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Item:Tapered knitting needles (crafted)

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A tapered knitting needles is a metal blacksmithing template.

It is a 06- Somewhat Challenging template, uses 4 volumes of metal, and is covered by the Basic Outfitting Design technique.

It is 3 by 1 by 1 spans.


Used unweighted medium carbon steel for reference.

Hardness Material
Speed Construction Tempered
85 60 05- not very 06- s.unsound 10- a bit


This crafting tool derives its potency from the material's hardness and weight (harder is better, lower is better).

Hardness / Weight Material
Speed Construction Tempered
90 - Steel (HCS) / 15 25 06- sort of 01- e.weak 03- q.fragile
85 - Steel (MCS) / 15 60 06- sort of 06- s.unsound 10- a bit
80 - Steel (LCS) / 20 80 05- not very 09- average 14- v.strong
80 - Steel (LCS) / 15 80 06- sort of 09- average 14- v.strong

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