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Madigan/Logs/20090125 Log
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[The Baron's Table, Dining Room] The dark polished wood of the paneling and tables provides a warm glow to the elegantly furnished dining room. Throne-like chairs with pale yellow silk damask seats are arranged around each table. Glazed windows look out over the town walls, the milky rippled glass turning the surrounding hills and groves into waves of rainbow images. The susurration of quiet conversations rises and falls as diners linger over their meals. You also see a serving cart and a parchment menu. Obvious exits: out. Edorel followed. > Edorel gives a slight nod. > "Ok. You say, "Ok." > look edorel You see Edorel Aleridon, Squire of the Therengia Infantry, a Human Paladin. Edorel has deep-set turquoise eyes, a straight nose and a cleft chin. His ash-blonde hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn tied back. He has tanned skin and a brawny build. He is very tall for a Human. He is young for a Human. He is in good shape. He is holding a polished gold helm in his left hand. He is wearing a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, an antique turquoise pendant on a twisted gold chain, a midnight blue woolen cloak trimmed with gold braiding, a silk tabard argent in pale a lion rampant or and a scale or with a sword argent and an olive branch vert, a jet black leather backpack, a comfortable square-cut linen tunic, some polished gold armor, some somber golden weepers, a warrior's tower shield, some polished gold gauntlets, a low-slung black leather hip belt, a pair of midnight blue fitted trousers of soft brushed linen and some calf-length black leather boots. > "You will be prepared to recite the Paladin Code? You ask, "You will be prepared to recite the Paladin Code?" > Edorel nods to you. > nod You nod. > Edorel says, "I am, Sir." > "Is your vault in Theren? You say, "Is your vault in Theren? " > Edorel says, "It is." > Edorel nods in agreement. > "Ok, go shed all of your armor, shield and weapons. You say, "Ok, go shed all of your armor, shield and weapons." > Edorel nods. > "Except one weapon that is. You say, "Except one weapon that is." > Edorel says, "Bring only one weapon." > Edorel gives a slight nod. > Edorel says, "I will return." > "Make sure you have a rather empty storage container. You say, "Make sure you have a rather empty storage container." > "I hear some people have gifts for you, so I don't want to have to carry them for you. You say, "I hear some people have gifts for you, so I don't want to have to carry them for you." > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Edorel rubs his neck. > look [The Baron's Table, Dining Room] The dark polished wood of the paneling and tables provides a warm glow to the elegantly furnished dining room. Throne-like chairs with pale yellow silk damask seats are arranged around each table. Glazed windows look out over the town walls, the milky rippled glass turning the surrounding hills and groves into waves of rainbow images. The susurration of quiet conversations rises and falls as diners linger over their meals. You also see a serving cart and a parchment menu. Also here: Edorel. Obvious exits: out. > Edorel says, "I'll be back shortly." > Edorel raises his hand in a quick salute. > "Wait. You say, "Wait." > Edorel just went out. > Edorel just arrived. > Edorel blushes a bright red color. > mumble You mumble something under your breath. > "And, bloody hit the moat at some point for running off like a green recruit. You say, "And, bloody hit the moat at some point for running off like a green recruit." > Edorel hesitantly exclaims, "Just a little nervous, my apologies. Sir, turn in the moat!" > Edorel nods in agreement. > "Now, about this ceremony. You say, "Now, about this ceremony." > "You may or may not know this, but some people will use any forum by which to promote their self interest. You say, "You may or may not know this, but some people will use any forum by which to promote their self interest." > Edorel gazes thoughtfully at you. > Edorel frowns. > "I expect words will be spoken by some that have nothing to do with what I have taught you. You say, "I expect words will be spoken by some that have nothing to do with what I have taught you." > "I expect you to listen to me, your oath bearers and your lord liege and his representatives. You say, "I expect you to listen to me, your oath bearers and your lord liege and his representatives." > "If you hear advice that would not be appropriate, then you accept it graciously. You say, "If you hear advice that would not be appropriate, then you accept it graciously." > Edorel gives a slight nod. > shrug You shrug. > The glowing lines fade away along with the See the Wind spell. > "Don't know why some do this type of stuff, but I hear it will let's grin and bear it. You say, "Don't know why some do this type of stuff, but I hear it will let's grin and bear it." > Edorel nods in agreement. > Edorel firmly says, "I will do my best to grin." > "OK, clean yourself up, then one turn in the moat for running amuck and then I want you in the Chapel 15 roi prior to the ceremony. You say, "OK, clean yourself up, then one turn in the moat for running amuck and then I want you in the Chapel 15 roi prior to the ceremony." > "Check? You ask, "Check?" > Edorel nods. > Edorel exclaims, "Sir!" > "Move smartly. You say, "Move smartly." > salute You raise your hand in a quick salute. > Edorel raises his hand in a quick salute. > Edorel just went out. > think to valynn OUtside the vaults. You project your thoughts to Valynn. > out /r [Therenborough, Arbalest Row] A large cottage made from honey-colored stone faces the street, its open doors emitting a savory aroma of roasted meat and herbs. Climbing rose bushes intertwine over the front, the pure white blossoms enhancing its elegant appearance. You also see a fieldstone home with a muddy doormat shaped like a flat snowman and an abandoned fieldstone cottage. Obvious paths: south, northwest. > s /r [Therenborough, Arbalest Row] This shop-lined pedestrian thoroughfare travels around the western side of the towering keep that survives still in all its granite magnificence. Passersby occasionally stop to gape up at the looming tower with its circlet of ferocious stone gargoyles. You also see the Carousel Square. Also here: Uuma. Obvious paths: north, east, southeast. > Valynn just arrived. > "Be right back. You say, "Be right back." > go square Valynn gets some flowing nightsilk robes from inside her traveler's pack. > Valynn offers you some flowing nightsilk robes. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds. > Hodierna's Hand Fanya just arrived. > "Have to wait on my vault to transfer. You say, "Have to wait on my vault to transfer." > Fanya smiles. > shake head valynn You shake your head at Valynn. > Valynn grins. > "He has some. You say, "He has some." > Fanya gathers the folds of her gown and deeply curtsies with a flourish and a smile. > bow fanya You bow to Fanya. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Valynn puts her robes in her traveler's pack. > "Hello there Fanya. You say, "Hello there Fanya." > Fanya asks, "have you seen Kiltan and Edorel?" > "Kiltan was just outside the Theren Gate. You say, "Kiltan was just outside the Theren Gate." > Fanya says, "and forgive me, good day to you both" > The Baronial guardsman strides in, looking around carefully for signs of trouble. > Fanya ponders. > "Edorel is getting ready for the Ceremony. You say, "Edorel is getting ready for the Ceremony." > smile You smile. > Fanya says, "I just went to see" > Valynn grins at Fanya. > "So, he should be in the Chapel in about 15 roi. You say, "So, he should be in the Chapel in about 15 roi." > The Baronial guardsman scans the area with a watchful eye. > Fanya asks, "Do you know...does Edorel have a horse?" > "Yes, he does. You say, "Yes, he does." > Valynn nods. > The Baronial guardsman strides southeast, looking around carefully for signs of trouble. > Fanya asks, "Do you know what kind of saddle he has?" > Valynn's offer to you has expired. > "A plain one actually. You say, "A plain one actually." > Fanya grins at Uuma. > Fanya nods to Uuma. > Uuma slings a fine black leather saddle with sterling silver roses inlaid along the stirrup off from over her shoulder. > Xorael just arrived. > Xorael just went north. > Uuma offers Fanya a fine black leather saddle with sterling silver roses inlaid along the stirrup. > The Baronial guardsman strides in, looking around carefully for signs of trouble. > "Ohh, now that is a fine saddle. Fanya says, "Excellent" > You say, "Ohh, now that is a fine saddle." > Fanya giggles. > Fanya accepts Uuma's leather saddle. > Fanya puts her saddle in her velvet pack. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > You say, "A most appropriate thing m'lady." > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Fanya says, "I hope so" > Valynn nods in agreement. > Fanya gathers the folds of her gown and deeply curtsies with a flourish and a smile. > "Pardon me, as I need to get a few things out of my vault for this ceremony. You say, "Pardon me, as I need to get a few things out of my vault for this ceremony." > You get some field plate armor from inside a secure vault. > stow my armor You put your armor in your traveler's pack. > get helm from vault You get a great helm from inside a secure vault. > examine my helm The helm has been engraved with the image of a roaring lion over a set of scales weighing a sword and an olive laurel, the crest of the Paladins' Guild In the center of the design are the initials "M.D." > stow helm You put your helm in your traveler's pack. > get gaunt from vault You get some gauntlets from inside a secure vault. > examine my gaunt The gauntlets have been engraved with the image of a roaring lion over a set of scales weighing a sword and an olive laurel, the crest of the Paladins' Guild In the center of the design are the initials "M.D." > stow my gaunt You put your gauntlets in your traveler's pack. > look You say, "Ok, let's head to the chapel." You clasp Valynn's hand tenderly. > look madigan Valynn puts her helm in her traveler's pack. > You are Sir Madigan De'Mascus, Veteran of the Therengia Infantry, a Human. You have silver eyes. Your silver hair is short and straight, and is worn loose. You have pale skin. You have a scruffy growth of stubble on your face. You have a tattoo of a Paladin holding a Therengian standard and a drawn blade, which emits a fierce light as he valiantly faces the darkness on your back. You are in good shape. You are wearing some matte black woven reed greaves, a forester's crossbow, an albredine crystal ring, a dark mistwood ring carved into the shape of a dragon's talon with a flawless silver wolf inlay, some gauntlets, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a silver teardrop, a diamond pin, a maned desumos fur with agate eyes, a warrior's tower shield, a gold Commander's badge, a hand-stitched traveler's pack, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, a claymore sheath, some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs, a bright gold lion amulet suspended from a heavy chain, a twisted cambrinth armband, a plain paper envelope, an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps, some half plate, a pilgrim's badge, a great helm and a plain linen gem pouch. > [Theren Keep, Chapel] Tapered candles provide a warm light for the Chapel of Chadatru despite the dark of night. Even in the dim light the stained glass window can be viewed. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window and cast its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a brown lynx, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen, Protector Raagnar who is sitting, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. Valynn followed. > Melindrha takes a bite of the strawberry. > Sebestyen asks, "Well, and yourslef?" > Sebestyen bows to you. > salute You raise your hand in a quick salute. > shake hand sebe You shake Sebestyen's hand. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Marganus says, "Pretty good." > Melindrha closes her eyes for a moment and grows still. > Marganus tips his balaclava to you with a courteous nod. > Marganus nods to Valynn. > Marganus asks, "How ya two doin'?" > "Pardon me as I am in my thoughts a moment. You say, "Pardon me as I am in my thoughts a moment." > "Doing well sir. You say, "Doing well sir." > Sebestyen whispers, "I have a poem I would like to recite wherever you wish to fit it in" > Valynn grins at Marganus. > Marganus grins at Valynn. > Marganus hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Marganus with a warm smile. > Valynn hugs Marganus, getting a smile in return. > Raagnar traces the tip of his finger along the edge of his Chadatru medallion. > Marganus asks, "So how's it feel to get a paid vacation to Shard?" > whisper sebe That sounds great Sebestyen. Thanks for coming, it means a ton that many great paladins are going to be here. You whisper to Sebestyen. > Melindrha grins at Raagnar. > Valynn chuckles at Marganus. > sit bench You settle yourself on the oak bench. s> asleep Please rephrase that command. s> Valynn says, "I doubt it'll be much of a vacation." s> Marganus chuckles. s> Valynn grins at Marganus. s> Sebestyen begins to listen to Raagnar teach the Heavy Thrown skill. s> Marganus says, "Yea... prolly right." s> You notice a brown lynx sniff at Valynn for a moment. s> Marganus begins to listen to Raagnar teach the Heavy Thrown skill. s> Valynn quietly says to Marganus, "And if there's a check, let me know who I need to collect from." s> Marganus snickers. s> Edorel just arrived. s> Marganus says, "Point taken." s> Edorel raises his hand in a quick salute. s> Edorel's legs are dripping water everywhere. s> Marganus nods to Edorel. s> Marganus says, "Thoughts a couple." s> Valynn grins at Edorel. s> Valynn gets a deep evergreen HERS towel from inside her traveler's pack. s> Valynn offers Edorel a deep evergreen HERS towel. s> You notice as a brown lynx scratches itself. s> Valynn winks. s> Edorel accepts Valynn's HERS towel. s> Edorel beams at Valynn! s> Edorel vigorously rubs his legs with a deep evergreen HERS towel, drying himself off as much as possible. s> Sebestyen grins. s> Edorel offers Valynn a deep evergreen HERS towel. s> Melindrha grins. s> Valynn accepts Edorel's HERS towel. s> Valynn chuckles. s> Edorel blushes a bright red color. s> Edorel rubs his neck. s> Edorel inhales a great swallow of air. s> Valynn grins at Edorel. s> Valynn pats Edorel on the back. s> Raagnar casually observes the area. s> Valynn says, "You'll be fine." s> Valynn says, "Just breath and relax." s> Edorel nods at Valynn, obviously agreeing with her views. s> Melindrha says, "If there's anyone who needs a quick healing before this begins, I'm willing" s> You notice as a brown lynx begins to pant. s> Valynn smiles at Melindrha. s> Valynn appears to be concentrating intently on something. s> Valynn says, "If you don't mind. I think just scars." s> Melindrha rests her hand on Valynn's arm with a soft smile. s> Melindrha licks the tip of one finger and traces a pattern in the air, as if painting upon glass. s> Melindrha says, "Not a problem" s> Valynn smiles at Melindrha. s> Melindrha gestures. Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around her. s> You notice as a brown lynx looks around suspiciously. s> Valynn says, "Many thanks." s> Melindrha says, "My pleasure" s> Valynn gets a long-stemmed white rose from inside her traveler's pack. s> Marsais raises his hand in a quick salute. s> A sullen Shadow Servant trudges in, following its master. s> Valynn grins at Marsais. s> Valynn offers Melindrha a long-stemmed white rose. s> Melindrha puts her iolite in her blue gem pouch. s> Melindrha accepts Valynn's white rose. s> Melindrha beams! s> Valynn grins. s> Edorel hugs Marsais, who wraps his arms around Edorel with a warm smile. s> Sir Cristoph just arrived. s> Melindrha takes a bite of the strawberry. s> Valynn smiles at Cristoph. s> Edorel shakes Cristoph's hand. s> Marsais wraps his arm around Edorel's shoulder in a friendly hug. s> Melindrha leans on Raagnar. s> Sebestyen smiles at Marsais. s> Cristoph says, "Hello, friends." s> Cristoph smiles. s> Melindrha licks the tip of one finger and traces a pattern in the air, as if painting upon glass. s> Melindrha seems to be concentrating intently on something. s> Marsais shakes Sebestyen's hand. s> Sebestyen smiles at Cristoph. s> Melindrha seems to be concentrating intently on something. s> Melindrha gestures. Rutilant sparks of light encircle Melindrha, seeping into her skin and bathing her in a warm glow. s> Melindrha seems to be concentrating intently on something. s> Cristoph bows to Sebestyen. s> Marsais sighs softly as the pale yellow sparks surrounding his body fade away. s> Marsais grins at Cristoph. s> Marsais just went west. s> A sullen Shadow Servant trudges off, following its master. s> Valynn begins to lecture Cristoph on the proper use of the Swimming skill. s> Cristoph begins to listen to Valynn teach the Swimming skill. s> Valynn grins at Cristoph. s> think The promotion of Squire Edorel will begin in 9 roi in the Theren Keep Chapel. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts. s> Cristoph bows to Valynn. s> Melindrha grins. s> Marganus says to Edorel, "But yea, I agree with Valynn. No sense in bein' nervous unless somethin' bad's gonna happen to ya." s> Cristoph says, "Thank you, Valynn." s> Marganus grins at Edorel. s> Marsais just arrived. s> A sullen Shadow Servant trudges in, following its master. s> Kiltan just arrived. s> Undying Valkri just arrived. Edorel nods at Marganus, obviously agreeing with his views. s> Valynn grins at Valkri. s> Kiltan smiles. s> Sebestyen chuckles. s> Valynn smiles at Kiltan. s> Melindrha eats some cebi pulp. s> Valkri takes a seat near Valynn. > Kiltan sits down on the oak bench. s> Edorel quietly says to Marganus, "I just felt guilty dripping in the chapel." s> Sebestyen chuckles at Edorel. s> Marsais asks Edorel, "Moat?" s> Marganus chuckles. s> Marsais sniffs at Edorel. s> Marsais makes a grunting noise. s> Marganus sniffs at Edorel. s> Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. s> Sebestyen grins. s> Cristoph whispers, "Will you let me know when it's a good time for gift-giving and the like? I'm not sure what you've got planned. :)" s> Edorel blushes a bright red color. Marganus rubs his nose. s> Valynn asks, "One last turn?" s> whisper cris I will let you know. You whisper to Cristoph. s> Kiltan grins. s> Cristoph chortles softly at some secret joke. s> stand You stand back up. > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Tapered candles provide a warm light for the Chapel of Chadatru despite the dark of night. Even in the dim light the stained glass window can be viewed. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window and cast its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a brown lynx that is sitting, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Undying Valkri who is sitting, Kiltan who is sitting, Marsais, Sir Cristoph, Edorel, Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar who is sitting, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. > Edorel says, "It was necessary." > Edorel nods. > get candle from my pack You get an altar candle from inside your traveler's pack. > Sebestyen says, "For old time sake no doubt" > Valynn grins at Edorel. > give valy Hodierna's Hand Fanya just arrived. > You offer your altar candle to Valynn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer. > Cristoph whispers, "Good stuff! This is really cool, ya know!" > Valynn has accepted your offer and is now holding an altar candle. > Fanya smiles. > Marganus says to Edorel, "Least ya don't smell like ozone." > get flint from my pack You get a piece of black flint from inside your traveler's pack. > Valynn nods in agreement. > give valynn Marganus flashes a quick grin at Edorel. > You offer your black flint to Valynn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer. > Valynn has accepted your offer and is now holding a piece of black flint. > Fanya curtsies. > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Cristoph bows to Fanya. > Edorel rubs his neck. > Valkri smiles at Cristoph. > whisper valynn Will you light this while after Edorel recites the paladin code? You whisper to Valynn. > Melindrha scoots over a little closer to Raagnar. > Valynn nods to you. > Melindrha grins at Raagnar. > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Tapered candles provide a warm light for the Chapel of Chadatru despite the dark of night. Even in the dim light the stained glass window can be viewed. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window and cast its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a brown lynx that is sitting, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Undying Valkri who is sitting, Kiltan who is sitting, Marsais, Sir Cristoph, Edorel, Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar who is sitting, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. > Thin ribbons of red-gold light dance around Melindrha, suffusing her in a fiery glow. > Fanya casually observes the area. > Raagnar winks at Melindrha. > Thin ribbons of red-gold light dance around Melindrha, suffusing her in a fiery glow. > look edorel You see Edorel Aleridon, Squire of the Therengia Infantry, a Human Paladin. Edorel has deep-set turquoise eyes, a straight nose and a cleft chin. His ash-blonde hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn tied back. He has tanned skin and a brawny build. He is very tall for a Human. He is young for a Human. He is in good shape. He is wearing a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a midnight blue woolen cloak trimmed with gold braiding, a silk tabard argent in pale a lion rampant or and a scale or with a sword argent and an olive branch vert, a jet black leather backpack, a comfortable square-cut linen tunic, some somber golden weepers, a low-slung black leather hip belt, a pair of midnight blue fitted trousers of soft brushed linen and some calf-length black leather boots. > Fanya sits down on the oak bench. > Marsais waves to Fanya. > Valynn puts her flint in her thigh quiver. > Fanya smiles at Marsais. > Fanya waves to Marganus. > Fanya babbles incoherently. > Fanya waves to Marsais. > Marsais says, "We look alike." > Marsais squints at Marganus. > Marganus glances at Marsais. > Marsais looks himself over. > Kiltan grins. > Marganus says, "Dunno about that." Edorel squints at Marsais. > Fanya says, "I think I was just caught up in the excitement" > Marsais says to Marganus, "Well if ya shaved." > Cristoph grins at Valkri. Marganus chuckles. > Edorel glances at Marganus. > Edorel glances at Marsais. > hold cross Valkri chuckles at Cristoph. > Marganus says, "Yea, good point. It is gettin' a bit shaggy." > Marsais chuckles. > Tiny tendrils of lightning begin to jolt between Marganus's hands as he utters a few magical words! R> Thin ribbons of red-gold light dance around Melindrha, suffusing her in a fiery glow. R> Marganus touches a glowing hand to his beard and runs his fingers around his face. The nauseating stench of burning hair assaults your nostrils as Marganus removes all traces of the beard. Melindrha grins at Raagnar. R> Valynn begins chortling at Marganus. > Kiltan chuckles at Marganus. > Marganus says, "There." > Cristoph strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation. R> grin cris You grin at Cristoph. R> Melindrha licks the tip of one finger and traces a pattern in the air, as if painting upon glass. > Fanya hums to herself. Sir Erieck's group just arrived. > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Tapered candles provide a warm light for the Chapel of Chadatru despite the dark of night. Even in the dim light the stained glass window can be viewed. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window and cast its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a brown lynx that is sitting, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Soldier Lissha, Sir Erieck, Hodierna's Hand Fanya who is sitting, Undying Valkri who is sitting, Kiltan who is sitting, Marsais, Sir Cristoph, Edorel, Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar who is sitting, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. > smile erie You smile at Erieck. > Cristoph bows to Erieck. > Erieck whispers, " yup" > Kiltan nods to Valynn. > smile lis You smile at Lissha. > Cristoph bows to Lissha. > Sebestyen mutters to himself. > Edorel shakes Erieck's hand. > Erieck bows to Cristoph. > Lissha smiles at you. > Edorel smiles at Lissha. > Lissha smiles at Valkri. > With slow and patient words, Valynn shows you a complicated aspect of Swimming that has always eluded your understanding. > Lissha smiles at Edorel. > Cristoph says, "Hallo, friends." > find frodes There are no adventurers in the realms that match the names specified. The syntax for this command is: FIND [player 1] [player 2] ... [player 9] It provides a list of those players who are in the realms. > Cristoph smiles. > Lissha smiles at Cristoph. > Valkri smiles at Lissha. > Erieck shakes Edorel's hand. > Marganus grins at Erieck. > Edorel pats Erieck on the back. > Lissha takes a seat. > A shadowy orb rippling with silver arcs of light spins slowly through the air, orbiting Valkri's body like a miniature, luminous moon. > Marganus asks Erieck, "Long time no see. How ya doin'?" > Erieck grins at Marganus. > Lissha adjusts her midnight-blue robe into place. > You notice as a brown lynx looks upward negligently. > Marsais hugs Lissha, who wraps her arms around Marsais with a warm smile. > shake my helm You adjust your great helm. > Lissha hugs Marsais, getting a smile in return. > Fanya whispers something to Edorel. > Valynn whispers, "Is this title alright?" > look valynn You see Wind Walker Valynn Aerhe, Druid, an Elf. Valynn has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and silver-flecked crystal green eyes. Her golden brown hair is very long and thick, and is worn braided. She has tanned skin. She is a bit over average height for a Elf. She is young for an Elf. She is in good shape. She is holding an altar candle in her right hand. She is wearing an ebony owl earring, a silver earcuff engraved with ivy vines bearing deep emerald leaves, a sumptuous cloak of fine sable wool, a long mesh weapon harness, a light brown hand-stitched traveler's pack embroidered with a forest scene, an ivory owl ring, a milky blue albredine ring, an archer's thumbguard, an albredine crystal ring and some soft black leather thigh-boots. > Erieck says to Marganus, "Ahhh ya know me..I'm always around somewhere.." > Marganus chuckles. > Lissha grins at Cristoph. > Valynn shows you an interesting facet of Swimming, increasing your desire to become an accomplished practitioner of the skill. > Marganus nods in agreement. > Edorel whispers something to Fanya. > You ask Edorel, "You get your turn in the moat done Squire?" > You notice as a brown lynx sniffs the ground. > Edorel gives you an emphatic nod. > Sebestyen appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Marganus grins. > Edorel says to you, "I was dripping moat upon entry to the chapel, Sir." > Valynn appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Lissha chuckles to herself. > Cristoph grins. > With keen understanding and eloquence you secretly vow to master, Valynn easily illustrates a complicated aspect of Swimming. > Edorel smiles broadly, standing at attention. There appears a few stray droplets by his boots. > Marsais says, "More on the way." > Sebestyen chuckles. > Fanya whispers something to Edorel. Edorel nods at Fanya, obviously agreeing with her views. > You say, "That seems somewhat appropriate for you I think." > smile edorel You smile at Edorel. > Kiltan grins at Edorel. > "Maybe we should do this in the moat? You ask, "Maybe we should do this in the moat?" > ponder You ponder. > Edorel cringes. > Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. > Cristoph chortles softly at some secret joke. > Kiltan chuckles at you! > Marganus chuckles. > Edorel inhales a great swallow of air. > Lissha chuckles. > Fanya raises an eyebrow in your direction. > Valynn imparts some of her Swimming knowledge to you, and you feel that the precepts are slowly beginning to sink in. > "You did spend more time there than most of my Squires. You say, "You did spend more time there than most of my Squires." > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Melindrha coughs. > Commander Mordibar's group just arrived. > You notice as a brown lynx sniffs the ground. > look Lyathe smiles at Tiso. > [Theren Keep, Chapel] Tapered candles provide a warm light for the Chapel of Chadatru despite the dark of night. Even in the dim light the stained glass window can be viewed. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window and cast its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a brown lynx that is sitting, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Enthraller Shianalee, Battle Empath Lyathe, King's Wiseman Tiso, Commander Mordibar, Soldier Lissha who is sitting, Sir Erieck, Hodierna's Hand Fanya who is sitting, Undying Valkri who is sitting, Kiltan who is sitting, Marsais, Sir Cristoph, Edorel, Wind Walker Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar who is sitting, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. > Edorel quietly says, "It was necessary." > Cristoph waves to Mordibar. > Edorel rubs his neck. > Mordibar smiles. > Cristoph waves to Shianalee. > Mordibar waves. > A sulking Shadow Servant trudges in, following its master. > Lissha smiles at Lyathe. > Valkri asks, "Was he in dress?" > Lissha smiles at Mordibar. > shake hand mordi You shake Mordibar's hand. > The translucent sphere around Lyathe suddenly pops like a soap bubble. > Lyathe waves to Lissha. > wave lya You wave to Lyathe. > Shianalee smiles at Cristoph. > wave shian Cristoph bows to Lyathe. > You wave to Shianalee. > bow tiso You bow to Tiso. > Lyathe waves to you. > Shianalee waves to you. > Mordibar shakes your hand. > Tiso bows to you. > Valynn waves to Mordibar. > Lyathe blinks at Tiso. > Valynn waves to Shianalee. > Lissha smiles at Shianalee. > Mordibar hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Mordibar with a warm smile. > Fanya hugs Mordibar, getting a smile in return. > Valynn waves to Lyathe. > Shianalee waves. > Melindrha grins at Raagnar. > Fanya hugs Shianalee, who wraps her arms around Fanya with a warm smile. > Mordibar shakes Edorel's hand. > Kiltan stands up. > Shianalee says, "I can't stay" > Valynn hugs Mordibar, who wraps his arms around Valynn with a warm smile. > Edorel shakes Mordibar's hand. > Marganus grins. > Edorel smiles. > Kiltan shakes Mordibar's hand. > Erieck shakes Mordibar's hand. > You notice as a brown lynx begins to pant. > Tiso just took the hand of Shianalee and gently kissed the back of it. > Kiltan just hugged Lyathe. > Lyathe hugs Kiltan, getting a smile in return. > You notice as a brown lynx sniffs the ground. > Tiso nods to Lyathe. > Marganus just hugged Lyathe. > Shianalee says, "but I wanted to offer my congratulations" > Marganus gives Mordibar a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles. > Shianalee smiles at Edorel. > smile shian You smile at Shianalee. > Valynn smiles at you as she patiently enlightens you further on the practice of Swimming. > Mordibar gives Marganus a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles. > Lyathe waves to Valynn. > Edorel smiles at Shianalee. > Kiltan sits down on the oak bench. > Marganus hugs Shianalee, who wraps her arms around Marganus with a warm smile. > Lyathe hugs Marganus, getting a smile in return. > "Thanks for coming Shianalee, that means a ton. You say, "Thanks for coming Shianalee, that means a ton." > Shianalee hugs Marganus, getting a smile in return. > Marganus nods to Tiso. > Edorel says to Shianalee, "Thank you kindly, for them. I'm honored." > Edorel bows to Shianalee. > Tiso bows to Marganus. > think Theren Keep Chapel Drevid. Shianalee whispers, "its just too late to stay up" > You concentrate on projecting your thoughts. > You notice as a brown lynx scratches itself. > whisper shian No worries. You whisper to Shianalee. > Mordibar smiles at Edorel. > find gallanthur Brave Adventurer in the Realms: Gallanthur. > Shianalee snaps to attention and hails Edorel with a crisp hand salute. > You notice as a brown lynx looks upward negligently. > Shianalee waves. > Mordibar flashes a wide grin. > Shianalee gently kisses Mordibar on the cheek. > Mordibar gives Shianalee a smooch. > Enthraller Shianalee just went west. > "Ok, let's get your classes started if you care to listen to them. You say, "Ok, let's get your classes started if you care to listen to them." > Melindrha whispers, "May want to remind people it's on the second floor. We kinda got lost" > A sulking Shadow Servant trudges off, following its master. > Valynn imparts some of her Swimming knowledge to you, and you feel that the precepts are slowly beginning to sink in. > Mordibar begins to listen to Valynn teach the Swimming skill. > think Located, second floor of the Theren Keep. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts. > Tiso begins to listen to Valynn teach the Swimming skill. > smile melin You smile at Melindrha. > bow melin You bow to Melindrha. > Melindrha grins at you. > whisper melin Thanks for the reminder. You whisper to Melindrha. > You say, "Ok, we are waiting on Gallanthur and Dulcinie. As soon as they get here we will begin." > Marsais just arrived. > A sullen Shadow Servant trudges in, following its master. > Edorel nods. > Edorel smiles. You wave to Drevid. > Edorel bows to Drevid. > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Tapered candles provide a warm light for the Chapel of Chadatru despite the dark of night. Even in the dim light the stained glass window can be viewed. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window and cast its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a brown lynx that is sitting, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Monster Drevid, Soul Mutator Veralika, Marsais, Battle Empath Lyathe, King's Wiseman Tiso, Commander Mordibar, Soldier Lissha who is sitting, Sir Erieck, Hodierna's Hand Fanya who is sitting, Undying Valkri who is sitting, Kiltan who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Edorel, Wind Walker Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar who is sitting, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. > Veralika casually observes the area. > Valynn grins at Drevid. > Drevid waves to Edorel. > You notice as a brown lynx looks around suspiciously. > Drevid waves to you. > Marganus gestures, and a smooth eruption of rock rises from the ground with a low rumble, shifting and flowing fluidly before settling into a seat of stone. He walks over to it and sits down. > Drevid shakes his fist at Valkri! > Veralika curtsies. > Drevid flails his arms about. > Drevid shakes his fist at Valynn! > Cristoph bows to Veralika. > Cristoph bows to Drevid. > Valynn gives Drevid a gentle poke in the ribs. > Drevid waves to Cristoph. > Valkri glances at Drevid. > "Ok, don't kill Drevid until after the ceremony Valkri. You say, "Ok, don't kill Drevid until after the ceremony Valkri." > Erieck sits down on the oak bench. > grin You grin. > Drevid snuggles up to Valkri. > Valkri looks over at Drevid and yawns. > Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. > You listen humbly as Valynn shares some of her hard-won wisdom and marvel at her grasp of Swimming. > Gallanthur's group just arrived. > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Tapered candles provide a warm light for the Chapel of Chadatru despite the dark of night. Even in the dim light the stained glass window can be viewed. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window and cast its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a stone seat, a sullen Shadow Servant, a brown lynx that is sitting, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Senior Commander Gwenddolyn, Commander Dulcinie, Gallanthur, Monster Drevid, Soul Mutator Veralika, Marsais, Battle Empath Lyathe, King's Wiseman Tiso, Commander Mordibar, Soldier Lissha who is sitting, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Hodierna's Hand Fanya who is sitting, Undying Valkri who is sitting, Kiltan who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Edorel, Wind Walker Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus who is sitting, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar who is sitting, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. > Edorel snaps to attention and hails Gallanthur with a crisp hand salute. > Edorel bows to Dulcinie. > Mordibar smiles. > Marsais raises his hand in a quick salute. > beam You beam! > Dulcinie snaps to attention and hails Edorel with a crisp hand salute. > The wings of Veralika's boots flap for a moment. > Cristoph bows to Gallanthur. > Valkri says, "I'm holding back best I can" > Cristoph bows to Gwenddolyn. > Gallanthur just hugged Edorel. > Gwenddolyn smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. > Edorel snaps to attention and hails Gwenddolyn with a crisp hand salute. > Dulcinie snaps to attention and hails you with a crisp hand salute. > Drevid smirks. > Edorel beams at Gallanthur! > Gwenddolyn raises her hand in a quick salute. > Drevid grins mischievously at Valkri. > With a graceful flutter of her hands, Dulcinie sinks down in a formal curtsy. "Ok, let's get any classes started that you wish. > You say, "Ok, let's get any classes started that you wish." > You say, "While you are doing that, let me announce the agenda." > You say, "Reading of the Book of Chadatru by Dulcinie." > > "Paladin Code, Edorel. You say, "Paladin Code, Edorel." > You say, "Statement of Oath Bearers, Wodie and Gallanthur." > You say, "Release of Squire Oath, Madigan." > You say, "Delivery of Investments, Madigan and Gallanthur." > Valynn quietly says to Valkri, "There is a stand-in for Wodie." > Carefully reviewing and synthesizing the lesson, Valynn imparts some of her Swimming skill to you. > Kiltan quietly says, "Ahh." You say, "Advice of Friends, a time for anone here to share thoughts and advice to Edorel and give any gifts you may have." > > You say, "Closing Remarks." You ask, "Questions before we begin?" > Dulcinie gets some holy water from inside a silver vial. > You notice a brown lynx sniff at Gwenddolyn for a moment. > Marsais shakes his head. > Gallanthur whispers, "I've slotted gwen first for advice of friends" > Cheerfully sharing years of intense training, Valynn gives you several keen insights into Swimming that you did not expect. > Cristoph shakes his head. > "Ok, then we will begin. You say, "Ok, then we will begin." > Lyathe grins at Edorel. > Melindrha's lotus blossom withers like burning parchment, its petals curling into thin blackened spirals before disintegrating into ash. A tiny bud appears in its place and slowly begins to bloom, rippling with a breathtaking kaleidoscope of colors before finally transforming into a drooping parrot tulip shaded the dark red of fresh spilt blood. > Cristoph pushes his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. > Dulcinie begins to wash an ash altar with some holy water. > "Dulcinie, would you be so kind as to read from the Book? You ask, "Dulcinie, would you be so kind as to read from the Book?" > smile dul You smile at Dulcinie. > Edorel beams at Dulcinie! > Dulcinie nods to you. > Valkri stands up. > Valkri kneels down. > Gwenddolyn whispers, "ask they remove all moving objects please" > sit bench You settle yourself on the oak bench. s> Dulcinie looks up and sighs, smiling. s> Mordibar whispers something to Marganus. s> Edorel sits down on the oak bench. s> Dulcinie begins to pray. s> Sebestyen kneels. s> Marganus nods to Mordibar. s> Melindrha just left. s> Dulcinie reaches out and touches an ash altar. Dulcinie shivers slightly. s> Gallanthur sits down on the oak bench. s> Marganus gets a lynx talisman from inside his spellbook case. s> Sebestyen bows his head. s> Melindrha just arrived. s> Marsais kneels down. s> Dulcinie bends forward and kisses an ash altar. Dulcinie looks up and sighs, smiling. s> Dulcinie carefully opens the book. s> Gwenddolyn sits down on the oak bench. s> Veralika bows her head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising her head, she glances to the shadows with a knowing smile. s> Mordibar kneels down. s> Dulcinie reads aloud: In the orders of creation upon the planets and planes of our existence, In the domain of Truffenyi, still the Immortals have their laws and schemes, Their forces of eternal creation and destruction, Swinging in the balance, each yet has its say. Upon the beam of life, praise the presence of Chadatru The voice of infinite truth, that pervades the weakest mortal and highest king. s> Drevid kneels down. s> Veralika kneels down. s> Bladesinger Chandore just arrived. s> Marganus kneels. s> Chandore nods. s> Dulcinie continues: Those that seek to cloak truth to further their own small existence and purpose -- None can deceive the Blind One, the crucible of life. No vision to deceive, Chadatru holds upon the point of his sword the terrible heart of fact, To set forth upon the feasting table the barest, leanest, harshest, greatest dish. s> A stone seat collapses back into the ground. s> Dulcinie carefully turns the page of the fragile book and continues to read: Take it to thy nourishment, grow strong with that holy milk, Undiluted, unflavored: Drink the bitter, drink the sweet, drink the draft of the undauntable -- Behold and embrace its fiercesome force -- The weak cannot abide it, only those of true power are capable to swallow it up, To face whatever Is. s> The Blind One sees none but the grain's heart, The heart's seed, the seed's germ, the germ's speck, The speck's star, the star's fire, the fire's heat, The heat's fuel, the fuel's faith. The faith's knowing, the knowing known. s> Dulcinie carefully turns the pages of the fragile book to read aloud: Thus my teacher spoke to me, the Voice of the Lion: Canto The face of Chadatru Who beholds him, walks in his shadow, From the book of knowing I sought to name the spirit, Drew his name in the dust Pled to pledge my sword arm to his fair sight, Sought to know his mind and might. s> Dulcinie carefully turns the pages of the fragile book and continues to read: Into the grim darkness I stared, Chanted his name, Prayed to meld my thoughts to his -- The fearful be vigilent, for thy foe As a roaring lion walketh about Seeking whom he may devour -- We who hold faith steadfast, let the Lion Blindly hold our gaze For thou shalt not prevail But it be the hand of truth -- Bind thyself to his word-bond That his victory be thy sooth. s> You've gained a new rank in skinning. s> For in the quiet laurels of his battle Do thou justly, yet still _love_ mercy And walk humbly before thy god -- Go to study this wisdom to thy knowing All else is naught but Embellishment and musing. s> Veralika looks up and sighs, smiling. Valkri looks up and sighs, smiling. A warm, soothing sensation washes over your soul. You feel a strengthening of your faith and bolstering of your soul. Dulcinie nods quietly, in thoughtful reverie, as she concludes the reading. Dulcinie looks up and sighs, smiling. s> Dulcinie places her hands beneath her chin and turns her eyes up to the heavens. s> Dulcinie seems to strengthen in resolve as she offers a brief prayer to Chadatru. s> stand You stand back up. > Valkri seems to strengthen in resolve as she offers a brief prayer to Chadatru. > Marsais stands up. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Edorel kneels. > Dulcinie bends forward and kisses an ash altar. > Drevid stands up. > Dulcinie stands up. > Valkri stands up. > Edorel bows reverently to an ash altar. > "Thanks you Dulcinie. Marganus stands up. > You say, "Thanks you Dulcinie." > Valkri sits down on the oak bench. > Dulcinie nods to you. > Veralika stands up. > Mordibar stands up. > "Squire. You say, "Squire." > Tiso smiles at Dulcinie. > Dulcinie smiles. > Edorel stands up. > Erieck stands up. > "As we began every learning session, are you prepared to recite the Paladin Code? You ask, "As we began every learning session, are you prepared to recite the Paladin Code?" > Sebestyen stands up. > raise eye edorel You raise an eyebrow in Edorel's direction. > Edorel says, "I am, Madigan." > Edorel nods emphatically. You say, "Do so please." > Edorel inhales a great swallow of air. > Edorel clears his throat. > Edorel firmly says, "The Paladin Code." > Edorel recites: "A Paladin supports and defends Good and opposes Evil." > Edorel recites: "A Paladin is a Leader in righteous combat. When it is necessary to fight, the Paladin will seek to guide and inspire his comrades, taking a forward position in the battle and facing the foe boldly. A Paladin does not hide from his foe or sneak about." > Edorel recites: "A Paladin is a Protector. He will seek to prevent harm to the innocent and will place himself at risk in order to accomplish this if need be." > Edorel recites: "A Paladin is Just and works to promote and enforce Justice and the Law. If a Paladin does not agree with a law, he must still respect it and should work to change it rather than disregarding it. The only exception to this is if the Paladin believes the law to be truly Evil. In this instance, the Paladin must follow the dictates of his conscience." > Edorel recites: "A Paladin is Honest. He will not lie or otherwise seek to deceive a person. A Paladin does not cheat or seek to take unfair advantage in his dealings with others." > Davafro Vayato Humm just arrived. > Humm takes a seat. > Edorel recites: "A Paladin is Loyal. He does not betray his god, his liege-lord, his guild, his family, or his friends." > Edorel recites: "A Paladin is Holy. He seeks to do that which pleases his god in all manners of the Code, and knows that the purity of his soul has a profound impact on the abilities the gods bless him with." > The translucent image of a shrew glistens briefly in the rainbow depths of the orb hovering near Veralika. > Edorel quietly says to himself, "Chadatru, guide me so that I may follow the code with my deeds, and not merely my words." > nod You nod. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Valynn drops an altar candle. > Valynn gets a piece of black flint from inside her thigh quiver. > You say, "Gallanthur and Erieck, please step forward." > Valynn draws forth an ebony-hilted outdoors knife etched with the crest of the Ranger guild. > Erieck stands up. > Valynn strikes a piece of black flint against an ebony-hilted outdoors knife etched with the crest of the Ranger guild, causing a shower of sparks over the altar candle which smolders, then bursts into flames. > Erieck stands near an ash altar. > Gallanthur stands up. > Gallanthur comes and stands near you. You say, "When I took Edorel's oath to be my Squire, I required two witnesses." > You say, "Gallanthur and Wodie took on that obligation." > Marganus gazes down at the floor. > Fingers of flame flutter from the altar candle on the floor. > Edorel studies the ground for a moment. > You say, "Along with that obligation, they also took on the responsibility to help teach the Squire." > Valynn picks up a burning altar candle. > Valynn reverently places a burning altar candle atop the ash altar. You say, "Valynn has lit a candle for Wodie, and I have asked my Mentor, Erieck to stand in Wodie's place." You say, "Erieck taught me, and my oath bearers were Storym and Salamae." > Fanya smiles at Erieck. > Valynn clarifies some of the more elusive subtleties of Swimming for you. You say, "Three better paladins, I can not name." > Edorel smiles at Erieck. > smile softly. You smile softly. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > "Valynn, please hand Erieck Wodie's candle. You say, "Valynn, please hand Erieck Wodie's candle." > Valynn gets a burning altar candle from atop an ash altar. > Valynn offers Erieck a burning altar candle. > Erieck accepts Valynn's altar candle. > "Now, I ask each oath bearer to give their final advice to the Squire. You say, "Now, I ask each oath bearer to give their final advice to the Squire." > "Gallanthur first. You say, "Gallanthur first." > Gallanthur nods to you. > Valynn inventively demonstrates how to use the Swimming skill to best advantage. > Gallanthur says, "Learning and Teaching - These are Life Long endeavors. Never ending." > Gallanthur says, "Edorel, Wodie would have said, 'Two of my most enjoyable duties as a Knight were teaching and learning. " > Gallanthur quietly says, "Wodie not only spoke these words, He lived them." > Gallanthur says, "Edorel, carry on with these duties. This is the lesson Wodie would have most hoped you mastered." > Gallanthur says, "Sportmanship - Winning is not everything. It's how you play the game. Play with enthusiasm, to win, but honorably." > Kiltan smiles. > Gallanthur says, "This is what I expect of you." > Edorel nods at Gallanthur, obviously agreeing with his views. > Gallanthur says, "You competed admirably during the Memorial Joust by placing second in your division." > Valynn's able tutoring continues, in an effort to insure that you more fully understand Swimming. > Gallanthur says, "I commend you." > Gallanthur adds to Edorel's praises. > Fanya smiles. > Gallanthur says, "If you want a tilting partner to hone your skills, I am here for you." > Gallanthur nods to you. > Edorel smiles broadly at Gallanthur. You say, "Erieck." > Erieck's altar candle sputters as it burns. > You listen humbly as Valynn shares some of her hard-won wisdom and marvel at her grasp of Swimming. > Erieck says to Edorel, " me it seems not long ago that I meet you, a fresh faced paladin in Theren.." > Erieck grins at Edorel. > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Fingers of flame flutter from Erieck's altar candle. > Erieck says to Edorel, "Quite rather green and inexperienced but full of hope, enthusiasm and good humor.." > Erieck says to Edorel, "You have progressed far in a short time and shown great character." > Flames waver off of Erieck's altar candle. > Fingers of flame flutter from Erieck's altar candle. > Valynn imparts some of her Swimming knowledge to you, and you feel that the precepts are slowly beginning to sink in. > Erieck says to Edorel, "My best advice to you, an advice that I hope Wodie would approve of is to maintain your good humor and keep your enthusiasm." > You smile warmly. > Edorel nods emphatically at Erieck. > You are humbled by Valynn's degree of Swimming and teaching skill, and gradually begin to comprehend the lesson. > Marganus grins. > Kiltan smiles. > Erieck says to Edorel, "That would be my only advice..continue on strong.." > Erieck winks at Edorel. > Erieck nods to you. > Edorel says, "I hope to honor Wodie's memory in such a way." You say, "Thanks Erieck." You say, "And Gallanthur." > Sebestyen smiles at Edorel. > Dulcinie smiles at Edorel. > say /quiet The Code... You quietly say, "The Code..." > Erieck's altar candle sputters as it burns. > With slow and patient words, Valynn shows you a complicated aspect of Swimming that has always eluded your understanding. > "It is the defining characteristic of who I am, and I have taught it to you to the best of my ability. You say, "It is the defining characteristic of who I am, and I have taught it to you to the best of my ability." > Edorel gazes thoughtfully at you. > "You have completed your studies and whereas my honor was yours while you were my Squire. You say, "You have completed your studies and whereas my honor was yours while you were my Squire." > Excetera just arrived. > "Now, as I release you from your oath and you become a paladin, your honor is now mine. You say, "Now, as I release you from your oath and you become a paladin, your honor is now mine." > Excetera shifts uneasily, gazing fixedly at her claws. > Excetera joins Marsais's group. > You feel your Swimming knowledge grow under Valynn's able and dedicated tutelage. > Marsais smiles at Excetera. > Kiltan smiles at Excetera. > "Sir Edorel, you have honored your oath and I release you now. You say, "Sir Edorel, you have honored your oath and I release you now." > Marganus grins. > Edorel bows to you. > Erieck's altar candle sputters as it burns. > Dulcinie praises you. > "Oath bearers, do you bear witness to this? You ask, "Oath bearers, do you bear witness to this?" > peer gall You peer quizzically at Gallanthur. > peer erie You peer quizzically at Erieck. > Erieck says, "I do" > Erieck nods to you. > Gallanthur says, "I so Bear" > "Done and done. You say, "Done and done. " > Fanya smiles. > "Congratulations Sir Edorel. You say, "Congratulations Sir Edorel." > Valynn acquaints you with some more tricks of the trade by means of droll commentary and cogent examples. > Fanya beams at Edorel! > Lissha smiles at Edorel. > Kiltan smiles at Edorel. > Tiso smiles at Edorel. > Cristoph continues to praise Edorel. > Excetera swishes her tail through the air. > Edorel beams! > Marsais looks at Edorel and applauds! > Excetera trills softly at Edorel. > "Now, your oath bearers and I have some things to help you in your journey. You say, "Now, your oath bearers and I have some things to help you in your journey." > Chandore lets out a hearty cheer for Edorel! > Sebestyen applauds. > Mordibar looks at Edorel and applauds! > Erieck's altar candle goes out and crumbles away. > Excetera applauds. > get armor from my pack You get some field plate armor from inside your traveler's pack. > give edorel You offer your field plate armor to Edorel, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer. > Gwenddolyn looks at Edorel and applauds! > Marganus grins. > Valkri grins at Edorel. > Edorel has accepted your offer and is now holding some field plate armor. > Marganus looks at Edorel and applauds! > Cristoph grins. > Valkri looks at Edorel and applauds! > Kiltan grins. > Valynn smiles at Edorel. > Drevid lets out a hearty cheer for Edorel! > Edorel beams at you! What a warm feeling! > Tiso looks at Edorel and applauds! > Erieck grins at Edorel. > "This armor, made with my hands will help you as you advance in our guild. You say, "This armor, made with my hands will help you as you advance in our guild." > get helm from my pack You get a great helm from inside your traveler's pack. > give edore You offer your great helm to Edorel, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer. > Lissha looks at Edorel and applauds! > Edorel has accepted your offer and is now holding a great helm. > get gaunt from my apck What were you referring to? > Valynn acquaints you with some more tricks of the trade by means of droll commentary and cogent examples. > get gaunt from my pack You get some gauntlets from inside your traveler's pack. > give edo You offer your gauntlets to Edorel, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer. > Marganus grins. > Edorel says, "Thank you Madigan, I am truly honored." > Edorel puts his armor in his leather backpack. > Valynn smiles. > Edorel puts his helm in his leather backpack. > "Gallanthur, pass along your investments if you have any. Edorel has accepted your offer and is now holding some gauntlets. > You say, "Gallanthur, pass along your investments if you have any." > "Then, Erieck. You say, "Then, Erieck." > Valkri rummages through a thick leather rucksack with bronze clasps with a frantic look of loss. > Edorel puts his gauntlets in his leather backpack. > Gallanthur stands near Edorel. > Excetera smiles. > Gallanthur says, "This chain was my Knight's, Sir Paladus." > Gallanthur removes a fine platinum chain from his neck. > Excetera begins to listen to Valynn teach the Swimming skill. > Gallanthur gestures at a fine platinum chain. > Gallanthur says, "He draped it about my neck and whispered, 'Heavy is it not?'" > Edorel whispers, "I have some things as well, if there is time at the end." > Edorel gazes thoughtfully at Gallanthur. > Gallanthur says, "Edorel, this chain is to remind you of the weight of your new station." > With eloquent gestures and a wry series of humorous anecdotes, Valynn shows you exactly how to improve your skill at Swimming. > Gallanthur offers Edorel a fine platinum chain. > Gallanthur says, "This chain of platinum metal is the symbol of our code - Supporting all we cherish, the dreams for which we stand." > Edorel kneels down. > Edorel accepts Gallanthur's platinum chain. > Gallanthur says, "The weight you'll find is nothing if you hold it in your hand." > Kiltan grins at Veralika. > (Gallanthur takes his platinum chain and drapes the platinum chain around Edorel's neck.) > Edorel hangs a fine platinum chain around his neck. > A shadowy orb rippling with silver arcs of light spins slowly through the air, orbiting Valkri's body like a miniature, luminous moon. > Gallanthur says, "The burden of the chain begins the day you put it on." > Kiltan nods to Veralika. > look Gallanthur says, "stand" > Edorel stands up. > stop listen You stop listening to Valynn. > Gallanthur just hugged Edorel. > Edorel says to Gallanthur, "I am honored and humbled, Sir." > Edorel hugs Gallanthur, who wraps his arms around Edorel with a warm smile. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Gallanthur comes and stands near you. > "Erieck. You say, "Erieck." > Erieck says, "I find that..perhaps my gifts are a bit less serious...but then perhaps not.." > whisper gall Just absolutely outstanding Gallanthur, I can not think of a better oath bearer. Thank you most sincerely. You whisper to Gallanthur. > Erieck gets some cow instructions from inside his silk cloak. > grin You grin. > Cristoph grins. > The shadowy orb hovering near Valkri suddenly dips behind her left shoulder, circling timidly behind her back. > Excetera cocks her head and examines the cougar-pelt headband. > Cristoph whispers, "Me too, I have a gift!" > Erieck says, "I know of your fondness for the Cow..holy animal in this case.." > Valkri raises an eyebrow. > Gallanthur beams at you! What a warm feeling! > Erieck offers Edorel some cow instructions. > Excetera glances at something inside a small tooled leather thigh bag. > Edorel smiles broadly. > Edorel accepts Erieck's cow instructions. > Excetera closes her thigh bag. > Valkri chortles softly at some secret joke. > Kiltan nods to Veralika. > Drevid noisily licks his chops. > Excetera scratches one ear, looking bemused. > Edorel says, "Thank you, Sir." > Erieck says, "And while perhaps you may not be able to use it can.." > Valkri grins at Drevid. > Kiltan appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Edorel rubs his neck. > Erieck says, "It remains a goal" > Erieck says, "Oh one further thing.." > Erieck says, "An odd bit from the past..a lark of an item..for good humor" > Erieck gets a light green gooseberry bean from inside his silk cloak. > Baron Gyfford just arrived. > Erieck offers Edorel a light green gooseberry bean. > Fanya stands up. > Marsais bows to Gyfford. > Edorel accepts Erieck's gooseberry bean. > Marganus bows to Gyfford. > Excetera raises an eyebrow. > Valkri stands up. > Dulcinie stands up. > Mordibar bows to Gyfford. > Cristoph bows to Gyfford. > Gyfford sits down on the oak bench. > Lissha stands up. > Edorel bows to Gyfford. > Valkri curtsies to Gyfford. > Gwenddolyn stands up. > Humm stands up. > Kiltan stands up. > Chandore bows to Gyfford. > Lissha curtsies to Gyfford. > Lyathe curtsies to Gyfford. > Kiltan bows to Gyfford. > Gallanthur draws his greatcloak aside, and bows courteously, sweeping his free hand before him. > Dulcinie curtsies gracefully to Gyfford. > With a graceful movement of her hands, Gwenddolyn lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Gyfford. > Fanya curtsies to Gyfford. > Valynn bows to Gyfford. > Gallanthur bows to Gyfford. > Erieck says to Edorel, "Do ask me about it..later" > Gwenddolyn sits down on the oak bench. > Kiltan sits down on the oak bench. > Erieck chuckles. > bow Melindrha stands up. > Tiso bows to Gyfford. > You bow. > Edorel puts his instructions in his leather backpack. > Gyfford says, "No need please forgive my lateness." > Erieck bows to Gyfford. > Sebestyen bows to Gyfford. > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > Cristoph grins at Edorel. > Edorel puts his bean in his leather backpack. > Cristoph nods to Edorel. > Valynn looks at Erieck, obviously trying not to grin. > Melindrha curtsies to Gyfford. > Chandore bows to Gyfford. > Edorel beams at Erieck! > Dulcinie kneels down. > "Welcome m'lord and thanks for coming. You say, "Welcome m'lord and thanks for coming." > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Sunlight is welcomed into the Chapel of Chadatru by the rainbow colors of a stained glass window set in the eastern wall. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Simple oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window, casting its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Baron Gyfford who is sitting, Excetera, Davafro Vayato Humm, Bladesinger Chandore, Nepenthe Melindrha, Senior Commander Gwenddolyn who is sitting, Commander Dulcinie who is kneeling, Gallanthur, Monster Drevid, Soul Mutator Veralika, Marsais, Battle Empath Lyathe, King's Wiseman Tiso, Commander Mordibar, Soldier Lissha, Sir Erieck, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Undying Valkri, Kiltan who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Sir Edorel, Wind Walker Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar who is sitting. Obvious exits: west. > Raagnar stands up. > "Thank you Gallanthur and Erieck. You say, "Thank you Gallanthur and Erieck." > Raagnar bows to Gyfford. > A dizzying sequence of chaotic color churns over the surface of the a luminous orb of coruscating rainbowed light floating near Veralika. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > "Sir Edorel, you have heard from me and your oath bearers. You say, "Sir Edorel, you have heard from me and your oath bearers." > "However, your journey was also with the friends you see here today as well. You say, "However, your journey was also with the friends you see here today as well." > smile broadly. You smile broadly. > Edorel gives you an emphatic nod. > "Our friends mold us as well as our mentors. You say, "Our friends mold us as well as our mentors." > Gyfford whispers, " OOC damn airlines never run on time." > Melindrha's parrot tulip withers like burning parchment, its petals curling into thin blackened spirals before disintegrating into ash. A tiny bud appears in its place and slowly begins to bloom, rippling with a breathtaking kaleidoscope of colors before finally transforming into a glacial blue lotus blossom with frost-tipped petals. > "With that, I have asked them to speak final words to you. You say, "With that, I have asked them to speak final words to you." > Dulcinie whispers, "I have a gift as well, when it is time." > "And, many have gifts to give you as you walk your new path. Fanya whispers, "is there an order?" > You say, "And, many have gifts to give you as you walk your new path." > Brief flashes of silver light illuminate the surroundings in sharp bursts as shimmering bolts arc from within the depths of the shadowy orb, swirling around Valkri merely to rejoin with their parent on the other side. > Edorel smiles broadly. > "I am honored, and their time with you is honorable. You say, "I am honored, and their time with you is honorable." > "To that end, I will call on them as they have asked to speak. You say, "To that end, I will call on them as they have asked to speak." > Valkri whispers, "put on the list please" > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Sunlight is welcomed into the Chapel of Chadatru by the rainbow colors of a stained glass window set in the eastern wall. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Simple oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window, casting its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Baron Gyfford who is sitting, Excetera, Davafro Vayato Humm, Bladesinger Chandore, Nepenthe Melindrha, Senior Commander Gwenddolyn who is sitting, Commander Dulcinie who is kneeling, Gallanthur, Monster Drevid, Soul Mutator Veralika, Marsais, Battle Empath Lyathe, King's Wiseman Tiso, Commander Mordibar, Soldier Lissha, Sir Erieck, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Undying Valkri, Kiltan who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Sir Edorel, Wind Walker Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar. Obvious exits: west. > look sebe You see Sebestyen Kuliniac, Knight of the Order of the Dragon Shield, a Human. Sebestyen has green eyes. His golden brown hair is short and fine, and is worn in a simple, loose style. He has smooth skin. He is in his prime for a Human. He is clean shaven. He has a tattoo of a lone ship at sea against a starry midnight-blue backdrop on his arm. He is in good shape. He is wearing a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a gold kyanite gwethdesuan, a crimson tabard emblazoned with a gold rampant lion, a rich crimson leather travel pack emblazoned with a rampant gold lion, a dashing white linen shirt, an albredine crystal ring, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, a pair of heavy black wool trousers piped in grey and gold and some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs. > "Sebestyen, a very old and good friend. You say, "Sebestyen, a very old and good friend." > "I think you have a poem? You ask, "I think you have a poem?" > Sebestyen smiles. > whsiper gwen You are next. Please rephrase that command. > Sebestyen stands up. > whisper gwen You are next Commander. You whisper to Gwenddolyn. > Excetera ponders. > whisper cristoph You are after Sebe, Gwen then you. You whisper to Cristoph. > Gwenddolyn whispers, "thanks" > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > Sebestyen says, "Yes, a little verse I heard and learned long ago when I was but a squire." > Gallanthur sits down on the oak bench. > Cristoph whispers, "Got it! Thanks much!" > Edorel smiles at Sebestyen. > Sebestyen says, "This is a poem written some twenty years ago by the Paladin Monacus." > Sebestyen recites: "You ask me, "Just what makes a Paladin?" I raise my head smiling and begin to answer clear, He is one who faces danger, When evil gathers near." > Sebestyen recites: "A man of faith, the Gods his actions guide, Loyal to his word, he is one to whom you dare confide. Upholding the law in word and in deed, A shining example for others as he follows his creed." > whisper gyfford M'lord, after the friends give advice, I have set aside some time for you to speak if you wish it. You whisper to Gyfford. > Sebestyen recites: "His blade defends the helpless, doing what he must, Leading others into battle when the cause is just. Facing the fiercest foe when another needs his aid, Defying death even though he is afraid." > Gyfford nods to you. > whisper gyfford OOC: And, I hate flying more and more each day. You whisper to Gyfford. > Sebestyen recites: "Braving the battle boldly, Even though he may not win, Facing his fate unflinching, That is a Paladin." > Excetera grins at Marsais. > Marganus grins. > Sebestyen whispers, "done and thank you" > bow sebe You bow to Sebestyen. > "Thank you sir. You say, "Thank you sir." > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Sunlight is welcomed into the Chapel of Chadatru by the rainbow colors of a stained glass window set in the eastern wall. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Simple oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window, casting its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Baron Gyfford who is sitting, Excetera, Davafro Vayato Humm, Bladesinger Chandore, Nepenthe Melindrha, Senior Commander Gwenddolyn who is sitting, Commander Dulcinie who is kneeling, Gallanthur who is sitting, Monster Drevid, Soul Mutator Veralika, Marsais, Battle Empath Lyathe, King's Wiseman Tiso, Commander Mordibar, Soldier Lissha, Sir Erieck, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Undying Valkri, Kiltan who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Sir Edorel, Wind Walker Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen, Protector Raagnar. Obvious exits: west. > Sebestyen bows to you. > Edorel bows to Sebestyen. > The rainbow orb spins slowly as it hovers near Veralika, bathing the area in a multi-hued glow of a thousand different gemstones. > Gyfford whispers, "OOC I hate working for the airlines more and more each day so there we are." > Sebestyen bows to Edorel. > Sebestyen sits down on the oak bench. > "Senior Commander Gwenddolyn, who I have know for a long time as well. You say, "Senior Commander Gwenddolyn, who I have know for a long time as well. " > Gwenddolyn stands up. > Gwenddolyn smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. > Gwenddolyn stands near a fragile-looking book on a small stand. > whisper fanya Cristoph next, then you. You whisper to Fanya. > Gwenddolyn says, "About a month before we last saw him, I spoke to Wodie at length about Edoral." > Gwenddolyn says, "He expressed how important that role and obligation was to him, and he had some concerns that he would be unable to fulfill this. " > Fanya whispers, "Ok, thank you" > Gwenddolyn says, "He asked me to make sure that someone else took it on in his stead. He was beside himself on this issue and at a loss of what to do. I assured him then that all of us would make sure that his role was fulfilled." > Gwenddolyn says, "He would have wanted Edoral to learn by losing most of the time, and only winning some of the time, " > Gwenddolyn says, "because by losing, you strive to become better, and by winning, you take another step higher in your training." > Gallanthur chortles softly at some secret joke. > Gwenddolyn says, "He was eager to teach Edoral all about tilting" > Gwenddolyn says, "and all about forging" > Edorel smiles. > Gwenddolyn says, "now my advice" > Gwenddolyn says, "The Holy Glyphs and Wards, were given to us Paladins by the Gods." > Gwenddolyn says, "They are gifts and should never be used for monetary gain, lest they be taken away from us because of greed." > Gwenddolyn says, "One Paladin could cause everyone in their entire guild to suffer by misusing these gifts. So the example you set is one that reflects on all Paladins." > Gwenddolyn says, "Congratulations Edoral" > Gwenddolyn smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Melindrha whispers, "May I be tacked on the end, please?" > Fanya smiles at Gwenddolyn. > Edorel bows to Gwenddolyn. > Gwenddolyn says, "I also have something for you" > Gwenddolyn deftly removes the cavalry longsword from her frog. > Excetera smiles. > Gwenddolyn offers Edorel a lightened cavalry longsword with an amethyst pommel. > Edorel says, "I'm honored, Senior Commander." > Edorel accepts Gwenddolyn's cavalry longsword. > Edorel pivots in Gwenddolyn's direction and salutes her with his longsword, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement. > "Top notch. You say, "Top notch." > Gwenddolyn says, "youre welcome" > Kiltan smiles. > Gwenddolyn sits down on the oak bench. > look cris You see Sir Cristoph O'Cantingstone of Therengia, a Human Paladin. Cristoph has sparkling green eyes and a freckled nose. His amber hair is long and thick, and is worn tousled. He has pale skin. He is a bit over average height for a Human. He is mature for a Human. He has a regally trimmed mustache on his upper lip and a neatly trimmed full beard. He is in good shape. He is wearing a Therengian pole-axe, some thin steel-framed spectacles with midnight-blue lenses, an elegant black floor-length cloak embroidered with the O'Cantingstone crest, a royal blue suede surcoat emblazoned with a black tower beneath a seven-pointed gold star, some formal black satin gloves, a high-collared shirt crafted of crisp white linen, some loose-fitting satin boot-cut trousers, a hand-stitched traveler's pack, a silver amulet shaped like a thirteen-pointed star, a pair of highly-polished black leather riding boots with graceful silver spurs, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a jadeite gwethdesuan and a heavy silver signet ring carved with the O'Cantingstone family seal. > "Next, Sir Cristoph. Another old paladin friend. You say, "Next, Sir Cristoph. Another old paladin friend." > grin You grin. > Cristoph bows to you. > Cristoph smiles. > "Recently returned I should add. You say, "Recently returned I should add." > Cristoph exclaims, "Sir Edorel!" > Cristoph slings a Therengian pole-axe off from over his shoulder. > Cristoph pivots in Edorel's direction and salutes him with his pole-axe, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement. > Cristoph slings his pole-axe over his shoulder. > Edorel smiles at Cristoph. > Cristoph says, "I offer you congratulations, but more importantly, I offer you my thanks." > whisper valynn Fanya is next, then you dear. You whisper to Valynn. > Cristoph says, "My very first day back here, in dear ol' Theren-town..." > Valynn whispers, "Thank you." > whisper fanya You are next. You whisper to Fanya. > Cristoph says, "I came across my good friends Sir Madigan, and Sir Erieck, and you along with them." > Cristoph says, "Fine company indeed." > Cristoph nods. > Fanya whispers, "Ok..I am nervous" > Cristoph says, "I took note, in the following weeks..." > Cristoph says, "That you were of outstanding character, both in word and deed." > Cristoph nods to Edorel. > Edorel studies the ground for a moment. > Cristoph exclaims, "But, and this is an important bit!" > The translucent image of a wolf glistens briefly in the cerulean depths of the orb hovering near Dulcinie. > Cristoph grins at Edorel. > Edorel smiles slightly. > Cristoph says, "You reminded me of things I'd lost sight of." > Cristoph nods to Edorel. > smile softly. You smile softly. > The rainbow orb of light hovering near Veralika pulses, as if alive. > The wings of Veralika's boots flap for a moment. > Cristoph says, "I'd say that I once had a fire, that dulled off into a spark. You've fanned it back a great deal, and I see you as an inspiration." > Cristoph nods. > Edorel bows to Cristoph. > Cristoph says, "Remember to set a good example, whatever you do." > Edorel says, "I'm honored by your kind words, Sir." > Cristoph says, "For the old, as well as the new." > Cristoph gets a small scroll protected by supple leather backing from inside his traveler's pack. > Kiltan smiles at Edorel. > Sebestyen nods in agreement. > Cristoph offers Edorel a small scroll protected by supple leather backing. > Edorel accepts Cristoph's small scroll. > Cristoph gets a pristine white greatcloak trimmed with tufted snowbeast fur and emblazoned with a rampant golden lion from inside his traveler's pack. > Cristoph offers Edorel a pristine white greatcloak trimmed with tufted snowbeast fur and emblazoned with a rampant golden lion. > Edorel puts his scroll in his leather backpack. > Edorel blinks. > Ripples of gleaming cerulean light exude from the orb hovering near Dulcinie causing her skin to take on the texture and color of a babbling brook. > Edorel accepts Cristoph's white greatcloak. > Cristoph says, "I was gonna go on about how you should keep your soul pristine and the like, but the truth is..." > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Edorel rubs his neck. > Excetera grins. > Cristoph says, "That thing's warm as heck, and looks really neat and Paladin-ly." > Cristoph winks at Edorel. > smile You smile. > Sebestyen chuckles. > Edorel says, "My humble thanks for this." > Edorel appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Kiltan appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Marganus chuckles. > Mordibar grins. > "Thanks Cristoph. You say, "Thanks Cristoph." > Lissha grins. > Edorel puts his greatcloak in his leather backpack. > Cristoph bows. > Gwenddolyn chuckles. > Valkri grins at Cristoph. > Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. > "Top notch. You say, "Top notch." You say, "Lady Fanya." > Fanya smiles at you. > Fanya slowly empties her lungs. > Fanya stands near Edorel. > Edorel smiles at Fanya. > look edorel You see Sir Edorel Aleridon, Cadet of the Therengia Infantry, a Human Paladin. Edorel has deep-set turquoise eyes, a straight nose and a cleft chin. His ash-blonde hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn tied back. He has tanned skin and a brawny build. He is very tall for a Human. He is young for a Human. He is in good shape. He is holding a lightened cavalry longsword with an amethyst pommel in his right hand. He is wearing a fine platinum chain, a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a midnight blue woolen cloak trimmed with gold braiding, a silk tabard argent in pale a lion rampant or and a scale or with a sword argent and an olive branch vert, a jet black leather backpack, a comfortable square-cut linen tunic, some somber golden weepers, a low-slung black leather hip belt, a pair of midnight blue fitted trousers of soft brushed linen and some calf-length black leather boots. > look madigan Fanya says to Edorel, "Sir, I ran to find something that would help to symbolize your transition..." > Fanya says, "Sir Madigan had told me that your saddle was plain, and just so for a squire" > Fanya nods. > Fanya says, " this moment, you are a squire no more" > Fanya shakes her head. > Sebestyen smiles. > Marganus grins. > Fanya says, "And you now deserve something fitting a knight of honor" > whisper melin Valynn is next then you. You whisper to Melindrha. > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Fanya says, "So, please accept this gift" > Fanya gets a fine black leather saddle with sterling silver roses inlaid along the stirrup from inside her velvet pack. > Fanya offers Edorel a fine black leather saddle with sterling silver roses inlaid along the stirrup. > Edorel accepts Fanya's leather saddle. > Fanya gently kisses Edorel on the cheek. > Fanya gathers the folds of her gown and deeply curtsies with a flourish and a smile. > smile warmly. You smile warmly. > Edorel says to Fanya, "Lady Fanya, I am deeply honored." > Edorel beams at Fanya! > Marganus grins. > Fanya smiles at Edorel. > "Thanks Lady Fanya. You say, "Thanks Lady Fanya." > (Fanya steps back) > Mordibar smiles. > "Ambassador Valynn. You say, "Ambassador Valynn." > Edorel puts his saddle in his leather backpack. > Valynn gets a sapphire blue gift box from inside her traveler's pack. > Valynn smiles at Edorel. > Excetera ponders. > Valynn says, "I have seen you grow strong and true under Madigan's guidance." > Edorel bows to Valynn. > A dizzying sequence of chaotic color churns over the surface of the a luminous orb of coruscating rainbowed light floating near Veralika. > Valynn says, "Now, it is time for you to move out on your own and one day perhaps, take a squire of your own to pass on the Code." > Valynn says, "May this small gift remind you of new beginnings as you embark on your own." > Valynn offers Edorel a sapphire blue gift box. > Edorel accepts Valynn's gift box. > look Valynn smiles at Edorel. > Valynn grins. > Edorel beams at Valynn! > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Valkri grins. > Kiltan grins. > Valynn winks at Valkri. > Valkri nods to Valynn. > Edorel says to Valynn, "Lady Valynn, I humbly accept your gift and your advice." > Marsais grins at Excetera. > Valynn smiles at Edorel. > Edorel opens his gift box. > Edorel puts his longsword in his leather backpack. > Edorel gets a golden cow ring from inside his gift box. > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Valkri chuckles. > Cristoph grins. > Excetera grins. > Edorel slides a golden cow ring onto his finger. > Lissha grins. > Dulcinie grins. > Erieck grins at Valynn. > Gallanthur says, "holy cow" > Sebestyen grins. > Valynn grins. > Edorel puts his box in his leather backpack. > Gallanthur gasps! > chuckle You chuckle. > Lissha chuckles. > Excetera chortles softly at some secret joke. Drevid says, "mm cow" > Cristoph nods. > Drevid noisily licks his chops. > grin You grin. > Marganus chuckles at Drevid. > Mordibar gives Drevid a little prod between the shoulder blades. > Valynn whispers, "Not paladinly, but Edorel-ly." > Veralika just tickled Drevid. You say, "Melindra is next and last on my list. Please whisper to me if you wish to say anything." > bow melin You bow to Melindrha. > look melin You see Nepenthe Melindrha Quinnell, Cutter, a Halfling Empath. Melindrha has a heart-shaped face, thick-lashed crystal blue eyes, a freckled nose and a cleft chin. Her auburn hair is very long and curly, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a fragile ivory starburst haircomb set with tiny jade chips. She has tanned skin and a generous figure. A shimmering black diamond knot rests on her forehead, just above her eyes. She is young for a Halfling. She has a tattoo of a knotwork vine spiraling gently down her left arm, an occasional healing or poisonous flower sprouting rhythmically as it ends in a string of ivy leaves extending from her wrist to the fingers on her hand. She is in good shape. She is holding a long-stemmed white rose in her right hand. She is wearing an albredine crystal ring, an elegant spidersilk traveler's backpack, an enameled silver knotwork torque dangling carved gemstone herbs, a band of silver accented with curling platinum ivy leaves, a black tankard-shaped badge etched with the insignia of the Tavern Troupe, a carefully woven mesh of spidersilk designed to wind around the toes and ankles, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a glacial blue lotus blossom with frost-tipped petals, an ivory and jade plaid kilt fastened with a silver ivy wreath pin, an ivory and jade plaid bodice fastened with silver ivy leaves, a jade ivy earcuff and a jade and ivory earcuff. > Melindrha smiles. > Dulcinie whispers, "me please." > Melindrha cheerfully says, "Congratulations, Edorel. Your training has, no doubt, been excellent and comprehensive. " > Edorel whispers, "I would like to say something, if at all possible." > Melindrha grins at you. > Valkri whispers, "Oh, what the hell...put me on please" > Edorel smiles at Melindrha. > whisper dulci Thank you for reminding me. You whisper to Dulcinie. > Melindrha wryly says, "In a way, I'm here to represent those who you'll meet in passing, by happy accident or a simple "I know someone you know." In the way of those who are essentially strangers, I have advice that won't come back to you for ages." > Edorel nods at Melindrha, obviously agreeing with her views. > Melindrha firmly says, "Good Sir, may your dedication be strong enough to make the decisions you must, and your heart absorbant enough to let you. Do not let the first break the second." > With a graceful movement of her hands, Melindrha lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Edorel. > whisper dulci You are next. You whisper to Dulcinie. > Sebestyen whispers, "in my haste I forgot to extend congrats to him from Drex.." > Dulcinie whispers, "thanks" > whisper valkri Dulcinie then you. You whisper to Valkri. > whisper sebe Dulcinie, Valkri, then you. You whisper to Sebestyen. > Fanya smiles at Melindrha. > Veralika nods to Tiso. > Melindrha sits down on the oak bench. > smile You smile. > "Dulcinie. You say, "Dulcinie." > Dulcinie stands up. > Raagnar smiles at Melindrha. > Valynn smiles at Melindrha. > Dulcinie stands near an ash altar. > praise melin You praise Melindrha's efforts, supporting her with your approval. > Edorel beams at Melindrha! > Dulcinie asks Edorel, "Please join me at the altar?" > Edorel stands near Dulcinie. > The cerulean orb of light hovering near Dulcinie pulses, as if alive. > Dulcinie kneels down. > Dulcinie says, "I would like to pray for you if you would be so kind." > Dulcinie reaches out and touches an ash altar. Dulcinie shivers slightly. > Edorel kneels down. > Dulcinie places her hand on the forehead of Edorel and chants a prayer. > Dulcinie seems to strengthen in resolve as she offers a brief prayer to Chadatru. > Dulcinie places her hands beneath her chin and turns her eyes up to the heavens. > Dulcinie gazes upward. > Edorel inhales a great swallow of air. > Dulcinie says to Edorel, "At Wodie's Memorial, Lady Valkri reminded us of our beginning date and someday an ending date, and the dash in between." > Edorel studies the ground for a moment. > Dulcinie says, "Her advice was to be remembered for the dash." > Dulcinie smiles at Valkri. > Valkri nods to Dulcinie. > Valkri smiles. > Sebestyen nods. > Marganus nods. > Edorel smiles at Dulcinie. > Melindrha's lotus blossom withers like burning parchment, its petals curling into thin blackened spirals before disintegrating into ash. A tiny bud appears in its place and slowly begins to bloom, rippling with a breathtaking kaleidoscope of colors before finally transforming into a drooping parrot tulip shaded the dark red of fresh spilt blood. > Dulcinie says, "I remember not too long ago at the gate, we were all having trouble with time." > Dulcinie asks Edorel, "Remember that?" > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Gallanthur chortles softly at some secret joke. > Edorel says, "I do." > Edorel rubs his neck. > Dulcinie grins. > Dulcinie gets a gold pendant-orlog on a matching chain from inside her bard's cloak. > Dulcinie gets a gold key from inside her bard's cloak. > Gwenddolyn chuckles. > Tendrils of crackling silver light sweep beneath the shadowy orb like tentacles of an ethereal octopus as it hovers placidly near Valkri. > Dulcinie says, "Well this will help us all, but I give it not to you to remember the beginning, nor the ending, but to live out the dash." > Valynn grins. > Dulcinie smiles at Edorel. > Dulcinie offers Edorel a gold pendant-orlog on a matching chain. > Edorel smiles broadly. > Edorel accepts Dulcinie's gold pendant-orlog. > Dulcinie offers Edorel a gold key. > Edorel says, "Thank you most kindly, my lady." > Edorel accepts Dulcinie's gold key. > Dulcinie bows to Edorel. > "Top notch. You say, "Top notch." > Dulcinie stands up. > Edorel puts his pendant-orlog in his leather backpack. > Edorel stands up. > Edorel puts his key in his leather backpack. > Dulcinie sits down on the oak bench. > "Ok, we will wind up the friends advice with Valkri, a short addendum by Sebe. You say, "Ok, we will wind up the friends advice with Valkri, a short addendum by Sebe." > "Valkri. You say, "Valkri." > Valkri nods to you. > say /quiet DOn't kill him. Valkri glances at Edorel. > You quietly say, "DOn't kill him." > cough madigan You clear your throat. > Valkri says, "Not today" > Excetera smirks. > Drevid chortles softly at some secret joke. > Valynn appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Mordibar chortles softly at some secret joke. > Valkri grins at you. > Gwenddolyn appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Marganus snickers. > Edorel inhales a great swallow of air. > Dulcinie chuckles. > Edorel gulps. > grin You grin. > Cristoph grins. > Valkri asks Edorel, "Ibec, Jordham, Jelstand, Bamiec, Falstad, Jeladric...those names ring a bell for you?" > Gyfford raises an eyebrow. > Dulcinie whispers, "may I have a recording of this?" > Sebestyen smiles. > Marganus nods. > Valkri says, "Those of the men whom knights like you serve. " > Edorel says, "They are the Liege Lords of which we have always served and continue to serve." > Valkri nods. > Edorel nods emphatically at Valkri. > Gyfford spins the signet ring about his finger for a moment. > Valkri says, "Paladins rarely make it into the record books, but their lords do" > Valkri says, "You serve with a quiet dignity, knowing your efforts help these men rise to be their very best" > Valkri says, "You serve them, your serve a people" > whisper erie Bah, I remember Falstad...back in the very beginning when I came up here. You whisper to Erieck. > whisper dulci Of course. You whisper to Dulcinie. > Valkri says, "It is paladins who are the backbone of Therengia" > Valkri says, "So stay straight, stay true...and always be strong" > Valkri says, "And..." > Valkri gets a steel horseshoe labeled "Nose Breaker" from inside her leather rucksack. > Cristoph grins. > grin You grin. > Drevid chortles softly at some secret joke. > Gwenddolyn laughs! > Valkri says, "always know you have a wee bit of luck with you" > Marganus chuckles. > Kiltan grins. > Dulcinie laughs! > Erieck whispers, " Hmm yes indeed...heh I guess we are getting old.." > Valynn appears to be trying hard not to grin. > Valkri offers Edorel a steel horseshoe labeled "Nose Breaker". > Mordibar chuckles. > Melindrha giggles. > Marganus grins. > Edorel grins ear-to-ear. > Excetera grins. > Edorel accepts Valkri's steel horseshoe. > Raagnar grins. > Tiso laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. > Edorel bows to Valkri. > Valkri winks at Edorel. > Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. > "Top notch Valkri. You say, "Top notch Valkri." > Edorel says to Valkri, "Thank you, my lady." > look sebe You see Sebestyen Kuliniac, Knight of the Order of the Dragon Shield, a Human. Sebestyen has green eyes. His golden brown hair is short and fine, and is worn in a simple, loose style. He has smooth skin. He is in his prime for a Human. He is clean shaven. He has a tattoo of a lone ship at sea against a starry midnight-blue backdrop on his arm. He is in good shape. He is wearing a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a gold kyanite gwethdesuan, a crimson tabard emblazoned with a gold rampant lion, a rich crimson leather travel pack emblazoned with a rampant gold lion, a dashing white linen shirt, an albredine crystal ring, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, a pair of heavy black wool trousers piped in grey and gold and some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs. > Edorel rubs his neck. > Valkri says, "Thank you...Sir Edorel" > Marganus whispers, "I have somethin' to say, but it can wait until after the ceremony so everyone else can go back to what they were doin'." > Valkri curtsies to Edorel. > "And, Sebestyen rounds us out. You say, "And, Sebestyen rounds us out." > Sebestyen stands up. > Veralika glances at Drevid. > Veralika giggles. > Sebestyen says, "Lady Drexella was unable to attend this ceremony Sir Edorel." > Edorel smiles at Sebestyen. > whisper gyfford You are next m'lord. You whisper to Gyfford. > Gyfford nods to you. > whisper edorel Baron Gyfford wants to say something, then you can say thanks. You whisper to Edorel. > Sebestyen says, "She wished me to extend to you her congratulations and best wishes to you in your service." > Sebestyen bows to Edorel. > Edorel whispers, "Understood." > Sebestyen sits down on the oak bench. > "M'lord, do you wish to say anything? You ask, "M'lord, do you wish to say anything?" > smile gyf You smile at Gyfford. > bow gyf You bow to Gyfford. > Gyfford stands up. > Edorel bows to Gyfford. > Gyfford says, "A very wise man once gave me some good advice." > The translucent image of a wolf glistens briefly in the cerulean depths of the orb hovering near Dulcinie. > Gyfford says, "As I was preparing to leave my time as a squire my lord father baron Jeladric talked to me about honor." > Gyfford says, "He told me honor was something we wear on the inside." > Gyfford says, "He told me it was never meant for honor to be something that hinders our growth." > Gyfford says, "You keep your honor on the inside , be true to your immortal your families and your liege and your friends and you can not go wrong." > Gyfford says, "A man does what is right by what he carries inside him and there is no need to explain it to anyone." > Erieck whispers, "Always knew the old fellow was a smart enough one.." > Gyfford says, "I know you will do this, you were trained by one of the best." > Gyfford sits down on the oak bench. > Edorel nods emphatically. > Excetera smiles. > Fanya smiles at Gyfford. > Edorel bows to Gyfford. > Gwenddolyn smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. > "Edorel would like to say a few words, then I will close us out. You say, "Edorel would like to say a few words, then I will close us out." > Marganus nods in agreement. > "Thank you m'lord. Tiso grins at Veralika. > You say, "Thank you m'lord." > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > Edorel says, "I am honored by your advice and blessing, m'lord." > Edorel says, "I will try to keep this short, I know everyone's been sitting for a while." > Edorel rubs his neck. > Cristoph grins. > Kiltan grins. > Marganus grins. > Excetera shifts uncomfortably for a moment. > Excetera takes a seat. > The cerulean orb spins slowly as it hovers near Dulcinie, bathing the area in a rippling cerulean glow. > Edorel says, "When I first returned home from my time as a page in Zoluren, I quickly met several people. Members of the Northern Watch, some of the Theren Guard." > Edorel says, "Before I knew it, I had made many fast friends. And in doing so, I also found purpose." > Edorel says, "I.. I don't know much about politics. But what I have seen, what I have learned about leadership, I have learned from following. Leaders motivate with their enthusiasm and their will to serve." > Edorel says, "I found these borders to be full of leaders. From our militias and military orders, to our Liege Lord." > Edorel bows to Gyfford. > Edorel says, "And moreso, as a Paladin, the purpose of the code. It is easy to recite the code as I have done this evening. But a very wise man took much time to question me and show me how difficult it is to actually -live- the code." > Sebestyen nods in agreement. > Gwenddolyn smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. > Edorel says, "But the fine leadership and comraderie of this town, this province not only lessens the burden of living the Code, but inspires to continue one to do so." > Edorel says, "I have just a few investments to give." > Cristoph nods. > Edorel asks Marsais, "Would you be so kind, Marsais?" > Tendrils of multicolored light exude from the orb hovering near Veralika, wreathing around her neck and shoulders like an ethereal shawl. > A sullen Shadow Servant gets a strained look for a moment, then regurgitates a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon and hands it to Marsais. > Marsais offers Edorel a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon. > Edorel accepts Marsais's fire-gilded spear. > Marsais taps something inside his traveler's pack. > Edorel says to Gallanthur, "Along with Wodie, your enthusiasm for the joust has inspired me since I was first partnered with Naroden. I wish you to have this spear, bearing the crest of our Baron, in thanks for your witness to my oath over this time." > Edorel offers Gallanthur a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon. > Gallanthur accepts Edorel's fire-gilded spear. > Edorel puts his horseshoe in his leather backpack. > Gwenddolyn smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. > Dulcinie smiles at Edorel. > Gallanthur bows to Edorel. > Gallanthur says, "thank you" > Excetera swishes her tail through the air. > Gallanthur taps a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon that he is holding. > Marsais gets a hammered silver epaulet chased with the crest of the Paladins' Guild from inside his traveler's pack. > Edorel says to Erieck, "Sir Erieck, you are one of the oldest friends I have within these walls. You have always been there to offer advice when I've come stumbling back from some hunting trip or other. And you stand here to witness for Sir Wodie. I would ask that you accept this in his memory." > Marsais offers Edorel a hammered silver epaulet chased with the crest of the Paladins' Guild. > Edorel accepts Marsais's silver epaulet. > Erieck smiles at Edorel. > Edorel offers Erieck a hammered silver epaulet chased with the crest of the Paladins' Guild. > Erieck accepts Edorel's silver epaulet. > Erieck says, "Thank you Edorel" > Erieck bows to Edorel. > Edorel says to Marsais, "Marsais, I have no spear or ornament for you, but I have my sincere thanks. You may not be beholden to my oath, but you're the closest thing to family I've had here. I thank you for that." > Edorel wraps his arms around Marsais, giving Marsais a great big bear hug! > Marsais blinks. > Marsais gives Edorel a wry grin. > Excetera grins. > Marsais pats Edorel on the back. > Lissha smiles. > Fanya smiles. > Kiltan smiles. > Marganus grins. > Valynn smiles. > Dulcinie smiles at Marsais. > Marsais gets a polished pewter lion statuette clutching a soulstone in one claw from inside his traveler's pack. > Marsais offers Edorel a polished pewter lion statuette clutching a soulstone in one claw. > Sebestyen smiles at Marsais. > Marsais smiles at Edorel. > Edorel accepts Marsais's lion statuette. > Gallanthur begins to carefully examine a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon. > Gallanthur begins to carefully examine a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon. > Edorel says to you, "Madigan. I have learned much from you, and I know this is not the end to my learning, as was said earlier. But your devotion, both to the Code, and to the teaching of young paladins inspires me. I am honored to have served under you for this time." > Edorel kneels down before you. > Edorel bows. > Gallanthur begins to carefully examine a jouster's spear with a trefoil blade and firesilk pennon. > bow You bow. > Edorel says to you, "As you move south with Lady Valynn on behalf of our people, I have prayed that Chadatru will guide and watch over you both." > Edorel stands up. > Edorel offers you a polished pewter lion statuette clutching a soulstone in one claw. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds. > accept You accept Edorel's offer and are now holding a polished pewter lion statuette clutching a soulstone in one claw. > Drevid raises an eyebrow. > Gallanthur offers Dulcinie a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon. You say, "And, you are lucky you did this after your were promoted instead of before, else you would find youself back in the moat." > Dulcinie accepts Gallanthur's fire-gilded spear. You say, "Thank you, I am honored." > Edorel says, "Some decoration for your new home." > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Edorel rubs his neck. > Mordibar chortles softly at some secret joke. > Gallanthur slings a jouster's spear with a trefoil blade and firesilk pennon off from over his shoulder. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > Edorel throws back his shoulders, snapping to attention and with a sharp click of his heels, renders a crisp salute. > Kiltan grins. > "Ok, let's wrap this up. You say, "Ok, let's wrap this up." > "In closing, look around you guildbrother. You say, "In closing, look around you guildbrother." > smile edorel You smile at Edorel. > Edorel casually observes the area. You say, "You have the Watch, the Cav, the ODS, the Guard, the Court and other friends." > You say, "The things that bind us are far greater than anything that may want to seperate us." You say, "I can teach you no more Edorel. You are a good man." You say, "Dismissed and congratulations." You smile warmly. > Excetera smiles at Edorel. > Marganus grins. > Gyfford nods. > Gwenddolyn applauds. > Valkri whispers something to Drevid. > Edorel says, "Thank you everyone, it is my honor to serve all of you as a Knight, no longer a squire." > Dulcinie lets out a loud "Huzzah!" > Lissha looks at Edorel and applauds! > Gallanthur lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Edorel! > Valynn grins at Edorel. > Veralika applauds. > Tiso looks at Edorel and applauds! > stow stat You put your statuette in your traveler's pack. > Valkri looks at Edorel and applauds! > Gallanthur lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Edorel! > Mordibar lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Edorel! > pat edorel You pat Edorel on the back. > Lyathe beams at Edorel! > Marganus applauds. > Gallanthur lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Edorel! > Drevid smirks. > Valynn lets out a hearty cheer for Edorel! > Humm looks at Edorel and applauds! > Lyathe looks at Edorel and applauds! > Fanya beams at Edorel! > Dulcinie applauds. > Drevid bites Valkri! > Gwenddolyn stands up. > Kiltan applauds. > Cristoph grins. > Excetera rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. > Drevid lets out a hearty cheer for Edorel! > Melindrha gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. > Erieck grins at Edorel. > Marsais snaps to attention and hails Edorel with a crisp hand salute. > Dulcinie stands up. > look [Theren Keep, Chapel] Sunlight is welcomed into the Chapel of Chadatru by the rainbow colors of a stained glass window set in the eastern wall. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Simple oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window, casting its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a sullen Shadow Servant, a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Also here: Baron Gyfford who is sitting, Excetera, Davafro Vayato Humm, Bladesinger Chandore, Nepenthe Melindrha who is sitting, Senior Commander Gwenddolyn, Commander Dulcinie, Gallanthur who is sitting, Monster Drevid, Soul Mutator Veralika, Marsais, Battle Empath Lyathe, King's Wiseman Tiso, Commander Mordibar, Soldier Lissha, Sir Erieck, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Undying Valkri, Kiltan who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Sir Edorel, Wind Walker Valynn, Steel Heart Marganus, Sebestyen who is sitting, Protector Raagnar. Obvious exits: west. > Gallanthur stands up. > Excetera applauds. > Fanya looks at Edorel and applauds! > Raagnar looks at Edorel and applauds! > Dulcinie pivots in Edorel's direction and salutes him with her spear, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement. > Kiltan rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. > A brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light spins slowly through the air, orbiting Dulcinie's body like a miniature, luminous moon. > Valkri grunts at Drevid. > Erieck puts his epaulet in his armor pack. > Cristoph says, "Fine work, Sir Edorel. Congratulations." > Erieck snaps to attention and hails Edorel with a crisp hand salute. > Cristoph nods to Edorel. > Tiso says to Edorel, "Well done, friend." > Drevid casually observes the area. > Drevid gives Valkri a good pinch! > Melindrha stands up. > Sebestyen stands up. > "We are going to Telgars for a few drinks should anyone care to join us there. You say, "We are going to Telgars for a few drinks should anyone care to join us there." > Edorel smiles broadly. > Excetera chortles softly at some secret joke. > Gyfford stands up. > smlie Please rephrase that command. > Edorel shakes Cristoph's hand. > Cristoph joins your group. > Edorel shakes Erieck's hand. > Sebestyen stands near Edorel. > "Then, Valynn and I will take our leave to Shard. Edorel shakes Tiso's hand. > You say, "Then, Valynn and I will take our leave to Shard." > Erieck says to Edorel, "Sir Edorel" > Dulcinie moves a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon to her left hand. > Sebestyen shakes Edorel's hand. > Erieck shakes Edorel's hand. > Tiso shakes Edorel's hand. > Marsais joins your group. > Humm joins your group. > Edorel shakes Sebestyen's hand. > Valkri says to Mordibar, "Make him stop touching me" > Drevid frowns at you. > Kiltan joins your group. > Chandore shakes Edorel's hand. > Gyfford says, "A safe trip to Shard." > Erieck joins your group. > Valynn begins chortling at Valkri. > nod You nod. > Excetera joins your group. > Fanya joins your group. > Valynn bows to Gyfford. > Gwenddolyn snaps to attention and hails Edorel with a crisp hand salute. > "Indeed m'lord. You say, "Indeed m'lord." > Mordibar glances at Drevid. > Dulcinie joins your group. > Gyfford says, "Ambassador." > Kiltan bows to Gyfford. > Erieck raises his hand in a quick salute. > Marganus joins your group. > A sullen Shadow Servant disappears. > Edorel hugs Valynn gingerly, trying not to hurt her. > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > Valynn says, "Thank you, M'Lord." > With a graceful flutter of her hands, Dulcinie sinks down in a formal curtsy. > Cristoph says, "It's not too late to give up that ambassador stuff, and hang out here with cool folks." > Mordibar says to Drevid, "stop bothering Valkri" > Cristoph nods to Valkri. > Gyfford says, "I still await an answer." > Veralika blinks. > Raagnar joins Melindrha's group. > Excetera grins. > Cristoph winks. > Gallanthur shows Edorel his jouster's spear. > Valynn nods to Gyfford. > Marsais chuckles at Cristoph. > Lyathe joins your group. > With a graceful movement of her hands, Gwenddolyn lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Gyfford. > Mordibar says to Valkri, "not gonna help, but i tried" > With a graceful movement of her hands, Dulcinie lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Gyfford. > Tiso says, "Safe trip, Madigan and Ambassador." > Drevid says to Mordibar, "you're next" > Sebestyen joins your group. > Veralika whispers, "he going to shard??" > Edorel beams at Gallanthur! > Drevid shakes his fist! > Valkri sighs. > "This group moving in 10. You say, "This group moving in 10." > Valkri nods to Mordibar. > nod vera You nod to Veralika. > Valynn says, "As soon as I hear, I will be back." > Erieck raises his hand in a quick salute. > Valynn bows to Gyfford. > Erieck nods to Lissha. > Chandore joins your group. > Veralika whispers, " bah " > Lissha joins your group. > Marganus bows to Gyfford. > Edorel bows to you. > Veralika wraps her arms around you, giving you a great big bear hug! > Melindrha nods to Raagnar. > "This group moving in 3. You say, "This group moving in 3." > Excetera scratches one ear, looking bemused. > Valkri gives Edorel a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with her knuckles. > Sebestyen bows to Gyfford. > "And, now. You say, "And, now." > salute gyff You snap to attention and hail Gyfford with a crisp hand salute. > Edorel grins sheepishly. > Gyfford says, "Mordibar as word." > w /r [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Obvious exits: out. Lissha, Chandore, Sebestyen, Lyathe, Marganus, Dulcinie, Fanya, Excetera, Erieck, Humm, Marsais, Cristoph and Valynn followed. > Marganus says, "Damn, and I thought I could run fast." > smile You smile. > exhale You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs. > Cristoph exclaims, "That's some fast marchin' there, Cap'n!" > Cristoph pants. > Marganus pants. > chuckle You chuckle. > Excetera grins. > Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. > Dulcinie exclaims, "whew!" > look madigan You are Sir Madigan De'Mascus, Veteran of the Therengia Infantry, a Human. You have silver eyes. Your silver hair is short and straight, and is worn loose. You have pale skin. You are clean shaven. You have a tattoo of a Paladin holding a Therengian standard and a drawn blade, which emits a fierce light as he valiantly faces the darkness on your back. You are in good shape. You are wearing a forester's crossbow, some matte black woven reed greaves, an albredine crystal ring, a dark mistwood ring carved into the shape of a dragon's talon with a flawless silver wolf inlay, some gauntlets, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a silver teardrop, a diamond pin, a maned desumos fur with agate eyes, a warrior's tower shield, a gold Commander's badge, a hand-stitched traveler's pack, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, a claymore sheath, some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs, a bright gold lion amulet suspended from a heavy chain, a twisted cambrinth armband, a plain paper envelope, an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps, some half plate, a pilgrim's badge, a great helm and a plain linen gem pouch. > Lyathe wobbles, looking a bit faint. > Chandore grins. > Marsais chuckles. > Sebestyen chuckles. > think Edorel, drop by Telgars when you can. Lissha sits down on the high-backed booth. > You concentrate on projecting your thoughts. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Bladesinger Chandore, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > look edor I could not find what you were referring to. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > Marsais rummages through a multi-hued traveler's pack of woven faille cording, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search. > Cristoph grins. > Marganus asks you, "How DO you run that fast in all that plate?" > Sebestyen gets a mug of harvest mead from inside his travel pack. > "Well, I need to hit the latrine. You say, "Well, I need to hit the latrine." > Cristoph laughs! > "Pardon me. You say, "Pardon me." > Cristoph nods to Marganus. > grin You grin. > Lissha chuckles. > Excetera laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. > stop listen But you aren't listening to anyone. > Marganus chuckles. > Marganus says, "That must be how. Really had to go." > Valynn stops teaching. > Dulcinie laughs! > Lyathe says to Marganus, "Practice." > Lissha grins at Marganus. > Valynn begins to lecture Cristoph on the proper use of the Skinning skill. > Erieck sits down on the high-backed booth. > Erieck grins at Cristoph. > Cristoph exclaims, "Sir Humm!" > Lissha gets a glass of spiced wine from atop a large bar. > Valynn begins chortling at Marganus. > Cristoph says, "I didn't even see you there, brother." > Chandore assesses his combat situation. > Cristoph slings a Therengian pole-axe off from over his shoulder. > Humm exclaims, "Sir Cristoph!" > Cristoph pivots in Humm's direction and salutes him with his pole-axe, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement. > Humm smiles. > Cristoph slings his pole-axe over his shoulder. > Valynn grins at Humm. > Marganus gets a shot of Tog whiskey from atop a large bar. > Erieck shakes Humm's hand. > Valynn asks, "Skinning class anyone?" > Humm says, "I uhhh, slunk in." > Humm grins. > Lyathe whispers something to Marsais. > Lissha nods to Valynn. > Cristoph exclaims, "Me!" > Cristoph nods to Valynn. > Excetera nods. > Valynn begins to lecture Lissha on the proper use of the Skinning skill. > Lissha begins to listen to Valynn teach the Skinning skill. > Chandore begins to listen to Valynn teach the Skinning skill. > Excetera begins to listen to Valynn teach the Skinning skill. > Cristoph begins to listen to Valynn teach the Skinning skill. > Lissha says, "thank you kindly" > Humm begins to listen to Valynn teach the Skinning skill. > Erieck begins to listen to Valynn teach the Skinning skill. > Marsais chuckles at Lyathe. > Lissha smiles at Valynn. > Valynn nods. > Lyathe grins at Marsais. > Dulcinie sits down on the high-backed booth. > Excetera gets a glass of spiced wine from atop a large bar. > Cristoph says, "I've learnt more swimmin' tonight than I have in my whole adventuring career." > Cristoph grins. > Valynn begins chortling at Cristoph. > Humm gets a goblet of rich bloodwyne from inside his journey pack. > Lyathe gawks at Cristoph. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > Erieck leans back. > Excetera takes a sip of her wine. > Lissha says, "swimming is an excellent skill to have" > Lissha nods. > Chandore says, "Didn't know we were losing Madigan too." > Marsais says, "Valynn teaches great classes." > Chandore scratches distractedly at his beard. > Marganus nods. > Marsais nods. > Humm nods. > Marganus says to Chandore, "Personal bodyguard for Val." > Erieck smiles at Excetera. > Valynn says, "We will not be strangers, I can assure you." > Lyathe nods to Marsais. > Marganus takes a sip of his whiskey. > Chandore says, "I just heard." > Sebestyen says, "That is good to hear" > Sebestyen smiles at Valynn. > Erieck says to Excetera, "Heyos, long time no see" > Excetera smiles at Erieck. > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > Lyathe smiles at Valynn. > Valynn says, "I plan on attending the plays and returning regularly." > Excetera gives a slight nod. > Valynn nods emphatically. > Cristoph asks, "If I come visit, can we hang out in the UnderShard?" > Excetera says, "Indeed." > Cristoph peers quizzically at Valynn. > Fanya smiles at Valynn. > Gallanthur just arrived. > Valynn grins at Cristoph. > Marsais says, "Aye, no one is gonna mess with our ambassador." > Cristoph exclaims, "I think it's neat down there!" > Cristoph nods. > Erieck asks Excetera, "How ya been doing?" > Valynn says, "If we must." > Erieck looks thoughtfully at Cristoph. > Fanya says, "Undershard is dastardly place" > Fanya shudders. > Cristoph grins. > Valynn grins at Fanya. > Sebestyen nods in agreement. > Humm nods to Fanya. > Erieck says to Cristoph, "I always knew ya were a bit unhinged.." > Cristoph laughs! > Erieck grins at Cristoph. > Sebestyen chuckles. > Fanya says, "I've been dragged there once too many times" > Excetera grins at Erieck. > Sir Edorel just arrived. > Valynn says, "I fully expect folks to come and visit as well." > Lissha takes a sip of her wine. > Sebestyen takes a sip of his mead. > Edorel raises his hand in a quick salute. > Marsais lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Edorel! > Valynn nods emphatically. > Lissha lets out a hearty cheer for Edorel! > Chandore smiles at Edorel. > Lyathe beams at Edorel! > Erieck lets out a hearty cheer for Edorel! > Valynn grins at Edorel. > Marganus grins at Edorel. > Cristoph says, "Well, it's the only place to go, where ya don't have to hang out with the rest of the Ilithi citizenry." > Humm says, "If I were to give Elanthia an enema, I'd stick the tube in UnderShard." > Lissha opens her leather haversack. > Kiltan just arrived. > Excetera smiles at Edorel. > Lissha takes a silvery chain coif with ivory spidersilk framing the face opening off her head. > Humm nods. > Erieck says, "Oh hey..while I htink about it" > Cristoph says, "Hang out in Shard for a while, you'll love the UnderShard." > Lissha puts her coif in her leather haversack. > Cristoph winks. > Erieck gestures at Edorel. > Lissha closes her leather haversack. > Fanya looks thoughtfully at Cristoph. > Valynn grins at Cristoph. > Erieck whispers something to Edorel. > Valynn says to Cristoph, "The stone makes my skin itch." > Valynn winks at Cristoph. > Marganus chuckles. > Erieck whispers something to Edorel. > Cristoph nods to Valynn. > Kiltan grins. > Cristoph says, "Yeah, I can see that." > Kiltan pats Marsais on the back. > Cristoph grins. > Marsais grins at Kiltan. > Excetera takes a sip of her wine. > Valynn chuckles. > Marsais begins chortling at Kiltan. > Kiltan gets a diamond band from inside his furrier's haversack. > Kiltan offers Marsais a diamond band. > Marsais accepts Kiltan's diamond band. > look edorel You see Sir Edorel Aleridon, Cadet of the Therengia Infantry, a Human Paladin. Edorel has deep-set turquoise eyes, a straight nose and a cleft chin. His ash-blonde hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn tied back. He has tanned skin and a brawny build. He is very tall for a Human. He is young for a Human. He is in good shape. He is wearing a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a fine platinum chain, a midnight blue woolen cloak trimmed with gold braiding, a silk tabard argent in pale a lion rampant or and a scale or with a sword argent and an olive branch vert, a jet black leather backpack, a comfortable square-cut linen tunic, some somber golden weepers, a golden cow ring, a low-slung black leather hip belt, a pair of midnight blue fitted trousers of soft brushed linen and some calf-length black leather boots. > Cristoph asks, "Not drinking yet?" > Kiltan gets a diamond band from inside his furrier's haversack. > Kiltan offers Marsais a diamond band. > Cristoph frowns at Edorel. > Erieck whispers something to Edorel. > Marsais puts his band in his belt satchel. > Cristoph says, "Tsk." > Marsais accepts Kiltan's diamond band. > Marganus takes a sip of his whiskey. > Marsais puts his band in his belt satchel. > "Ahh, that is better. You say, "Ahh, that is better." > smile You smile. > Raising his harvest mead to Edorel, Sebestyen gives him a toast. > Valynn motions toward a large bar. > shake my plate You adjust your half plate. > Marganus says, "Oh." > Chosen Dyminica just arrived. > Fanya rubs Edorel in a friendly manner. > Edorel beams at Sebestyen! > Valynn gets some red Langenfirth ale from atop a large bar. > Sebestyen takes a sip of his mead. > Valynn grins at Dyminica. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Chosen Dyminica, Kiltan, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Bladesinger Chandore, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Cristoph beams at Dyminica! > Dyminica says, "well met all." > Edorel smiles at Fanya. > Marganus says to Edorel, "I have somethin' to say for ya, some warmie wisdom as it were." > Cristoph bows to Dyminica. > Lissha waves to Dyminica. > Erieck waves to Dyminica. > Edorel bows to Dyminica. > Cristoph exclaims, "Heya!" > Marsais nods to Kiltan. > Marganus waves to Dyminica. > wave dym You wave to Dyminica. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Chosen Dyminica, Kiltan, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Bladesinger Chandore, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Lyathe nods to Dyminica. > Sebestyen says to Edorel, "Beware" > Dyminica waves. > Excetera grins. > Marganus chuckles. > Sebestyen grins at Marganus. > Kiltan nods. > chuckle Excetera takes a sip of her wine. > You chuckle. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Chosen Dyminica, Kiltan, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Bladesinger Chandore, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Lissha takes a sip of her wine. > Marganus grins at Sebestyen. > get whis You get a shot of Tog whiskey from atop a large bar. > Marsais sits down on the oak chair. > Edorel appears to be listening intently for something. > applaud edorel Raising your Tog whiskey to Edorel, you give him a toast. Cheers! > Edorel smiles at Marganus. > Marganus grins. > Marsais waves to Dyminica. > Humm whispers, "I've i'v filled my quota of being entirely inappropriate. but great ceremony, sir. " > Smiling at Edorel, the barkeep sets a goblet of blackberry stout on the bar. > Valynn glances at you. > Edorel gets a goblet of blackberry stout from atop a large bar. > Edorel applauds. > Dulcinie takes her rightful place beside Gallanthur. > Marganus asks, "My guild's mantra. You've heard it?" > Marganus says, "Power, duty, death." > Kiltan just went out. > Edorel takes a sip of his stout. > Erieck whispers, "she wanted to be here for this" > Sebestyen chuckles. > Dyminica nods to Cristoph. > whisper erie You did awesome bud, especially on short notice. You whisper to Erieck. > Cristoph nods to Dyminica. > Sebestyen says, "Explains much" > Humm whispers, "it went fantastic. it was a real event." > Marganus says, "While I was takin' care of the kids this past month I been thinkin' on it." > Marganus says, "There's three more words behind those." > Erieck whispers, "thanks, kinda wish I had a better gift but I couldn't think of something with great meaning that seemed appropo" > Marganus says, "honor, courage, loyalty." > You whisper to Dulcinie. > Lyathe gently kisses Edorel on the cheek. > Gaborn shakes Marsais's hand. > grin marg You grin at Marganus. > Gaborn waves to Lissha. > Edorel nods to Marganus. > Raising his harvest mead to Marganus, Sebestyen gives him a toast. > Gaborn nods to Chandore. > Dyminica chuckles. > Dulcinie whispers, "very well and you?" > Lissha takes a sip of her wine. > Gaborn snaps to attention and hails Edorel with a crisp hand salute. > Excetera playfully brushes the tip of her tail against Gaborn's waist. > Excetera takes a sip of her wine. > Marganus ponders. > Gaborn whispers something to Edorel. > Gallanthur whispers, "yes it went fabulous even if I missed a line or two" > Excetera puts her wine on a large bar. > whisper dulci Little longer than I like, but I thought well done. I hope we have many more of them for many more squires. You whisper to Dulcinie. > Gallanthur smiles at Edorel. > whisper dulci And, you did just awesome. Excetera gets a flask from atop a large bar. > You whisper to Dulcinie. > Marganus says, "One sec, grabbin' this thought." > Excetera puts her flask on a large bar. > Gaborn leans on Excetera. > Excetera gets a curling ivory flask crafted to resemble a ram's horn from inside her traveler's rucksack. > Edorel takes a sip of his stout. > pat gaborn You pat Gaborn on the back. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Bladesinger Chandore, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Excetera flashes a quick grin at Gaborn. > Erieck whispers, "Oh and I was wondering, are Ryalle's lessons on the paladin code continuing?" > Gaborn pats you on the back. > Excetera pours herself a shot of catnip-spiced milk from her flask. > Dyminica gives Cristoph a gentle poke in the ribs. > Dyminica gives Cristoph a smooch. > Cristoph grins at Dyminica. > Excetera puts her flask in her traveler's rucksack. > Lissha leans against a high-backed booth. > Lyathe waves to Gaborn. > Gaborn leans over and whispers, "Your working with him has paid off, it seems, my old friend" > Gaborn waves to Lyathe. > Gaborn leans on Lyathe. > whisper erie Yes, she will need to come to Shard or we will conduct them during visits while I am here. You whisper to Erieck. > Marganus says, "OK." > Lyathe smiles at Gaborn. > Dyminica winces. > Edorel beams at Lyathe! > Marganus says, "It works as a sentence." > Lyathe winks at Edorel. > whisper gaborn Yes, I think he did just fine. You whisper to Gaborn. > Excetera takes a sip of her milk. > Cristoph grins at Dyminica. > Humm takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Gaborn grins at you. > Lissha takes a sip of her wine. > Cristoph asks, "How's that taste?" > Humm studies the faces around him. > Cristoph peers quizzically at Humm. > think He even got one last trip to the moat. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts. > Lyathe says to Edorel, "Congratulations. This won't lessen any laps I give you, though." > Lyathe cackles at Edorel! > Erieck whispers, "Awesomeness...I know she was going to ask you about it tonight.." > Gallanthur just hugged Humm. > laug lyathe You laugh at Lyathe! > Lyathe winks at you. > Edorel nods to Lyathe. > Dyminica chuckles. > Edorel sighs deeply, looking very depressed. > Valynn begins chortling at Lyathe. > Humm says, "Quite nice, really." > Lyathe pats Edorel on the back. > Cristoph exclaims, "Hmm!" > Marganus says, "Honor gives you the power to take up your duty and fight with courage for what you lay loyal to to your death, or your enemies." > Cristoph nods to Humm. > Dulcinie whispers, "Thanks, it came off the cuff rather nicely and it's good to do happier things than what we've done more recently. Oh my email is I'd love a copy." > Edorel quietly says to Lyathe, "I was nervous and ran off to follow orders before dismissal." > Cristoph blinks at Dyminica. > Humm says, "At least it's stilll food." > Humm grins. > Dyminica chuckles. > Humm takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Marsais says to Marganus, "Well said." > Chandore says, "Alright. Time for this old rakash to find a ditch to sleep in." > Sebestyen says, "Well spoken indeed" > Humm offers Cristoph a goblet of rich bloodwyne. > Lyathe ponders. > Edorel says to Lyathe, "Necessary." > Raising his harvest mead to Marganus, Sebestyen gives him a toast. > Lyathe gazes at Edorel. > Cristoph accepts Humm's rich bloodwyne. > Gaborn pats Chandore on the back. > Marsais pats Chandore on the back. > Cristoph grins at Humm. > whisper dulci You bet. Marsais is going to distribute. He is pretty good at editing those things. You whisper to Dulcinie. > Chandore stretches his arms. > Sebestyen takes a sip of his mead. > Lissha takes a sip of her wine. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Bladesinger Chandore, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Edorel beams at Marganus! > Excetera just hugged Chandore. > pat marg You pat Marganus on the back. > Dyminica whines and complains bitterly and generally manages to act like the world was created specifically to inconvenience her. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Bladesinger Chandore, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Marganus grins. > Chandore hugs Excetera, getting a smile in return. > Cristoph asks, "My hints weren't too obvious, sirrah?" > Excetera smiles. > Dulcinie grins at you. > Cristoph takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Chandore exclaims, "Have fun!" > "I was amazed at the fine words everyone had. You say, "I was amazed at the fine words everyone had." > Erieck whispers, "And whichever works....heh she can make the trips to Shard, gosh only knows its an excellent reason to travel" > Kiltan just arrived. > "Just top notch. You say, "Just top notch." > Humm laughs! > Cristoph takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Chandore yawns expansively. > Sebestyen bows to Chandore. > Lyathe exclaims, "Ooooh I know! Sunshine yellow dress laps for being nervous!" > Lyathe rubs her hands together. > Chandore just left. > Cristoph offers Humm a goblet of rich bloodwyne. > Edorel nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views. > Marganus says, "Live like that and I think you'll be another excellent paladin." > Lyathe cackles at Edorel! > grin lya You grin at Lyathe. > Humm declines Cristoph's offer. > Smiling at Kiltan, the barkeep sets a goblet of blackberry stout on the bar. > Humm gets a goblet of rich bloodwyne from inside his journey pack. > Lissha chuckles. > Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. > Smiling at Kiltan, the barkeep sets a mug of Arthe Dale delight on the bar. > Excetera takes a sip of her milk. > Cristoph grins at Humm. > Marganus says to you, "See? Warmies aren't all bad." > Humm says, "Have fun." > Kiltan gets a mug of Arthe Dale delight from atop a large bar. > Humm grins. > Dulcinie chuckles. > laugh Marganus grins at you. > You laugh! > Humm sniffs the air around him. > Excetera smirks. > Sebestyen grins at Marganus. > "Top notch Marganus. You say, "Top notch Marganus." > Cristoph asks, "Where ya get the stuff?" > Edorel says to Marganus, "Thank you very much, Sir." > Humm glances at Excetera. > Marganus nods to Edorel. > Humm offers Excetera a goblet of rich bloodwyne. > Cristoph takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Humm bows to Excetera. > "I was afraid he would fall over from the gifts. You say, "I was afraid he would fall over from the gifts." > Excetera blinks. > Dyminica grins at Cristoph, her dimples flashing into view. > Marganus chuckles. > Excetera accepts Humm's rich bloodwyne. > Kiltan grins. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > Excetera's lips twitch slightly as she utters a brief, curious trill. > Sebestyen chuckles. > Valynn grins at you. > "Have to send him back to the moat during the ceremony. You say, "Have to send him back to the moat during the ceremony." > Lyathe is giggling at you. > Kiltan takes a sip of his delight. > grin You grin. > Excetera asks, "What is this?" > Valynn takes a sip of her ale. > Excetera sniffs at a goblet of rich bloodwyne. > Erieck says, "Criminy I wish I'd gotten so many gifts when I was knighted" > Erieck chortles softly at some secret joke. > You say, "I know. I think you slapped me on the helm and said good luck." > Cristoph takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Kiltan takes a sip of his delight. > grunt erie You grunt at Erieck. > Erieck laughs! > Valynn chortles softly at some secret joke. > Marganus chuckles. > Cristoph asks, "Got more in there...?" > Kiltan chuckles. > Humm says, "It's what it is." > Excetera gets a thoughtful expression on her face. > Cristoph peers quizzically at Humm. > Humm smiles. > Lissha grins. > Humm tilts his ears forward playfully. > Marsais chuckles. > Marganus guzzles down some of his whiskey and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve. Marganus gasps and chokes as his face takes on a bright reddish hue! > Excetera glances at a shot of catnip-spiced milk. > Lissha takes a sip of her wine. > Valynn takes a sip of her ale. > Erieck says, "That sounds about right" > Cristoph grins. > Excetera glances at a goblet of rich bloodwyne. > Various tones and shades of blue wash over the cerulean orb floating near Dulcinie, illuminating the surroundings in the full scale of rich, oceanic hues. > Edorel asks Erieck, "Would you like some of mine?" > Humm gets a goblet of rich bloodwyne from inside his journey pack. > Edorel grins sheepishly. > A bright flash of flame erupts from Marganus's hand, vaporizing the shot glass that he is holding into fine grey ash! > Kiltan clasps Gaborn's hand and rests his other hand upon Gaborn's shoulder. > Excetera trills softly to herself. > Humm takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Excetera says, "Quite good." > Erieck says, "I don't know how many people I did that too" > Gaborn clasps Kiltan's hand and rests his other hand upon Kiltan's shoulder. > Humm smiles. > whisper valynn Well dear. Travel tonight or wait for tomorrow. I have plenty of time if you want to go tonight. You whisper to Valynn. > Erieck says to Edorel, "And oh no! You earned keep em" > Erieck nods to Edorel. > Excetera says to Humm, "Thank you." > Kiltan looks thoughtfully at Gaborn. > Valynn whispers, "let's tomorrow? I need to log here shortly and return a phone call." > Dyminica whines and complains bitterly and generally manages to act like the world was created specifically to inconvenience her. > Erieck quietly says, "You'll need em..." > Erieck chortles softly at some secret joke. > Edorel beams at Fanya! > Humm says, "Quite welcome, good miss." > Edorel hugs Fanya gingerly, trying not to hurt her. > Cristoph sticks his tongue out at Dyminica. > whisper valynn Sounds good. You whisper to Valynn. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Hodierna's Hand Fanya, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Fanya smiles. > Fanya gently kisses Edorel on the cheek. > Edorel says to Fanya, "Be well, Lady Fanya." > Valynn ponders. > Excetera puts her milk in her traveler's rucksack. > Fanya says, "And you sir" > Fanya smiles. > Fanya waves. > Excetera takes a sip of her bloodwyne. Fanya hugs you, and you give her a smile in return. > Cheerfully sharing years of intense training, Dulcinie gives you several keen insights into Shield Usage that you did not expect. > Hodierna's Hand Fanya just went out. > bow fanya I do not understand what you mean. > Gaborn nods to Kiltan. > "Fast one there. You say, "Fast one there." > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Wind Walker Valynn, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Valynn says, "She's quick." > Excetera smiles. > Gaborn grins at Kiltan. > Valynn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views. > grin You grin. > Kiltan nods to Gaborn. > Humm takes a sip of his bloodwyne. > Lissha gets a glass of spiced wine from atop a large bar. > Excetera guzzles down some of her bloodwyne and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve. > Cristoph rummages through a hand-stitched traveler's pack but it's clear he hasn't a clue if what he is looking for is there. > Valynn says, "I'll be right back...I've something in my vault that needs out." > Kiltan takes a sip of his delight. > Valynn grins. > Excetera shifts uneasily, gazing fixedly at her claws. > Valynn puts her ale in her traveler's pack. > Wind Walker Valynn just went out. > chuckle You chuckle. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Smiling at Kiltan, the barkeep sets some red Langenfirth ale on the bar. > Dulcinie chuckles. > Edorel takes a sip of his stout. > Kiltan gets some red Langenfirth ale from atop a large bar. > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > Kiltan moves a mug of Arthe Dale delight to his left hand. Kiltan moves some red Langenfirth ale to his right hand. > Lyathe ponders. > Kiltan offers Gaborn some red Langenfirth ale. > Edorel pats Kiltan on the back. > Cristoph peers quizzically at Marsais. > Raising his blackberry stout to Kiltan, Edorel gives him a toast. > Sebestyen says, "Surely not a racoon or something.." > Gaborn accepts Kiltan's Langenfirth ale. > Marsais chuckles at Cristoph. > Sebestyen ponders. > Gaborn grins at Kiltan. > Edorel laughs at Sebestyen. > Gaborn quietly says, "Thank you, Kiltan" > Excetera chortles softly at some secret joke. > Kiltan grins at Gaborn. > look sebe You see Sebestyen Kuliniac, Knight of the Order of the Dragon Shield, a Human. Sebestyen has green eyes. His golden brown hair is short and fine, and is worn in a simple, loose style. He has smooth skin. He is in his prime for a Human. He is clean shaven. He has a tattoo of a lone ship at sea against a starry midnight-blue backdrop on his arm. He is in good shape. He is holding a mug of harvest mead in his right hand. He is wearing a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a gold kyanite gwethdesuan, a crimson tabard emblazoned with a gold rampant lion, a rich crimson leather travel pack emblazoned with a rampant gold lion, a dashing white linen shirt, an albredine crystal ring, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, a pair of heavy black wool trousers piped in grey and gold and some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs. > Listening carefully as Dulcinie expounds on the finer details of Shield Usage, you gradually see the light. > Dulcinie moves a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon to her right hand. > look madigan Gaborn sniffs at some red Langenfirth ale. > You are Sir Madigan De'Mascus, Veteran of the Therengia Infantry, a Human. You have silver eyes. Your silver hair is short and straight, and is worn loose. You have pale skin. You are clean shaven. You have a tattoo of a Paladin holding a Therengian standard and a drawn blade, which emits a fierce light as he valiantly faces the darkness on your back. You are in good shape. You are holding a shot of Tog whiskey in your right hand. You are wearing a forester's crossbow, some matte black woven reed greaves, an albredine crystal ring, a dark mistwood ring carved into the shape of a dragon's talon with a flawless silver wolf inlay, some gauntlets, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a silver teardrop, a diamond pin, a maned desumos fur with agate eyes, a warrior's tower shield, a gold Commander's badge, a hand-stitched traveler's pack, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, a claymore sheath, some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs, a bright gold lion amulet suspended from a heavy chain, a twisted cambrinth armband, a plain paper envelope, an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps, some half plate, a pilgrim's badge, a great helm and a plain linen gem pouch. > Erieck says to Marsais, "And hello to you too.." > Kiltan moves a mug of Arthe Dale delight to his right hand. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Gaborn takes a sip of his ale. > Marsais shakes Erieck's hand. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > Kiltan pats Gaborn on the back. > Sebestyen takes a sip of his mead. > Gaborn grins slowly. > Erieck shakes Marsais's hand. > Gallanthur moves a jouster's spear with a trefoil blade and firesilk pennon to his left hand. > Kiltan takes a sip of his delight. > Wind Walker Valynn just arrived. > Dulcinie offers Gallanthur a fire-gilded spear tethered with a dark blue pennon. > Valynn joins your group. > Erieck says to Gaborn, "and you too" > Gallanthur accepts Dulcinie's fire-gilded spear. > Erieck grins at Gaborn. > "Although, I must say that I was itching to wipe off the spear the shadowling barfed up before you gave it to Gallanthur. You say, "Although, I must say that I was itching to wipe off the spear the shadowling barfed up before you gave it to Gallanthur." > Gaborn grins at Erieck. > Erieck shakes Gaborn's hand. > Cristoph laughs! > Marganus chuckles. > Cristoph nods to Marsais. > Kiltan grins at you. > Erieck chuckles to himself. > Gaborn shakes Erieck's hand. > Marsais chuckles. > Valynn starts chortling at you! > Sebestyen chuckles. > Excetera opens a snow white fur-lined knapsack. > Dulcinie laughs at you! > Erieck chortles softly at some secret joke. > Lissha grins. > grin You grin. > Marsais says, "Murch would take offense." > Cristoph gets a goblet of blackberry stout from atop a large bar. > Kiltan takes a sip of his delight. > Lissha takes a sip of her wine. > Cristoph hums happily to himself. > Excetera opens a midnight-black herb pouch pinioned with blood-red iera flowers. > Excetera scratches one ear, looking bemused. > Carefully reviewing and synthesizing the lesson, Dulcinie imparts some of her Shield Usage skill to you. > Cristoph takes a sip of his stout. > Valynn says to Edorel, "I have one other gift I'd like to bestow." > Gallanthur slings his spear over his shoulder. > Dyminica bows her head and chants a prayer. > Dyminica seems to be concentrating intently on something. > Dyminica gestures. You hear a distant but hearty chuckle as a pint of Pale Ale appears in Dyminica's right hand! > look madigan You are Sir Madigan De'Mascus, Veteran of the Therengia Infantry, a Human. You have silver eyes. Your silver hair is short and straight, and is worn loose. You have pale skin. You are clean shaven. You have a tattoo of a Paladin holding a Therengian standard and a drawn blade, which emits a fierce light as he valiantly faces the darkness on your back. You are in good shape. You are holding a shot of Tog whiskey in your right hand. You are wearing a forester's crossbow, some matte black woven reed greaves, an albredine crystal ring, a dark mistwood ring carved into the shape of a dragon's talon with a flawless silver wolf inlay, some gauntlets, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a silver teardrop, a diamond pin, a maned desumos fur with agate eyes, a warrior's tower shield, a gold Commander's badge, a hand-stitched traveler's pack, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, a claymore sheath, some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs, a bright gold lion amulet suspended from a heavy chain, a twisted cambrinth armband, a plain paper envelope, an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps, some half plate, a pilgrim's badge, a great helm and a plain linen gem pouch. > tap my helm You tap a great helm that you are wearing. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Wind Walker Valynn, Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Valynn says to Edorel, "Something you already have, but this is a backup for it." > Valynn gets a warrior's tower shield from inside her traveler's pack. > The translucent sphere around Kiltan suddenly pops like a soap bubble. > Marsais whistles low. > Valynn offers Edorel a warrior's tower shield. > Erieck applauds. > Edorel beams at Valynn! > Edorel accepts Valynn's tower shield. > Gallanthur puts his spear in his greatsword sheath. > "Ohh, nice one Val. You say, "Ohh, nice one Val." > Lissha says, "nice" > Excetera whistles loudly for a moment. A full-grown raccoon scrambles in. > Erieck says, "An excellent shield.." > Humm appears to be concentrating intently on something. > Cristoph says, "Fancy." > Kiltan takes a sip of his delight. > Marganus grins. > Edorel exclaims to Valynn, "Thank you!" > A full-grown raccoon begins to whimper. > Valynn grins at Edorel. > Marganus says, "Now he'll fall over." > Marganus chuckles. > Erieck says, "Nah nah..he's sturdy..had to be after all the moat walkins.." > Sebestyen chuckles. > Cristoph grins at Gallanthur. > rpa bestow erie 1 You just bestowed 1 PIRP points on Erieck! > Edorel says to you, "When I asked Marsais to hold it, I didn't know that's what he was going to do." > A pained expression crosses Edorel's face. > chuckle Valynn says to Edorel, "I've had many break, so just in case." > You chuckle. > Lyathe grins at Erieck. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a full-grown raccoon, a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Wind Walker Valynn, Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel, Gallanthur, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Cristoph asks, "Gallanthur, you know that Zrxa fellow?" > A full-grown raccoon chitters noisily for a moment. > Kiltan nods. > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > exp weapon all Gaborn asks, "Would I be able to say a few things really quick about the newly Knighted Edorel?" > Marganus grins. > Erieck says to Lyathe, "Well it only makes good sense" > Edorel says to Valynn, "It's a wonderful shield, I'm very thankful for it." > Erieck winks at Lyathe. > Gallanthur says, "yes Christoph" > Dulcinie demonstrates the science of Shield Usage, extolling its virtues, techniques, and uses at some length. > Marganus pats Gaborn on the back. > Valynn whispers, "Very nice ceremony, maite." > Excetera trills softly at Gaborn. > Valynn grins at Gaborn. > "Fire away Gaborn. You say, "Fire away Gaborn." > Erieck says, "here here Gaborn..indulge" > Cristoph asks, "Is he upset still about that jousting jest?" > Valynn gets some red Langenfirth ale from inside her traveler's pack. > Gaborn says, "Well, let me start at the beginning" > Gaborn coughs. > Cristoph says, "He seemed like a good fellow, and I fear I've offended him." > Dulcinie asks, "Jousting Jest?" > Valynn says, "Take a seat, everyone." > Valynn winks at Gaborn. > Gaborn grins at Valynn. > Dyminica takes a seat. > Gaborn sits down on the high-backed booth. > Edorel smiles at Gaborn. > Ripples of gleaming cerulean light exude from the orb hovering near Dulcinie causing her skin to take on the texture and color of a babbling brook. > Gallanthur sits down on the high-backed booth. > Edorel takes a seat. > Excetera kneels down. > Dulcinie refreshes your memory and continues to train you in the Shield Usage skill. > Gaborn says, "When I first met Edorel, some years ago, I was pleased to see a young squire looking to turn himself into a great knight" > A full-grown raccoon sits down. > Cristoph strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation. > Dyminica puts her Ale on a large bar. > Gaborn says, "I've seen, at least in part, some of his instruction at the hands of the Great Paladins." > Excetera grins at a full-grown raccoon. > Dyminica bows her head and chants a prayer. > Dyminica gestures. You hear a distant but hearty chuckle as a tankard of Gor'Tog bloodgrog appears in Dyminica's right hand! > A full-grown raccoon sniffs at the air. > Dyminica puts her bloodgrog on a large bar. > Smiling at Kiltan, the barkeep sets some red Langenfirth ale on the bar. > Kiltan gets some red Langenfirth ale from atop a large bar. > The cerulean orb floats serenely in the air, just above Dulcinie's head. > Marganus rummages through a cambrinth-clasped leather backpack stitched with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild in silver thread with a frantic look of loss. > A full-grown raccoon licks at its paws. > Gaborn says, "And, I'm very happy to say I feel safer in Therengia, and in our fair world, knowing that there is yet another knight of such honor and decency as the ones who have come before." > Dulcinie expounds patiently and clearly to you on some nuances of Shield Usage that had heretofore escaped you. > Gaborn says, "With that, I say..." > Gaborn stands up. > Excetera smiles. > Gaborn says, "Congratulations, Sir Edorel, on your glorious accomplishment." > Edorel beams at Gaborn! > Raising his blackberry stout to Edorel, Cristoph gives him a toast. > Valynn says, "Here, here." > Raising his Langenfirth ale to Edorel, Kiltan gives him a toast. > Excetera nods. > Raising his Langenfirth ale to Edorel, Marganus gives him a toast. > Edorel says, "My thanks, sir. I'm honored by your words." > Raising his harvest mead to Edorel, Sebestyen gives him a toast. > Edorel takes a sip of his stout. > Raising her Langenfirth ale to Gaborn, Valynn gives him a toast. > Gaborn says, "May you serve your God, your home, and your friends as well as you can" > Erieck grins. > Dyminica bows her head and chants a prayer. > Dulcinie applauds. > Raising his blackberry stout to Gaborn, Edorel gives him a toast. > Dyminica gestures. You hear a distant but hearty chuckle as a mug of flaming glogg appears in Dyminica's right hand! > Erieck applauds. > Marsais applauds. > Dulcinie applauds. > Dyminica puts her glogg on a large bar. > Dyminica bows her head and chants a prayer. > Raising his Langenfirth ale to Gaborn, Kiltan gives him a toast. > Gaborn says, "You make us proud, my friend" > Dyminica gestures. You hear a distant but hearty chuckle as a shot of Iron Hill whiskey appears in Dyminica's right hand! > applaud gaborn Raising your Tog whiskey to Gaborn, you give him a toast. Cheers! > Edorel bows to Gaborn. > Kiltan takes a sip of his ale. > "Here, here. You say, "Here, here." > A full-grown raccoon scratches its nose with its two front paws. > Dyminica takes a sip of her whiskey. > dri my whis You take a sip of the whiskey. > Marganus says to Gaborn, "Nicely said." > Gaborn bows. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a full-grown raccoon that is sitting, a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Wind Walker Valynn, Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica who is sitting, Sir Edorel who is sitting, Gallanthur who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera who is kneeling, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > You observe closely as Dulcinie shows you how to effectively employ the Shield Usage skill. > Kiltan nods to Gaborn. > Excetera's tail undulates lazily through the air. > Gaborn says, "Thank you" > "Didn't know we had so many good speakers in Theren. You say, "Didn't know we had so many good speakers in Theren." > Gaborn says, "I'm sorry i wasn't here sooner." > Valynn grins at you. > Gaborn says, "I ran into... difficulties elsewhere." > Gaborn chuckles. > Marganus grins at you. > Gaborn pats Edorel on the back. > Kiltan grins at Gaborn. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a full-grown raccoon that is sitting, a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Wind Walker Valynn, Kiltan, Gaborn, Chosen Dyminica who is sitting, Sir Edorel who is sitting, Gallanthur who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera who is kneeling, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Gaborn says to Edorel, "Seriously, great work, and keep doing what you do." > Kiltan takes a sip of his ale. > Gaborn nods. > Edorel says to Gaborn, "Oh, it's quite alright. I smell less like moat now." > Lyathe takes a sip of her wine. > Gaborn sits down on the high-backed booth. > Dyminica stands up. > Edorel grins sheepishly at Gaborn. > Sebestyen says, "It is deeds, not words.." > Gaborn laughs! > Excetera sniffs at Edorel. > Sebestyen says, "We do not speak much" > Marganus nods to Sebestyen. > Sebestyen nods to you. > Lyathe squints at Edorel. > Lyathe mutters something into the air about fix that. > Excetera scratches one ear, looking bemused. > Lyathe hums to herself. > Kiltan takes a sip of his ale. > Gaborn says, "well, don't think that some out there won't find a reason to toss you in from time to time, my friend" > Gaborn chuckles. > Gaborn grins evilly. > Kiltan grins at Lyathe. > Edorel glances at Lyathe. > Dulcinie inventively demonstrates how to use the Shield Usage skill to best advantage. > Edorel edges away from Lyathe. > Edorel edges away from Lyathe. > chuckle You chuckle. > look [The Telgar Inn, Tavern Room] The Telger Inn Tavern is known for its assortment of high quality local brews and fine imports. Its kitchen offers the finest meals in the north, if your tastes run to fresh game and fish. A large bar runs the width of the room, and a row of booths sits in the back. The front of the tavern has several large tables to serve large groups of people. The smell of roasting meat and fresh baking bread mingle with the sharper odor of newly brewed stout. You also see a full-grown raccoon that is sitting, a chalkboard menu, a large table and a barkeep. Also here: Wind Walker Valynn, Kiltan, Gaborn who is sitting, Chosen Dyminica, Sir Edorel who is sitting, Gallanthur who is sitting, Sir Cristoph, Marsais who is sitting, Davafro Vayato Humm, Sir Erieck who is sitting, Excetera who is kneeling, Commander Dulcinie who is sitting, Steel Heart Marganus, Battle Empath Lyathe, Sebestyen, Soldier Lissha who is sitting. Obvious exits: out. > Lyathe appears to be trying hard not to grin. > stow whis You put your whiskey in your traveler's pack. > Valynn begins chortling at Gaborn. > Dulcinie says, "I need to go into thoughts and prayers for a moment." > Dulcinie's eyes glaze over as she loses herself in a daydream. > Lyathe winks at Edorel. > Erieck whispers, " Therengian militias and military has come along ways my friend.." > Valynn takes a sip of her ale. > Marganus grins. > "Speaking of such, I believe I am going to head to Rossmans to finish packing the house. You say, "Speaking of such, I believe I am going to head to Rossmans to finish packing the house." >