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Kilam's Locks access quest

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Kilam's locksmith shop in Shard is an underground locksmith shop fronted by his brother Malik's music shop found here.

  1. Enter the shop 'Malik the True Bard'
  2. ASK MALIK ABOUT THIEVES: Malik nods at you. "Just order something and offer more than you can afford," he says with a wink.
  3. ORDER <INSTRUMENT>: Malik nods and says, "That would suit you well! I can let that go for...XXX doks."
  4. OFFER <AMOUNT>: Offer more than the instrument costs. This amount must be more money than you're actually carrying.
  5. OFFER <AMOUNT>: To confirm your offer.

You realize to your horror that you don't have enough to pay for your purchase!
Malik blinks at you, then blinks again. "Well," he says, looking more than a little upset. "I -- I -- Rivric! Donnam!"
From the back of the shop, two large Gor'Togs step out, growl at you and haul you out of the shop!
They drag you out, and then through an alley and throw you through a recessed door. You find yourself....

[Shard, Kilam's Locks]
Hidden away in the basement beneath Malik's Musical Instruments lies the shop of his brother Kilam, Shard's specialist in locks and picks. The shop's walls and floor are bare unfinished stone, while heavy pine beams support the building above. Subdued street noises filter through a narrow barred window near the ceiling, and occasional muffled footsteps echo through the quiet store as booted feet walk overhead. You also see a trapdoor in the roof, The Locksmith Kilam, a deep oak bucket and an ironwood workbench.
Obvious exits: none.