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Item:Southern blue bycid

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

southern blue bycid
Look: About the size of a typical house cat, the long body of the beetle is covered in the short, blue-tipped spines which inspired its name. Six large legs fan out from its dark brown carapace, accompanied by two strong sets of mandibles at the front of the head. Round, blue-black eyes protrude from its head, unblinking and ever watchful.
Metal: Unknown
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Sold by Caged for 159,000 Lirums
Source is Caged


  • TOUCH: The blue bycid makes an alarmed chirping noise as you approach it, and you decide to back off.
  • RUB: You brush your hand along the back of the blue bycid, quickly recoiling away from the needle-sharp spines.
  • SCRATCH: You gently scratch the head of a southern blue bycid with one finger. The bycid clicks and chitters in approval.