Item:Velvety caramel-hued cape festooned with chocolate-brown ribbons

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velvety caramel-hued cape festooned with chocolate-brown ribbons
  • (when purchased): You see nothing unusual.
  • (after the 1st bite): The garment is tattered along the edges, likely causing it to flap in the breeze.
  • (after the 2nd bite): Numerous holes riddle the garment, leaving dubious protection against the elements.
  • (after the 3rd bite): All that is left is a strip of material that drapes around the shoulders.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: Unknown
Uses: 4
Appraised Cost: 1,875 Kronars1,500 Lirums <br />1,353 Dokoras <br />1.875 LTBpoints <br />1.875 Tickets <br />1.875 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item is worn in the shoulders slot.
  • This item is food.
Dimensions: 12 length x 8 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is I'll Eat My Hat (4), I'll Eat My Hat (3)


  • EAT: Gooey and sticks to the roof of your mouth.
note that the 4th bite will consume this item entirely.