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Item:Tattered sharkskin cloak

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

tattered sharkskin cloak
Look: The garment remains mostly serviceable, though in several places, the sharkskin has worn very thin. A sharp ocean-salt odor clings to the material.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 1,500 Kronars1,200 Lirums <br />1,082.4 Dokoras <br />1.5 LTBpoints <br />1.5 Tickets <br />1.5 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shoulders slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Capacity: 3 length x 3 width x 3 height (200 stones)
Sources: Source is Curse of the Ghost Ship/Incidental Loot
  • STUDY: Glancing at your cloak, you believe you can TURN, HUG, SHAKE, PULL, RUB, ROLL, WAVE, THROW, KISS and STUDY it. You believe that beyond TURNING and SHAKING your cloak, you must be wearing the cloak to interact with it.
  • TURN: You turn back the edge of your cloak, revealing the inner lining.
  • HUG: You pull your skarskin cloak around yourself.
  • SHAKE: (wearing) You shiver beneath your skarskin cloak.
  • SHAKE: (holding) You shake out your skarskin cloak.
  • PULL: You draw your skarskin cloak away from your hips.
  • RUB: You run your hand down the length of your skarskin cloak.
  • ROLL: You wring your skarskin cloak between your hands.
  • WAVE: You grab the edge of your skarskin cloak and flap it about.
  • THROW: You flip your skarskin cloak over your shoulders.
  • KISS: You wipe your mouth on the hem of your skarskin cloak.