvela whispers something to Tirost.

Nyrhin coughs.

Elurora glances at Nyrhin.

Elurora says, "Ew."

Elurora edges away from Nyrhin.

You say, "Seated before a mirror, a man with several disfiguring scars marring his face examined his reflection. He opened a drawer and carefully removed a porcelain mask, which he set carefully on the ground before the mirror. Holding a simple lacquered cosmetics case, he began to bury his scars under creams and powders. After some time, his subtle work had accomplished the impressive - his face was whole, composed and regal, free of blemish."

Nyrhin says, "That's the Merelew's fault."

Nyrhin chuckles.

You say, "He inhaled deeply, and, lifting a knife to his jaw, cut a smooth line up his cheek, past his temple, curving over his brow and down the bridge of his nose. The mask began to bleed, and starlight poured from its eyes and nostrils. The vision faded."

Elurora blinks at you.

Kretona removes his doll mask, revealing his face.

Yvela raises an eyebrow.

Elurora glances at Kretona.

You say, "I'm not sure exactly what the man is trying to do in this vision, but it seems to be something he has done frequently already, judging from the scars."

Ruecolle says to Kretona, "Please don't be terrifying."

Tirost whispers something to Yvela.

Kretona rubs his neck.

Zynell grins at Kretona.

Ruecolle rubs the back of her neck and looks around.

Kretona undulates his tail through the air, a sly smirk on his face.

Nyrhin says, "Starlight... now I'm thinking traders."

Kretona gets a severed lizard's tail from inside his butcher's bag.

Kretona nibbles on a severed lizard's tail thoughtfully.

You nod to Nyrhin.

Nyrhin says, "I usually blame the Negotiants."

Siendra nods to Nyrhin.

Nyrhin chuckles.

Ezerak chuckles at Nyrhin.

You ask, "It's possible it might be some painful method for Traders to augment their gathered starlight?"

Elurora offers Kretona an apple toffee doughnut.

Ezerak asks, "Could be that scarred king fellow from the previous visions?"

Elurora says to Kretona, "Try this."

Nyrhin says, "Possibly. The Negotiants have been known to cut us open for some things."

Tirost nods to Yvela.

Gwenddolyn says, "Awhile back there was a vision about a king's scarred face and burned hand."

Gwenddolyn nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

You say, "I didn't notice anything of note about the man's hand in this vision."

Kretona says, "I don't usually eat fruit."

Kretona squints.

Elurora offers Kretona a Sunfall Hub jelly doughnut sprinkled with salt and sugar.

Anuril squints at Nyrhin.

Elurora quietly says to Kretona, "I hear that one is...special."

Tirost grins at Yvela.

Kretona mutters to himself.

Kretona accepts Elurora's jelly doughnut.

Kretona sniffs at a Sunfall Hub jelly doughnut sprinkled with salt and sugar.

Kretona sniffs at a severed lizard's tail.

Kretona ponders.

Kretona licks a Sunfall Hub jelly doughnut sprinkled with salt and sugar.

Kretona squints.

Nyrhin says to Anuril, "A certain magic they "teach" us. Avtalia Array."

Elurora whispers something to Kretona.

Elurora looks at Kretona and shrugs.

Anuril nods to Nyrhin.

Yvela smiles quickly.

Kretona blinks.

You ask, "Any thoughts on why the man might need to make his face look pristine before cutting it again?"

You hear the weary voice of Cyrril ask, "Ah, the surgical procedure?"

Tirost smiles at Yvela.

Zynell bows her head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising her head, she glances to the shadows with a knowing smile.

Kretona takes a bite of the doughnut.

Nyrhin nods.

Yvela asks you, "Perhaps the ritual is based on his perception of himself, somehow? He needs a fresh canvas each time?"

You stroke your beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Tirost ponders.

You say, "A plausible idea."

Gwenddolyn says, "It sounds like he keeps trying to get it right and fails."

Tirost asks, "And why would the mask bleed when he cut himself?"

You hear the weary voice of Cyrril say, "Reversion to the initial state before repeating an experimental procedure."

Elurora says, "It wasn't really a mask-mask. It was makeup."

Ruecolle says, "There was a mask and makeup."

Gwenddolyn glances outside a moment.

You say to Tirost, "He clearly has some connection to the mask, possibly established previously."

You hear a casual voice say, "The scars likely don't represent physical disfigurement."

Ruecolle says, "He cut his painted face and the mask bled."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Siendra says, "Perhaps whatever ritual wa being sought, the person wanted to feel the most "them", and that them wasn't the real them but their made up them."

Kretona gets a grotesque mask of mangled demonscale stretched taut over rawhide from inside his butcher's bag.

Kretona wears his grotesque mask, hiding his face from view.

You say, "And the scarring may not involve literal cutting of the face, but it seems likely it's something with long term, if not permanent, consequences."

Ruecolle says, "Well--I can't see who said that, but they may be right."

Yvela ponders.

Ayrell says, "Did I hear the vision correctly, however? He placed the mask on the ground and it bled when he cut himself."

You nod to Ayrell.

Elurora rubs her nose.

Ayrell says, "So he was not wearing it."

Ruecolle says, "Consider how we align ourselves to fate by observation before we make a prediction. That sort of ritual is common with all manner of spellcasters."

Yvela asks you, "Something like Teleologic Sorcery, maybe? That damages your connection to fate, doesn't it?"

You hear a casual voice say, "And perhaps an allusion that the mask can't truly hide the scars."

You say to Yvela, "That could fit, yes."

Ruecolle casually observes the area.

You ask, "And that covers what I had to bring up this evening. Does anybody have any other thoughts, or questions? Or other visions of some sort that I'm not aware of?"

Nyrhin shakes his head.

Cyrril wearily says, "Thank you as always, Court Mage Miskton."

Cyrril bows to you.

Siendra says to you, "This was wonderful to observe. Thank you so much."

Nyrhin says to you, "I do apologize for becoming distracted by cheese."

Madigan grins at Nyrhin.

Nyrhin says, "It's a weakness."

Boam stands up.

Nyrhin chuckles.

Tirost says to you, "Appreciate the visions, as always, Miskton."

Elurora offers Nyrhin a slice of aged white cheese layered with walnuts and dried apples.

You say, "Well, then, thank you all for coming, and I hope you have a pleasant rest of the evening."