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Item:Lacquered teak telescope with swirling moabi inlay

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lacquered teak telescope with swirling moabi inlay
Look: Heavily layered in lacquer, the teak has a glossy sheen to it, like a watery night sky. Fourteen tiny oravir stars are inset into the barrel and form the constellation of the Wolf. Carved, heavily whorled pinkish-brown moabi form clouds that surround and threaten to engulf the silvery-white metal stars.
Weight: 30 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 1 Kronars0.8 Lirums <br />0.722 Dokoras <br />0.001 LTBpoints <br />0.001 Tickets <br />0.001 Scrips <br />
  • This item is styled or has special functions for Moon Mages.
Dimensions: 3 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Moon Mage Conclaves

Poorly made.

See also