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Item:Soft pale grey woolen cloak hooded with a white ermine cowl

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

soft pale grey woolen cloak hooded with a white ermine cowl
Look: Tiny crystals trim this full-length cloak, forming intricate designs and interlocking patterns.
Weight: 20 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 66,552 Kronars53,241.6 Lirums <br />48,023.923 Dokoras <br />66.552 LTBpoints <br />66.552 Tickets <br />66.552 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shoulders slot.
Capacity: 3 length x 3 width x 3 height (200 stones)
Sources: Source is Griffth's Yurt
  • STUDY: The woolen cloak is a simple garment. You could PULL the hood over your head or off of it.
  • PULL: You pull the hood of your cloak over your head.
  • PULL: You pull the hood of your cloak off of your head.
  • Note, does not hide features or change appearance at all.