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Status: Alive
Guild: Bard
Race: Gnome
Gender: Female
Location: Ratha (Ranik Map 91)
Type: guild leader


Guildleader Lileyew is small even for a Gnome, her long golden hair spilling over the dark blue of her tunic. Sparkling green eyes filled with merriment meet yours, a bubbling smile on her lips. Her hands constantly twitch as if unused to lying idle. She is not obviously armed, but you can just see the hilt of a small blade at her waist, suggesting that she is far more capable of defending herself than her demeanor might suggest.

Bard Introduction Speech

Lileyew nods at you. "All right, you sound like you are sure! Let's get down to work so you can become a bard and have all the real fun!"

For 18 moon cycles you train with Lileyew, listening closely as the little Gnome teaches you the way of her craft. With other classmates, you come close to weeping as the ballad of Kanton and Sorril is recited, along with other myriad tales. After many days of serious lectures intermixed with random sing-alongs and fanciful stories, she finally says with a sigh, "It's time. You're as ready as you'll ever be, but before you journey forth to practice what you've learned, there are a few more things I must tell you."

"Well, Kraggar," she says with a heartfelt sigh, "I've enjoyed talking with you about the Guild but it's time for me to set you on your path. Let's discuss your future..."

"First, I'll be teaching you a song once we're done talking. There'll be more in the future. When the proper time comes, we'll impart this knowledge to you, but not until then."

"You should also know that your instrument is your life, in many ways. It will be the vessel for your magic for some songs. I recommend that you learn the stringed instrument skill for now, since many songs shall depend upon it."

"Fatigue, concentration, skill, and remaining true to bardic ways will ensure that you are successful in your life. You will find soon that there are scrolls for sale in several shops from which you may learn common songs and that, eventually, when you are older, you will be able to teach these songs to other bards." Lileyew beams at you.

"Now to start yourself off right," Lileyew says, "make sure you find yourself some armor suited to you -- perhaps a chain shirt and helm -- and a good weapon -- like a scimitar -- if you have not already. You'll want some sort of instrument as well -- a lyre of some sort. You'll be able to start your training quickly with all that."

She says, "You've got a decent contrabass voice, Kraggar, but it won't become your ally if you don't use it and practice. You'll find after singing too much that you'll need to get a drink and rest your voice. This happens to all bards and offers a chance to listen to others rather than yourself."

"Before you leave, I will teach you one enchante of your choosing. Simply ASK me ABOUT MAGIC in order to see those you may learn, but be warned that once I teach you one of these enchantes, you will need to gain more in skill and strength before you are able to learn another."

"Get going now," she says with a shooing motion. "Next time I see you -- if you've heeded my advice -- you'll be ready to move onward."