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Item:Plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf

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plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf
Look: The playfully disguised pillow is expertly rendered in soft fabric and overstuffed with fluffy fibers to give shape.
Weight: 15 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Properties: This is an item.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 6 length x 4 width x 2 height
Sources: Source is Inventor's Worktable

Verb Actions
HUG First Person: You bury your face in a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf, inhaling a ??? fragrance.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> buries her face in a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf.
LIE First Person: You lie down and make yourself comfortable, snuggling up to a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf with a contented sigh.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> lies down and makes herself comfortable, snuggling up to a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf with a contented sigh.
POKE First Person: You poke at a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf, inhaling a ??? fragrance as you fluff it.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> fluffs a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf with a smile.
SMELL First Person: You sniff at a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf. It has a ??? scent.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> sniffs at a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf.
SNUGGLE First Person: You snuggle up to a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf with a drowsy smile. Nap time!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> snuggles up to a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf with a drowsy smile.
THROW at target First Person: You fling your gabardine snowman at <target>!

A direct hit!
<Target> is stunned!

Second Person: <Player> flings a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf at you!

The gabardine snowman smacks you dead-on!
You are stunned!

Third person messaging needed.
THROW (self) First Person: You throw the gabardine snowman up into the air, catching it with an awkward lunge.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> throws her gabardine snowman} up into the air, catching it on the way down with an awkward lunge.
WAVE at target First Person: You wind up and swing at <Target> with a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf, hitting her in the back!
Second Person: Brandishing a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf, <Player> winds up and whaps you in the back!
Third person messaging needed.
WAVE (self) First Person: You hit yourself in the head with a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> winds up and thwaps herself in the head with a plump gabardine snowman with wearing a dapper top hat and scarf!