Item:Small picnic basket interwoven with embroidered silk ribbon

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(Redirected from Item:Neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest)
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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

small picnic basket interwoven with embroidered silk ribbon
Look: Picked out in bright colors, the pale silk bears a repeating pattern of guild crests. The picnic basket is currently closed. You can open it to set up your picnic.

A picnic basket reads:
"Festive Greetings 423!"

Weight: 220 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shoulder slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 4 length x 3 width x 3 height

  • STUDY: This picnic basket can hold a variety of food and drink items for meals on the go. You can OPEN it to spread the cloth upon the ground, PUT new items in the basket or on the cloth, and GET the cloth to retrieve it. You also might want to try to SIT, LIE, RUB, POKE and PULL the basket and/or cloth for some added fun!
  • OPEN: You pull a neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest out of your picnic basket, setting the basket aside as you spread the cloth out on the ground.
  • GET: You gather up the food spread out on a neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest, bundle it all into a small picnic basket interwoven with embroidered silk ribbon, and close the lid securely.
  • PUT in basket: You open the lid to your picnic basket and put <item> inside before closing the lid securely.
*note: You can place food and drink into the basket, however you must open the basket to remove the items from the cloth.
  • PUT on cloth: You put a <item> on a neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest.
  • SIT on cloth: You settle yourself on a neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest.
  • LIE on cloth: You lie down on a neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest.
  • RUB basket: You rub your belly as you gaze longingly at your picnic basket. You can't wait to dig in!
  • RUB cloth: You lie down on a neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest.
  • POKE basket: You sneak a peek inside the basket and see a neatly-hemmed picnic cloth centered with an embroidered Estate Holder crest obscuring anything that might be underneath.
  • POKE cloth: You poke your picnic cloth, attempting to eliminate any unwanted insects or crumbs.
  • PULL basket: You swing your picnic basket back and forth, nearly spilling its contents all over the place!
  • PULL cloth: You straighten the cloth, smoothing out the wrinkles.