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Item:Plush cat-shaped slippers covered in metallic rainbow glitter

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plush cat-shaped slippers covered in metallic rainbow glitter
Look: Crafted from a lavish blend of sumptuously soft materials and padded with fluffy cotton filling, these plush slippers resemble a pair of slumbering felines. Midnight-hued flannel patterned with an array of brightly shaded stars lines the interior. Fiercely sparkling glitter in every rainbow hue coats the exterior, giving the snowy cats an artful pattern of spirals, stripes, and spots. Flexible, plume-like tails striped with even more glitter serve as the footwear's snug ankle straps.
Weight: 3 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 50000 Kronars40,000 Lirums <br />36,080 Dokoras <br />50 LTBpoints <br />50 Tickets <br />50 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in the feet slot.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Split Personalities (3), Puffy lipka cotton duffel bag shaped like an oversized star-spotted kitty cat

As you study the slippers, you think you could probably wear, remove, push and tickle it.

Push: You shuffle around in your plush cat-shaped slippers, the glittering footwear emitting a series of progressively louder mews, meows, and mrrps as you move.

Tickle: You wiggle your toes within your plush cat-shaped slippers and the footwear curls a bit more tightly around your feet. A soft thrumming purr reverberates through the footwear, the sensation seeming to lightly massage your feet.